Estimated Standings by Breed - Maine Coon

Kittens (309)
Rank Name Region Score
1Chemicoons Helium of Concordance NE7297
2Chemicoons Leonard H PHD of LAPD GL7080
3Archcoongel Personal Jesus ES7072
4Whatatrill Dot Dot Dot MP6750
5Mainevu Testarossa of Madinina ES6652
6Gglegacy Angelstarrynite NE6556
7Carolinameows Red Hot Cadillac SE6511
8Chemicoons Diluted Solution SC6414
9Windwalker Caesar MP6309
10Chatile Caruso of Amangroup AE6138
11Broadsway Sirius of Mishikoonz NW6108
12Allywood Brienne IN6043
13Sassietat Aloysius of Aslanpaw MA6027
14Sweet Garden Papajump AW5960
15SaraJen Leinenkugel Honey Weiss MA5764
16Katahdinpines Goddess Gaia EN5663
17Jullyginger Spencer of Gladius/ID AE5604
18Katahdinpines Eslmeralda EN5282
19Cuzzoe Gotcha at Sportingfields SE4756
20MTNest Linus Pawling MA4748
21Chemicoons Penny of Aristopearls EN4531
22Ranchcats Texas Red SC4427
23Lights Lucifer AW4318
24Ishcus Quevaga EW4023
25Sportingfields Highland Brave SE3867
26Royallions Knightdragon SE3860
27Broadsway Red Bomber of Dracoonfly NE3800
28Mainevu Burning Ring O Fire SE3580
29Hataricoon Potosi SA3520
30Minamifuji Ribbon No Yume AE3360
31Coonamor Personaljesus ES3354
32MTNest Oasis MA3213
33Whatatrill Radiant Rachel MP3130
34SaraJen Kraken Black Spiced 94 MA3079
35MTNest Sherman of Woodpile NW3060
36SaraJen JTS Brown MA3045
37Florence Coon Delizia/ID NW3044
38Cascademtn Lumberjack SW2984
39MTNest Little John MA2950
40Sportingfields Color My World SC2924
41Amayalynx Lilou ES2897
42Gglegacy Stardustangel NE2843
43Arlecoon Charles-Junior EN2736
44Coons'kin Cherry Bomb SW2554
45I'm Big Easy BlackSalt EN2497
46Mainesuspect Easy Rawlins SW2461
47Siqing Homeland D-Chilli AW2420
48Whatatrill Miss Nora of Ranchcats SC2263
49Mainevu Mackenzie of ABSCatz NE2119
50Monterini Haval AW2092
51Wistariantale Flowery Orange Pekoe ES2090
52TSantosgatos Naomi SA2024
52TWhatatrill Alexandra of Dracoonfly NE2024
54MTNest Moon River MA2023
55Mtnest Caballero of Hataricoon SA2014
56Prosto Noetdam EN2006
57Westlakes Typhoon EW1991
58Octavia Koenigsblick EW1977
59Sarajen Jacobs Creek MA1957
603dogscattery Neptune Damian AW1935
61GGLegacy Angelrexton NE1933
62Migatobonito Jessipurr Rabbit EW1914
63Myluckystars Miss Scarlett SC1908
64Chemicoons Loxa Blue of Dracoonfly NE1903
65Goldentown Thor EN1844
66Hopecats Sofi Tukker SE1727
67Amazonka Soir de Luna EN1726
68Aristopearls Nathaniel EN1684
69Delamonarquia Cronos SA1655
70Chatile Zaccanti AE1647
71Forest Beauty Tuzemets EN1560
72Narnia Gentle Predator EW1543
73Osagboro of Etherea AW1540
74Erebor Luthien Tinuviel GL1495
75Dawntreader Aphrodite SC1455
76Prairiebaby Sterling Silver SE1405
77Q* Two Steps Murrena Coon of LuhhocoSA1400
78MTNest Mosaic MA1396
79Black Jaguar Ireland13 EW1363
80Kizzacoons Yarra EW1332
81Jullyginger Spencer AE1294
82Minamifuji Baccart AE1261
83Shonancats Absinthe AE1256
84Aslanpaw Atticus MA1240
85Canon Nayuta AE1231
86Larhae Polaris of Williamina NW1223
