Southern Aristocats, Temple, Georgia, January 1-2, 2022

                 Saturday                        Sunday        
            Robin Higgins   AB            Vickie Jo Harrison AB
            Stephanie Smith AB            Toni Jones         AB
            Theresa Kempton AB            Theresa Kempton    AB
            Toni Scarboro   AB            Laurie Patton      AB
            Laurie Patton   AB            Charlotte Shea     AB
            Angela Sherzer  AB            Jackie Rose        SP

KITTENS                                   RHSSM TK TS LPASHVJH TJ TK LP CSJac
Richson Mister Up And Coming         AS       2  5  3  2 10  1  3  3  2  1   
Bella Mia Nick-of-Time               ES    3  1  2  1  8     8  9  2  8  8 5S
Pierremont Rocky Mountain Climbing   AB    2  3  6     1  7  2  5  7  1    3S
Bengallily Jaguar Paw                BG    1     1     4  1  3     1  5  2   
Siberian Magic Had Me At Hello       SB      10  3        2  5  4  4     6 2L
GGLegacy AngelBouctouche             MC    5  8  4  2        6     5     9   
Kelcobber Threepenny Bit             BS             7  6        1     6  5 4S
Alafia Sky Edna Mae Tagg             DR   10  7  9     7     4  6            
Boucles Brandy Snap of Wavemakers    SRL   4        6     4              4 1L
Gingerbread Le Monti Rey of Wizardga SX          8     9     9     8       2S
Dappelgrae I Am Groot                PS       6  7                 6       3L
Riterags Aphrodite                   RD             4          10  9  7      
Carolinameows Kemosabe               MC                         2     3    4L
Gilvtales Annie                      HI                5        8     4      
Ginchika Oh No! There Goes Tokyo!    JB    7       10     3                  
Jennypurz Turkish Delight            TA    6              6             10   
Gilvtales Brazil Nut                 PS    9        5     9                  
Thaityme Hats Off To You             KM    8          10        7            
Jennypurz Dorito Loco                TA       9 10          10               
Alqualondes Lady of Baldfantasea     LY       4           5                  
IcyKamila Evashakeyourtailfeathers   KBL            9                    3   
Isobel Naked Luxury of Wizardgate    SX       5     8                        
Holyfold Halo                        SCS                              9  7   
Valdosta Joker of Dinkidi            BL                           10       5L
Sassietat Handsome Jack              MC                3                     
Nudawnz Shoguns Samurai of ThaiTyme  JBL                     7               
Aloracats Tzarina                    BG                                    1S
Tremethick J R R Tolkein             MC                   8                  
Alafia Sky American Pride            DR                              10      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      39 39 39 39 39 39 35 35 35 35 35 16
                     Shorthair Count                                       17

CATS                                      RHSSM TK TS LPASHVJH TJ TK LP CSJac
Riterags Antoinette                  RD    5  1  4  5  5  2  1  1  5  9  1 4L
Gememerald Jamala                    RB   10 10  7  1  4  6  9 10  8  5  4 5S
Bengallily Mamba Sheikh              BG    3  4  1  8  7  3     4  1  3    3S
Catamea Strawberry Moonlight         NF    1  9  2     1  5  6     2  2  7   
Elviskitkat Pandoras Box             PS    2     3  3  2    10  9     1  5   
Pierremont Tegwen                    AB    4  6        3  4  3  6     4      
Sukhotai Shaken Not Stirred          SI    8  3  5  2        8  5  3         
Carolinameows May Be Maybelline      MC       8 10  9  9  9     2  6     9   
Tersanctus Dark Before Dawn of KLM   OL       5           7  5  3        6 5L
Rockaran Sputnik of Sterlingcatz     SB    9     8           2  8        3 3L
Wavemakers I Want It All             SRL      7    10  8  1        7       2L
Willowblues Iceman                   AS       2                    4  7  2 2S
Willowblue General Smedley Butler    AS             6  6     7  7            
Rainforest Apocalypso of BengalLily  BG    6                 4             1S
Carolinameows El Gato Gringo         MC                           10  8    1L
Holyfold Mrs Beasley                 SF                            9    10 4S
Magnoliafold LILMaggie               SF             4 10                     
Gilvtales Defying Gravity            HI                   8           6      
Luchiya of Wizardgate                SX          6       10                  
Shortncurly's Newkirk Rex            SR          9                       8   
Magnoliafold Milo                    SCS            7                10      
IAU Orion's Hunt Star Ark            MC    7                                 
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      31 30 30 30 29 30 27 28 28 26 28 10
                     Shorthair Count                                       16

