2018-2019 Alter Standings: 201-400

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Wed May 22 13:40:47 2019.

RankAlter Standings: 201-400
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
201188Diamond Dust's Amateras AENF4536
2021921Silverlunar Nahyo AEMC4535
203117Pampa Mi Amor of Thai's Star SWAB4493
2041322Carolinameows Audi GLMC4469
2051423Angela Aki of Tender Lion's ESMC4426
2062624Finchamberlain Ghostofwind ENMC4420
207128Coolspots Arcadia SWBG4405
208125Hataricoon Blondie SAMC4362
209204Lesplushes Neve Bianca Yuki AECX4356
2102512Sterlingcatz Dynamic Dmitry SESB4271
211133Partypaws Made Ya Snicker SWBI4248
212219Silvercastle Tiger Roar AEBG4217
213187Acirrekatz Prince Hairy Wrinkleskin SCSX4206
214146Chperson Venus AWSI4160
215272Dusado's O'Malley/ID ENBL4147
216153Chesirepoint Rose Quartz Lion MATH4120
217153Sasharmey Innisfree EWHI4118
2182826Vikosart Arabika ENMC4108
219198Lunarami Yoda SCSX4094
2201615Riterags Lexus MARD4088
221206Howlingcoyote Ezstshimbiris of Sibs SCSO4069
22299My Asterisk Capricious MPSX4047
2232227Silverlunar Liger AEMC4020
224231Tinytiny Lea AESFL4007
225105Kitti Kature Juliet/CF MPDR3997
2261510Baby Desdemona ESSX3994
227T248Lamagiechat's La Dodgers AEAS3965
227T25Dressed In Blue Principe Sharoo SACX3965
229113Higado Raindrop of Mykro MPCR3916
230142Halestone Trouble With Tribbles SWKBL3909
231159Magicmori Charlotte Waltz AWNF3908
232143Fencroft Bristol of Hashtag GLBL3881
233166Astralcharm Harper Starlight EWBS3860
2342528Popokilani Moira of Canon AEMC3821
235177Boucles Monsieur Meli-Melo EWSRL3819
236171Miamber Silver Melody of Kitzn MABM3815
2371816Echoglen Blue Prints 2 My Heart MARD3796
2382110Boutiquecats Dino SCBG3793
2391617Miumiu AWRD3789
240204Angel Eyes Cool Prince Charming NWBI3782
241123Star Northwest Blizzard MPTA3779
242222Attitudeacres Missy Mountain SCABT3765
2432110Chipmunk Chinook Express NWOS3753
244265Rumblepuff Paint The Town Red SEBI3725
245188Barclaymay Flash Harry EWPS3718
246292Mummeli Sofinho Yaron ENOL3714
247156Caleita's No Way Jose GLBI3705
2483029Bestseller Forester ENMC3695
249151Savvypaws King Drax Brimaz NESV3683
2501918Londondoll Inky EWRD3665
2512311Traipse Hugs N Kisses SCBG3661
252151Werecats Ling Lek Lek SWLY3627
253134Susens Help Me Rhonda MPSR3624
2541719Smallbell Edision of Vanson AWRD3600
2551820Softmiracles Tiny Walnut AWRD3584
256243Kayserai McGee SCTV3560
2573110Debals Janette ENNF3553
2583230Deescoons Johnny ENMC3511
259167Swelldom's Tahoe/ID GLBS3487
2602221Ragalong Ms. Cappuchino NWRD3484
261251Oberlin Prince Henry SCHB3466
2622611Bywater Berlioz Mountain Explorer SCNF3419
263277Charjanie's Just Chillin'/CF SESI3416
2641722Keepurrs Jojo GLRD3392
265289Cormier Wild Baby Anoki SEPS3361
266331Dewdrop's Fan Chaluay ENKT3347
267T197Sunfox Mademoiselle of DesertMoon MASO3338
267T3431Penogacats Xplosion White ENMC3338
269T2912Roni Dumny of Eowyn SENF3329
269T278Ranchcats Willy Wonka SCSI3329
2711632Snownshadows Sully NEMC3301
2721611Freya Esmeralda Azul ESSX3296
273163Beautymus Goliath The Singa-Purry SWSG3232
2741723Snugglerags Xoxo Gossip Boy SWRD3224
2751713Yarmarka Giuditta ESSB3221
2762333Mymains Alivias Pearla NWMC3208
277181Valnika Luna For Russicat ESRB3196
278198Tiger AWBS3190
279184Marveloo Archenland Corinthunderpaw SWTH3185
280T283Tersanctus Whiter Than Snow of KLM SCOL3168
280T205Pocketcharm Carson of LawntonStMews MASR3168
282178Shera Len Socrates NEAB3163
283246Carchet Oliver NWCX3152
2841912Olliebenji Rochel ESBG3151
2852024FCFcats Maqiduo AWRD3135
286262Bouquet de Rose's Hugo-Hinata AESCL3127
2873514Boniface Vizantiysky Podarok ENSB3119
2882010Melodys Nougatine ESPS3095
289144Havannurs Loose Cannon MPTA3089
290T1813Into Wishin Barbera NENF3083
290T187Ginchika Daydream Believer GLJB3083
2922134Jemy-Lee Des Sables D'Yon ESMC3076
2933635Darius Forest Rich ENMC3070
2942513Ripcity Nephthys NWBG3063
2952215Dante Yarmarka ESSB3045
296192Beauchador Diamonds NEAW3028