87GigantCat Scarlett Pleasure EN1213
88MTNest Trapper John SE1190
89Webecoons Little Miss Muffet SE1166
90Silverfern Paramount EN1162
91Hataricoon Cowgirl SA1131
92Silverfern Jean Luc Picard EN1129
93Ariya Ariel NW1113
94Pepite Des Hauts Du Parc ES1110
95Papaya Icestorm EN1108
96Auryn Shades MP1101
97Popololani Duke AE1082
98Val Santarem Aurora of Deabaete SA1058
99StarArk ELegant Lusha EN1051
100ABSCatz Sophisticated Lady NE1044
101TWindwalker Gabbana MP1039
101TKenyar Kot W Butach*PL EN1039
103Abscatz Axel Smoke Rising NE1037
104Larhae Caramella NW1032
105Popokilani Rose AE1006
106Sassietat Mary Lou of Ranchcats SC997
107H*leon Dalong*CN AW985
108Skysupernova Elf Sven EN979
109Crystalmoon Ulquiorra Cifer EW978
110TQuido Caramellocoon ES975
110TTremethick Dreamsicle MA975
112Tremethick Bombur MA966
113Tri-D Izyum ES939
114Kaibab Forest of Caesarheadcoon SE936
115Rascoon Zola SA933
116Arkancoons Beauxdacious SC931
117T'Dark Side of The Moon SC929
118HookedonCoons Uno13 NW903
119Calicoon Ms Blessing of Caesarhead SE871
120Coonamor Flash Ah Ah NW870
121Bebecoon Tito AW860
122Lazar Blue Ridge/FI NW850
123Popokilani Zachary AE841
124Vademar Jade ES825
125Paleeni NH Knickerbocker of Sarajen MA818
126Pugovka Est Corund EN802
127OhSerenite Special K NE795
128TBlues of Fluffy Fay ES792
128TCadazz Wizaria of Deabaete SA792
130Minamifuji Fiora AE791
131Lionheartcoon India ES787
132Mainesail Langston SE784
133Serenata Diurna de Baracoa -E ES772
134Hugo of Friendly Kot ES770
135Ravenspurr LI Rascallion NW769
136TKoontyme Justify of Mainely-Ours/CF SW764
136TKatahdinPines Escada EN764
138Zholgay Altan Khatan of Marikoons NE755
139Allywood Dracarys EN752
140Pumky Des Sables D'Yon ES742
141Bajacoon Italianinha SA737
142Shaman Hut Odin ES726
143Sportingfields Wind Walker SE724
144Winerau Viva ES709
145Bajacoon Olenka SA708
146TMuusa Olivia SA704
146TDalikacoon Archie ES704
148Starletcoon Mary of Tingaling AE703
149Honey Devil Kumiko of Aoi Neko NW695
150Arkancoons Gothic Calypso SC694
151Silverfern Nella at Ishcus EW693
152Cascademtn Luck Be A Lady SW692
153Erebor Balin Lord Moria GL691
154Myluckystars Vega SC684
155Kizzacoons Tutti Fruity Puddleduck EW681
156Kizzacoons Lady Million EW678
157Windinwillows Clipper EN676
158MTNest Calliope MA658
159Philiberte Du Coeur Des Terres ES657
160Chatile Silky Irene AE653
161Mtnview Oakley NW643
162Simbababy Freya AW635
163Betunes Aruba SA627
164Hookedoncoons Mewgene Levy NE599
165Konakats Cato Spoticus SC595
166Ttcats Ima Purrdy Lady MP593
167Indy of Gina's Dream ES575
168Arkancoons Badass Bastet SC571
169Chemicoons Sammy Hagar SC568
170Gigantcat Eevee of Katahdinpines EN566
171Larkistaff Salvador EN562
172Skysupernova Django EN561
173Windinwillows Patsy EN560
174Mainesuspect Mi Os SW557
175Amangroup Vari AE554
176Darmorev I Own The Night NW553
177Foxy Roxy EN543
178TRoyallions Leonidas SE515
178TQualypo des Felins De Lutece ES515
180Chatile Hibari of 7storm AE512