ALTERS                                    RHSSM TK TS LPASHVJH TJ TK LP CSJac
Tersanctus Be Radiant of KLM         OL    2  1  5     2  8  1  1 10  3  9 4L
By Design Swagger Blu/ID             BS    4     4  5  8 10  2  2  5  6    1S
Ginchika Hakuna Matata               JB    9  8  2  6 10  9  7  6  4     7 3S
Carolinameows Polywalledoodle Alday  MCP   5  2        3  7 10     1  1  2 1L
Willowblue Miss Dior of Chrischat    AS    1  7  3  4     1  3  4  2         
Godspeed Black Olive of Llarian      CR       5  1 10  1     6 10  3  2    2S
Iruskha Rocket Man                   OC    3    10  9  5  3  4  9  9  8 10   
Purrstar Prince Charming             HI          9     7  2  5  3  7  9  4 5L
ElvisKitkat Yahto Luna Remington     PS    6  4     1  6        5     4  8 2L
Riterags Stinken Cute                RD    7     8        4        8  7  5 3L
Sassietat Aj Dude                    MC    8  6  7  2  4  5                  
Floorslovelies Lover Boy of Jagcat   BS       3     3        9  8    10  3   
Willowblue Hisstorical Romance       AS      10     7        8  7        6   
Debo's Dr. Feelgood                  PS   10     6        6        6         
Willowblue Capt Nickelas             AS       9        9              5    4S
Ruzlin's Impish Ivy of Godspeed      CR                                  1 5S
Springvale Dolls Dolly Fond Dulac    RD             8                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      19 18 18 19 18 19 17 17 17 16 17  8
                     Shorthair Count                                        9

Sister Midnight of Blueyonder              8  4  2  2  5  4  1  7  1  6  8 3S
Bop Bop Bopbop Bop, I Love U Too           9  1  1  7  2  1  7  6  4  4  1 1L
Harlowe of ThaiTyme                        1  6  5  8  7  5  8  5  2  1  5 5S
Entil Zha of Blueyonder                    2  2  3  9     3  4  4  3  9  3 1S
Solana of AloraCats                          10  4  6  4  8  6  1  5  5  6 2S
Rayya Sunshine                             7     6  3  9  6  2  3  6  8  9 6S
Oh No No                                   5  8 10     3  7  9 10  7  2  4 8S
Paulie                                     3  3  9  4     2 10  8  9     2 7S
Sushi                                         7  7  1  6  9  5    10  3  7 2L
Splash of Color                            6  5  8  5  1     3  2    10    9S
Tobaise                                    4  9    10  8        9  8    10 4S
Mario                                     10          10              7   10S
My Precious Memory of Chrischat                          10                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13  2
                     Shorthair Count                                       11

Forever In My Heart of Chrischat           1  1  5  2  6  1  2  1  3 10  8 5S
Just A Cat Man Du of Carolinameows         7  6  4  4  1  6  1  5  4  1  1 1L
Speckled Kitty Uniek                       4  4  2  3  5  2  3  3  6       2S
Ashes To Ashes of Luvpurrs                 5     1 10  8  3  7  2  2  6  9 3S
Mai Ritoru Ojo Dori                        2  2  8  1     5  8  9  5  9 10 6S
Shiawasena Jiko                            3  5  6     4  7  6  4     4  4 9S
Christapurr                                6  8  7  8  2  8  9  8     3  7 7S
Chilly                                     9  9  3  7 10  4        1  8  5 8S
Peaches N Creme                              10     5    10  5  7  8  7  3 1S
WildeSpruce Kiarra Twilight Sparkle       10  3     6  7     4  6  9  5   10S
Reba                                          7 10        9 10     7     2 4S
Chocolate Chip Kisses                      8     9     3       10     2      
Avatar                                              9  9          10     6 2L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13  2
                     Shorthair Count                                       11

NEW TRAITS                                RHSSM TK TS LPASHVJH TJ TK LP CSJac
Willowblue Capt. Cappuccino          AS    1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                         

This report was prepared by Teresa Carroll-Childers (