297208Zendique Paige Three EWES3023
298314Katanga Berlin SABG2988
299294Tersanctus Black Friday of KLM SCOL2975
3003715Ilendri Parabola ENBG2965
301278Leostar Yuzu AESO2937
3022814Fantarja Oscar AENF2930
3032336Lionheartcoon Max GB ESMC2920
304304Odesseycatz Zane Quincy SCTO2905
3053025TNTDolls Niko Living In A Dream SERD2894
3063112Newans Gunslinger of Caduceus SCSX2893
3072915Miagola Hana Odeon AENF2853
3083116Shrekberian Lord Benjamin SESB2852
309322Oberlin Like A Peach SCHB2841
3103817Chemberlen Nevskoe Tsartvo ENSB2831
311392Baby Joy Boris ENAC2826
312T20T9Boreale Sir Ziggys Fuzzy Bearpaws NEBS2823
312T20T11Bestcats Brilliant Balance NEOS2823
314245Mythaidiamond Neli ESTH2822
3153312Radiance Rock U Like A Hurricane SCOS2810
316407DolceMiele Calvin Klein ENBI2800
317214Catbery Tail Hero MAHI2798
318413Blandior Toth SASX2796
3192637Larhae Bella Donna NWMC2772
320T2126Moedolls Seaweed AWRD2768
320T3211Elviskitkat Mister Cuddles SEPS2768
3224138Megatherion Samantha ENMC2764
3233039Williamina Lucina of Hareruyah AEMC2763
3244240Adelaise Forest Rich ENMC2762
325349Hojpoj New Kid In Town of Radiance SCSI2757
326192Werecats Maabpaa Noi SWLY2752
327256Aegaeis Ohio ESACL2742
328439Fryga Banhi ENSO2721
3292641Cankcats VeniVidiVici ESMC2715
3302742Tolstoy From Lukoshkino ESMC2700
3313143Yatazaka Liko AEMC2659
3323544Bigrivercoon Pioneer Zephyr SCMC2646
333229Beauchador Pygasus NEAS2632
334272WestCoast Tajiri of MountainMist NWSV2614
335333Havacat Macho Guapo Montecristo SEHB2588
3362812Nobody's Perfect d'Efebe ESPS2582
337206Pangaea Argemone of Sarsenstone SWTH2578
3384416Lindvig's Kappa ENNF2575
3393627Misiangashnawi Gigi SCRD2554
3404516Bennvoyagee Impress Me ENBG2548
3412328Willowtreerags Junius Fluffy Pants NERD2546
3423210Bighead Liu Shifu AEBS2542
3432245Zhaocai--aby AWMC2541
3443713Ricochetridge A Aron SCOS2537
345513Lorax SAPS2533
346282Kaperkats Radar II NWPBL2528
3472946Cankcats Vespa Coloria ESMC2512
3482914Sphynxcraft Rufus NWSX2484
3493015Skinisin Huckleberry Pie NWSX2476
350311Ocigatos Rocket Science NWMX2471
351T342Kawaiikats Keiko Catsui SEJBL2463
351T197Alicats Ring My Chimes of Ringapurr GLTH2463
3532016Scantilyclad Cabana Boy GLSX2447
3544647Teodoro Family Stars ENMC2443
3553529Raggymay Claudette of Sal-Shire SERD2439
356236Abalone AWDR2431
357T2410Xiaowa AWAS2420
357T324Rextasy IM a Knockout of Pipkin NWCR2420
359309Shenny'S Karola ESES2399
3602110Vannies Paws Ditto Aras GLES2397
3612414Pearlypond Alan Lil Bit NEPS2394
3623648Yasmine Family Stars SEMC2386
3633317Azureblue Gelato AENF2385
3643418Fantarja Sir Elder AENF2380
3653519Bluedryad Cancan AENF2375
366223Summerwood Mystic Monty GLSV2374
3673330Countrysiderags Second Chance NWRD2373
368475Zooloo Flamboya ENTA2366
369483Naomi ENSF2363
3702510Oldem Joy's Ameli NESI2362
371214Kingturks Daenerys Stormborn SWTV2359
3722215Sontse Travis of Ahura SWPS2343
3733814Chipmunk Snow Cloud SCOS2331
374318Regina Teenybean Molinero Y CisnerosESBI2325
3752531Sweatheart Maiami AWRD2321
376149McGarden Monster INMC2280
3772617KTLC Kato Fynn AWBG2279
3782318Vskbengals Trooper GLBG2274
3791511Velpaws Blue Djinn MPSI2269
3803419BengalFlats Captain Hoyt NWBG2260
3813620Herbalmeow Nino AENF2246
3823721Rain Real Love AENF2237
3832118Musrafy Siberski EWSB2231
3843220Gryfo Oliver Queen ESBG2222
3853832Reddoor Royal Blue AERD2220
386331Fangio Fuzzy Wuzzy - E ESNB2218
387633Betunes Bono SARD2217
388355JustWright AlmostLegal of Pipkin/CF NWCR2213
3893717Shelgren Kiss My Sass of Tiniru SESX2204
3902750Wangzi AWMC2200
391369Nightmist Bedazzled NWAB2188
392T4951Isana Grey Shadow*PL ENMC2182
392T3711Ashlinzots Drippin In Jewels NWES2182
3943418Katshaven Eva Peron ESSX2163
3952212Berryhille Oliver O Malley MAES2159
396359Herlock Sholmes de Sylvabelle ESBI2154
397507Curlpassion Nina ENACL2149
3983934Misiangashnawi Eros SCRD2148
399719Rey Egipcio Apolon SASX2146
400367Eihwaz Carnatio Temptazionis ESDR2132