181THatun Arturo SA507
181TSRCoons Vanity Fair NE507
183Shonycoon's Eclipse ES505
184Ripcity Hermione of Mymains NW487
185TPap Pao AW483
185TBestseller Tic-Tac EN483
187KatahdinPines Ghost Story EN477
188Yatazakura Theo AE476
189Joffrey Sheremy MA466
190Dawntreader Panda Po SC465
191Ravenspurr Kiki Dee of Quasarcats NW455
192TMigatobonito Bryanfurry of Mewstone EW454
192TIshcus Quiet Assassin EW454
194Dracoonfly Thyme Flies NE450
195TCoons'kin Yoffi SW447
195TKingcooncats Benson NE447
197Hatun Aragon SA446
198Olimp Apogeya EW445
199Hagar Afgan*PL EN430
200Perle Des Sables D'Yon ES429
201Gatofeliz Hypnos AE426
202Purple Blues Du Val D'Azzarine ES420
203Uthopia Of CaDazz*SK ES413
204Dawntreader Cindy Lou of Ranchcats SC410
205Happytrills Well Always Have Paris SC405
206Kelimcoons Prism of Bigrivercoon NW403
207TBroadsway Minerva of Fancythat MA401
207TKonakats Denver SC401
209Adrianaland's Dakarai EN397
210TSimple Stream Leo AE394
210TSarajen Lagunitas NE394
212AngelsKiss Calomon EN392
213Katahdinpines Godfather EN387
214Allywood Camomile EN378
215TRumford Ruby of Fujicats SW374
215TIlias of Gina's Dream SC374
217Konakats Banzai Pipe of Cascademtn SW371
218Quinoa de L'Empire Du Geant ES363
219Yatazakura Mai AE354
220Heart Stealer Velvet Fox SC352
221Ranchcats Lorena of Happytrills SC347
222Ironcat's Tiara/WC SA345
223Tingara Tamon AE339
224Bacchus Nagi AE335
225Le Beau Minu Embraceable You NE333
226WindinWillows Uslada EN332
227Hareruyah Seven Souls AE324
228Cankcats Jolanda Con Charme ES320
229AnaisCharm*RU Lord EN319
230English Muffin Olimpian*RU ES315
231Sportingfields Twist And Shout SC299
232Myluckystars Rohan of Tuftsntrills SC286
233Arlecoon Elka EN285
234Olivia Goodfild ES277
235Vademar Krillin ES275
236TKizzacoons Hemmingway's Rocky EW272
236TKonakats Mountaineer of Cascademtn SW272
238Rosalia From Mazuninadom GL264
239Dreamscometrue Freya EW262
240Gattacamoon Odessa EN254
241TMtnest I am Mr. Blue MA249
241TCascademtn Alchemy of Chemicoons GL249
243Queen Lady Bay Highands ES248
244Caesarheadcoon Sedona SE233
245Dawntreader Juliet SC222
246Evaddhia PeeWee's Adventure EN221
247Amerikoons Tiger Lily of Atlastcats NE212
248Marikoons Jethro Tull NE211
249Lights TT AW209
250Darmorev Fire And Ice Filigree NW208
251Myluckystars Blue Ivy SC207
252TKonakats Autumn of Webecoons SE205
252TSteelecats Sylvia of Tuftsntrills SC205
254Vesta Artirmax Elbarko EW204
255Abscatz Simone of Mainevu SE201
256MTNest Afterburner MA200
257Boundingmaines Galen MP198
258Tingara Kanesada AE191
259Nebraskcoons Zoey GL188
260Chatile Blick of Starletcoon AE186
261TCaesarhead Penny Master SE185
261THoneydevil Rhapsody Queen ES185
263TFor Your Eyes Only Tempio Felinox MA183
263TSportingfields Princess Merida SE183
265Cascademtn Aspen of Konacats SC181
266TCat's Coon Phoebe Pomme Frite ES177
266TLelien Matthew AE177
268Escape To Love Wild Pearl, CZ ES176
269MTNest Persephone MA175
270Elegantlynx Persimmon NE171
271Giant Emma Vhenan GL169
272TMarikoons Halestorm NE168
272TAcoonstale Avalon SC168
274Shonancats Ca Sven AE166
275Cloistercoon Juniper MA164
276Yomi's Cat David AW159
277TKizzacoons Ross Poldark EW158
277TBestseller Varley EN158
277THataricoon F- Jagger SA158
280Feathermoon AW157
281TPrimero Des Sables D'Yon ES153
281TWhite Bear Heihei AW153
283Heart Stealer Deep Ocean SC150
284Bekkramee Mon Chou Xavier MP149
285TUnicum Oktoberfest AW148
285TFanny Liger Cat EN148
287TPenogacats Grizzly EN147
287TPacino Bay Highlands ES147
287TOphelia Koenigsblick EW147
287TAsteria Soir de Luna EN147
291TRanchcats Quicksilver of Magnacats SC144
291TBigrivercoon Class Act NW144
293Marikoons Syd Barrett NE142
294Larhae Maximilian NW138
295Faydark Gil-Estel GL137
296Muusa Max SA136
297Myluckystars Liadain SC134
298Peach Des Sables D'Yon NE130
299Arlecoon Dobrinya EN128
300Mainelyours Ruffians Last Dance SW124
301Larkistaff Richie Sambora EN123
302Tingara Yua AE122
303Williamina Dixie Belle NW118
304Bajacoon Cookie SA117
305Larkistaff Lord EN106
306Mabalakat Touched By The Sun EW105
307MousseeCoons Bella Bochy MP104
308Dawntreader Buster of Acoonstale SC99
309NewStarCoonies Sam ES89
Championship Cats (275)
Rank Name Region Score
1MTNest Christopher MA12723
2Coonamor We Will Rock You NW11580
3Chatile Caruso of Amangroup AE10886
4Picaqiu Be a Queen AW10835
5Broadsway Red Bomber of Dracoonfly NE10421
6Earl Grey of Tree Hill EN10068
7Kizzacoons White Swan EW9870
8Sarajen Jacobs Creek MA9727
9Amangroup Raphael of Starletcoon AE8669
10Carolinameows Red Hot Cadillac SE7743
11Deescoons Fantasy EN7532
12Chatile Nicolas AE7121
13Mainesuspect Easy Rawlins SW6964
14Myluckystars Akahanas Engoni SC6885
15Prosto Ne Otdam ES6817
16Popokilani Duke AE6264
17Evsei Artirmax Elbarko SA6177
18Coons'Kin Cherry Bomb SW6130
19Calicoon Bricks N Ivy of Chemicoons GL5993
20Coonamor Personaljesus of Amayalynx ES5850
213dogs Africa Adam AW5341
22Florence Coon Denver of Mtnview NW5308
23Caesarheadcoon Kaibab Forest SE5080
24Mainevu Testarossa of Madinina ES5021
25Bigrivercoon Love Me Tender NW4920
26Hataricoon Rogelius SA4678
27Hareruyah Frolbericheri Flor AE4611
28Goldentown Thor EN4191
29Sportingfields Highland Brave SE4180
30Archcoongel Personal Jesus ES4011
31Dawntreader Juliet SC3979
32Lillycubs Ice Cream EW3833
33Happytrills Well Always Have Paris SC3355
34Happytrills Kors SC3313
35Dawntreader Aphrodite SC3088
36Mainelyclassic Melba of Mishikoonz NW3034
37Windwalker Caesar MP2998
38Chemicoons Leonard H PHD of LAPD GL2983
39Sassietat AJ Dude SE2826
40Sarajen Double Bean Blonde MA2766
41Florence Coon Delizia/ID NW2642
42Marvicoon Khalil EW2605
43Muusa Atenea SA2561
44MTNest Linus Pawling MA2506
45Mainesuspect Tatyana of Whatatrill MP2432
46Arlecoon Charles Junior EN2242
47Popokilani Angie of Canon AE2239
48Arkancoons Beauxdacious SC2227
49Gglegacy Angelstarrynite NE2099
50Majesticmccats Dante of Acoonstale SC1993
51Tingara Kanesada AE1957
52Ferrari of Friendly Kot ES1914
53Lionheartcoon B.B.King ES1828
54Calicoon Cooper SE1823
55Freeclimber Tornado ES1813
56Grande-Pride Windsor EN1808
57Pegase De Nikko Coons ES1742
58Mtnest Sir Fitzroy NW1722
59Bigmeow Stormy Knight SE1718
60Laguna Leo Isolda of Luhhocoons SA1700
61Marikoons Just Imagine of Rubicoons NE1691
62Minamifuji Ribbon No Yume AE1680
63Shonancats Absinthe AE1648
64MonorCoon's Double Trouble Wotan ES1647
65Silverfern Nella at Ishcus EW1604
66Royallions Leonidas SE1603
67Popokilani Ishtar of Canon AE1534
68Forest Beauty D.Chereda EN1533
69Sassietat Aloysius of Aslanspaw MA1531
70Genius Ethereal of Luhhocoons SA1508
71Popokilani Diana AE1457
72Lights Luciefer AW1445
73Zholgay Altan Khatan of Marikoons NE1404
74Cadazz Dexter of Deabaete SA1361
75Dracoonfly Harry of Whatatrill MP1339
76Maisonmagique Hercule Poirot EN1329
77Tuftsntrills Genesis SC1300
78Betunes Meghan SA1298
79Gglegacy Stardustangel NE1286
80Calicoon Chip Shot of Samberkat SE1281
81Dawntreader Calboys Cisco SC1251
82Coonspalace Xanthe EN1238
83Deabaete Eloa SA1222
84Coonificent Milo of Mainetales NE1216
85Minamifuji Baccarat AE1176
86Mainesail Sunrise Ruby SE1171
87Chemicoons Loxa Blue of Dracoonfly NE1167
88Lionheartcoon MR.Spock ES1162
89Los Míticos Angel of Harlem SA1146
90Unique Angellos Soir de Luna EN1141
91Popokilani Miel of Canon AE1135
92Caesarheadcoon Sedona SE1120
93Quiet One Family Stars/WC SE1116
94Felis Felicis Fifi ES1078
95Zinedine Zidane Vorkun EN1066
96Popokilani Gaia of Koshihikari AE1041
97Mclapisu Clematis AE1037
98Broadsway Tiger Lily of Mysticoon SE1032
99Aristopearls Mufasa EN1015
100Prairebaby Sterling Silver SE1011
101Lelien Aja AE1009
102Prosto Omela of Mainewood EN1003
103Zevs of Madame Polosukhina ES979
104Cloistercoon Quinn of ABSCatz NE977
105TPopokilani Domino AE974
105TSilverfern Vipera Lebetina EW974
107Bigrivercoon Cobalt of Darmorev NW964
108Marikoons Syd Barrett NE924
109Konakats Denver SC912
110Orka de Mourre-Frais ES894
111Broadsway Sirius of Mishikoonz NW872
112Tuftsntrills Lady Claire SC866
113Carolinameows Bana Bana Cabana SE865
114Cascademtn Luck Be A Lady SW860
115TKizzacoons Brenin Of Mainekatjies EW849
115TDracoonfly Autumn Sedge NE849
117Whatatrill Radiant Rachel MP841
118Wistariantale Jaina Of Vademar ES825
119Santosgatos Naomi SA815
120Aslan Union Star*MD ES811
121Mainemarie Tengri of Aoineko NW802
122TElvis Shaggy Beast SE801
122TBritany de Ibaialde ES801
122TOhSerenite Boomerang NE801
125OhSerenite Elliott NE782
126Carolinameows Redhot Chilli Peppers SE779
127TLangstteich's Hello Pitty AW774
127TSportingfields Color My World SC774
129Ttcats Zeezee of Myluckystars SC771
130Freeclimber Nova Rock ES768
131Yatazaka Ace AE763
132Mclapisu Phantom AE762
133Jokercoon Stargazer of Chatjardin AE738
134Whatatrill Alexandra of Dracoonfly NE724
135Coonificent Chloe of Bigrivercoon NW716
136Tropic Sunrise's Prince ES712
137Le Beau Minu Abbeyrose NE673
138My Sweetie Brownie De Nikko Coons ES655
139TCankcats Nighty Shadauex ES650
139TSrcoons Zeus NE650
141TBebecoon Tito AW640
141TMarikoons Frida of AtLastCats NE640
143Narnia Gentle Predator EW639
144Tingara Laduree AE635
145Aragorn Starark EN606
146Bajacoon Ravena SA601
147TheBirdcage Riekko EN596
148Golentowncoon Thor EN591
149Pureyell Lancelot AE586
150Omkara Storm Rider of Muusa SA565
151LAPD Clara Wrigley of Coons Kin SW550
152Nebraskcoons Teddy of Happytrills SC538
153TAmayalynx Shinzon ES531
153TMickael Miro Cassiopeia EN531
155Minamifuji Teddy Logy AE519
156Maxim Ascent ES510
157Ballantine's Mega Boss AW496
158Mainevu Mackenzie of Abscatz NE489
159Light Baldur AW483
160Muusa Ally of Delamonaquia SA480
161Gakincho Celine of Catsroses AE474
162Finchamberlain Key to My Heart EN469
163Wistariantale Tabris of Ohedo AE462
164Popokilani Zachary AE457
165Rainlove Ollie AW452
166Marikoons Jethro Tull NE450
167Coonalley Maserati MA432
168TKayf Lolita Best EN415
168TSaraJen Kraken Black Spiced 94 MA415
170Carolinameows Whimsy of Rubicoons NE413
171Heart Stealer Velvet Fox/ID SC409
172Myluckystars Miss Scarlett SC404
173TEnigma Guinevere of Summer Rain/WC EW398
173TRanchcats Quicksilver of Magnacats SC398
173TAllywood Roxette EN398
173TWistariantale Flowery Orange Pekoe ES398
177Cankcats Faellon Phaeton ES397
178Bloomingtree Mmtango Argentino ES392
179T'Desperado Sternenburg EN390
180Caesarhead Poker Face SE386
181Ttcats Ushi of Mousseecoons MP373
182Country Gulliver's Y' El-Brus of HatSA367
183TMinamifuji Teddy Shinba AE363
183TMainesail Jackson Dancer SE363
185TKatahdinpines Dahlia EN356
185TCountry Gulliver's Dayna Extra Bel oSA356
187Mymains Bearlioz NW354
188Leberceau Leopoldine NE353
189Migatobonito Ultra Violet EW347
190Wistariantale My Fair Lady ES342
191Katahdinpines Calypso EN340
192WildCat Gira EN339
193Deabaete Ivi SA331
194Radost" Beshtaucoon EN325
195SK*Caspians Cassanova ES322
196Minamifuji Ribbon No Ryouta AE307
197Mainesail Langston SE302
198Americannative Avenger ES301
199Doctom Silver Garmora AW295
200Kasper Kobi Koenigsblick EW294
201Ouest Des Sables D'Yon ES290
202Lights Amy AW288
203Tiffany House of Luck*RU/F1 NE279
204TRavenspurr Kiki Dee of Quasarcats NW273
204TOmkara Chief Iron Hawk ES273
206Honey Devil Kumiko of Aoi Neko NW272
207Suncoon Fast Eddie of Fujicats SW269
208TChocolatebears Chou Chou ES261
208TAlphacats Last Boy Scout EN261
210Aslan Big Wild Cat Ua AE256
211Bajacoon Dody SA255
212Shonycoon's Dalinda of Luhhocoons SA252
213Hananeko Kato Kiyomasa AE250
214Chemicoons Diluted Solution SC249
215Topaz Gracious Wizard ES241
216Hot Kadeshy Annabella EN240
217Atalnticacadia Zanzibar Island ES230
218TElegantlynx Emerald NE217
218TOmkara Pretty Eagle ES217
220Cankcats DaVinci Code ES213
221Fivestarsz Best Mishka SW204
222TJustcoons Most Van Ted EN203
222TSilverfern Femme Ftale EN203
224Coonwild Hiro SA199
225TTheBigOnes Briana ES198
225TIndigo of Lunarami/WC SC198
227Arcus of Fluffy Fay ES196
228Hopecats Sofi Tukker SE195
229Rainbowpop Play with urself AW191
230Rihanna de Ibaialde ES187
231Broadsway Minerva of Fancythat MA185
232Fallen Leaves of Night And Eclipes ES184
233Wistariantale Jack Sparrow ES181
234Purr'Ple Fairy's Pentagram ES180
235Tingara Tamon AE175
236Noracoon Robroy of Housemaines NW173
237Kiyaras Perpetuum Mobile EN170
238Faydark Gil-Estel GL167
239Boston Legal of Night and Eclipse EN160
240Williamina Luke NW159
241Octavia Koenigsblick EW158
242BoundingMaines Saint Elmos Fire MP150
243Country Gulliver's Jenni of Hatun SA148
244TBajacoon Joaquim SA143
244TOmkara Annie Oakley II ES143
246Freeclimber Spring Flower ES140
247TPolla Apogeya*BY EW138
247TDolce Bestiya Charlize GL138
249TQuinoa Imagine Glamour ES137
249T7storm Almaha of Amangroup AE137
251OhSerenite Cala Lilli NE134
252Atlantic Acadia's Zardonyx Zed ES132
253Sozvezdie Kunov Una EN131
254N'Anto Du Domaine De Sherwood EN130
255Felis Felicis Foxtrot ES127
256Wildmajestic Aleron of Luhhocoons SA126
257Wild Whisper Birba ES123
258Ca Happy Cat Blues AE120
259TBellocoons Tango of Housemaines NW118
259TNochafalah San Antonio of SRCoons NE118
261TKizzacoons Silvermist EW106
261TSportingfields Twist And Shout SC106
263Redaddicts Jogurette ES105
264TFinchamberlain Quite The Best EN104
264TLordshipcoon Dela Groix EN104
264TIroncat's Tiara SA104
267Luscinia Nightingales sing the BluesES101
268Black Bandit Wild Peark, CZ ES95
269TJustcoons Uptown Haze*DE ES93
269TArt-Style Vorkun EN93
271Paris Caesar Kockohratky ES89
272THandy Dandy Flavia/FI NE86
272TGrace Bue Laguna Leo ES86
274Pandora De La Vallee De Myssie EN82
275Ishcus Franklin D EW75
Alters (133)
Rank Name Region Score
1Carolinameows Cottneyejoe of Mikasu NW10855
2Gigantcat Honey EN10702
3Chemicoons Diluted Solution SC10097
4Sassietat Flynn MA9380
5Chemicoons Theo's USA Pride Willie GL8820
6Waterproofs Blade Runner ES8779
7Carolinameows Furrari of Kattarose SE8475
8Mtnview Samurai NW8160
9Yasmine Family Stars SC7932
10SaraJen Kentucky Deluxe MA7814
11Silverferns French Kiss EW7636
123dogs Europe Bvlgari AW7370
13Angela Aki of Tender Lions ES7088
14Yatazaka Alii AE6974
15Sassietat AJ Dude SE6972
16Waterproofs Bobo Bolero ES6073
17Aristopearls Mattheo EN5400
18MTNest Terracotta Warrior NW5006
19Sweet Garden Thor AW4972
20Chemicoons Helium of Concordance NE4916
21Bigrivercoon Leroy Brown NW4874
22Sarajen Gentleman Jack MA4694
23Cankcats VeniVidiVici ES4381
24LAPD Ben Cartwright SW4208
25Tremethick Brooks SE4040
26Colorado Maine Coons Fenty Kiona SC3789
27Idaho Berry Valley EN3404
28Woodpile Drago NW3311
293dogscattery Seven AW3267
30Tuftsntrills Red Jamie SC3257
31Desmadinina Optimus ES3203
32Lionheartcoon Valentino Rossi ES3129
33Fogcity Distilled of Chemicoons NE2913
34Coonamor Fuku SW2748
35Penogacats Xplosion White EN2419
36MousseeCoons Ragnar Greenlee MP2357
37Finchamberlain Ghost Of Wind EN2316
38Bigrivercoon Pioneer Zephyr SC2289
39Mclapisu Tia AE2242
40Hataricoon Jinx SA2205
41White Bear AW2181
42Yomi's Cat Rambo AW2104
43Muusa Dante SA2065
44Lionjeartcoon Freddy Mercury ES1991
45Mikacoon Upiter EN1958
46Hataricoon Optimus Prime SA1911
47Snownshadows Sully NE1770
48Siduroy Razzle-Dazzle EN1686
49Yatazaka Marvel AE1681
50Carolinameows Audi GL1596
51Fairywitch Oural ES1505
52Canon Monet AE1371
53Starark Zevs EN1349
54Yatazaka Mick Jagger AE1309
55Muusa Oriana SA1302
56Donatello of Friendly Kot ES1287
57Phoenix Frostfire SC1249
58Bigrivercoon Beau of Cozycoons NW1230
59Ligths So Stupid AW1221
60Hataricoon D Ichiro SA1198
61Gelios EN1171
62Silverfern's Heir of Hogwarts EN1153
63Newenglandcoons Leona Lewis ES1142
64Neville of Mainecoonhill*CZ ES1107
65Bebecoon Jess AE1096
66Hataricoon San Gabriel SA1094
67Williamina Ryu of Huntingcats AE1075
68Luhhocoons Arno SA1071
69Deescoons Johnny EN1064
70Dracoonfly Bumble Puppy NE1059
71Darius Forest Rich EN1038
72Dreams Come True Cherie EW1037
73Larhae Bella Donna of Kindredcoon NW1033
74Cherub-Coon Rafael ES1021
75Megatherion Samantha EN964
76Mousseecoons Rollo Greenlee MP922
77Gatofeliz Sou AE917
78Power Coon's For You ES808
79Vademar Gamora ES746
80Fronzen Moon's Milisenta EN737
81Mymains Bearlioz NW732
82Il*Yaviracoon's Watson ES726
83Forest Beauty Iggu EN710
84Yamazakura Akane AE667
85Betunes Mel SA663
86Bebecoon Ttochi AE653
87Kelimcoons Teagan EN650
88Bigrivercoon Smokejumper NW616
89Suncoon Chances R of Le Beau Minu NE575
90Reborn To Love Kryptonite EN559
91Kizzacoons Lady Everest EW545
92Broceliande Jenesis ES505
93Mira-Luna Des Sables d'Yon ES488
94Carolinameows Rodeo Romeo of Mikasu NW449
95Arenite Dammit Janet EW448
96TTremethick Shadowdancing Thru Time SE429
96TBajacoon Ivo Basso Sobania SA429
98Williamina Google of Lesplushes AE417
99Adonis1 QT Atlantida ES391
100Le Beau Minu Abbeyrose NE390
101Fayola Xenon EN388
102Avetacoon's Aijuna ES385
103Yamazakura Makoto AE366
104Memphis De La Sansonniere EN357
105Koontyme Mister Williams Jr II GL324
106Mainevu Burning Ring O Fire SE320
107Free Happy of Velvet Racoon, CZ ES312
108Shanna's Candy Cane/FI MP283
109Coonspalace Willy Wonka EN277
110Yamazakura Morgana AE272
111Mymains Jacques MP253
112Olaf Des Bregeons ES231
113TSRCoons Mr.Marvelous Marvel NE230
113TOksane Des Sables d'Yon ES230
115Lilien Luck AE229
116Silverlunar Reiren AE226
117Odeen Des Sables d'Yon ES215
118Comainecoons Zeus of Hotstuff SC210
119PolysRock Ms. Dynamite EN206
120MTNest Sir Fitzroy NW197
121Kirdcoon Misha AE168
122Des Trois Olivier's Paupiette ES147
123M-Pawz Wolfgang NE145
124Dreamscometrue Gia EW142
125TRedgates Xbear EN126
125TLynx Shadow Fenrir EN126
127JoshuaTree Percy Piere San Marco EN123
128Royallions Leonidas SE120
129Quality Millowcoon's Cat EN118
130Primero Des Sables D'Yon ES117
131Cat's Coon Night Of Love ES116
132Bajacoon Cesar SA113
133Boonland's Kiri te Kanawa EN93