2019-2020 Kitten Standings: 603-802

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Mon Mar 23 14:59:02 2020.

RankKitten Standings: 603-802
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
603649Macrory Napoleon ENSF1439
6044422Norsestar Oliver Allbrite NWNF1438
605563Joycats Shewolf Raksha SCLY1437
6064534Lenny of Idcattery NWBS1436
607T4235Makdissy Bumblebee EWBS1434
607T5714Lunarami My Little Sunshine SCSX1434
607T2770Snugglerags Grace Kelly SWRD1434
610T4936Vienna Westside Queentessa ESBS1433
610T6816Shovalon Hamilton of Simplelife AWSFL1433
6122255Solanaranch Omnium Ora MPBG1431
6132871Creekcats Blackjack SWRD1430
6144413Curly Pleasure My Violet Pearl of AlSEDR1420
6156914Lucky King 49 AWDR1417
6163712Glor-ee Bandit MASI1411
6174537Chaldee Cooper N Da House SEBS1408
6185815Tex-Lonestar Leonard Cohen SCDR1407
619654Romiracle Hamster Baby Doll ENSCL1406
620T4676Prairiebaby Sterling Silver SEMC1405
620T389Argentosilver Ambar SABL1405
6224317Musrafy Taigash EWSB1403
6233977Q* Two Steps Murrena Coon of LuhhocoSAMC1400
6243878MTNest Mosaic MAMC1396
625T4726Irvicat Ochre SEES1394
625T2356Solanaranch Let The White Dove Sing MPBG1394
627482Ichiro Harley Aen Elle Tagalaxy SEPD1393
6287038JK-Lovecat Harley Quinn AWBS1392
629T668Queenie De La Croix Lorraine ENSG1388
629T598Shiekspurr Caesar SCHI1388
6317157Judyful Lilac of Dreamjaguar AWBG1387
632T7272Zeus Ragdoll Kunlun AWRD1385
632T4618Czarina Anzhelika NWSB1385
6347373Aiolos Thor of Carinadolls AWRD1384
635445Adorastar Utar Saint EWBI1383
636399Gememerald Magic Diamond MARB1379
6376074Kansasragdolls Dream Weaver SCRD1375
6387416Honey AWDR1374
6394722Mistikatz This Magic Moment NWAB1373
6404010Ambar SABL1372
641T4423Honokuni Paulownia of Prugna AENF1371
641T675Skeemen Muraty Aisha ENSO1371
643T4579Black Jaguar Ireland13 EWMC1363
643T68T75Hovicastle Liamoo ENRD1363
643T68T17Stokrotka Z Poddasza*PL ENDR1363
6464916Barmont Broken Halo SECR1362
6474645Tongobriga Moana EWPS1360
6487539Piaget Little Price AWBS1359
6494176Dolce Vita Rags Lagertha SARD1355
650505Pandora de La Brique Rose ESTG1351
6514540Minamifuji Marie Nicola AEBS1350
6527641Monkey King Li Bai AWBS1349
653T7023Danakil's Talula ENAB1347
653T294Specialagent Victoria Zaychik Moy W SWPB1347
6555177Legendabastet Blue Sky ESRD1345
6564642Bleumignon London AEBS1344
6574524DK Dan-Queen Vilma NENF1339
658304Curl Essence Everything Nice SWACL1336
6593146Pawkavenue Isabella SWPS1333
6604780Kizzacoons Yarra EWMC1332
6615258Escarlata de Coramonte ESBG1331
6624818Elfe Feerique Iphigenie NWDR1330
663469Singville Crazy Train NESG1329
6644215Gacrux Blanca Nieves SAAS1325
665T716Vankaras Swift Acceleration ENJB1323
665T7778Maroonblue White Rose AWRD1323
667T7843Yaoyao AWBS1320
667T534Munchkinlane S Swiss Miss Nice ESMK1320
669T7927Sanhua AWES1318
669T4717Selena Light Samson NECR1318
6716128Garnicats Rey Lee SCES1316
6724979Rosecottage Constantine NWRD1314
673501Faerietail Jadzia Dax NWMX1312
6745159Kamisha Macchiato NWBG1308
675336Purrdocz Plumes GLBI1306
676T5425Precieuse Itri Star de Maison BlanchESNF1305
676T473Tyheracles Jun of Laladoll AECX1305
678T80T19Pidan AWDR1304
678T5219Wintermist Porscha NWSB1304
678T80T5Starsunny Pepper AWSCL1304
681T50T80My Epic Arturo SERD1302
681T50T16Catcartel Paddington of Mixologies SEAS1302
681T5317Tavanipaws Alisa NWSFL1302
684524Zane SESV1299
685T4815Divinesphynx Zoe EWSX1296
685T7224Difference's Outsider ENAB1296
687T627Tortiesrus Quadrifoglio SCJB1294
687T4881Jullyginger Spencer AEMC1294
6894317Betunes Ikaro SAAS1293
690T4920Destinygift Aglaya EWDR1292
690T824Lin-X Silver AWSCS1292
6925418Schooner Red Rascal of Fantcfur NWAS1288
6935547Portofino Di Castel Pio ESPS1287
694496Tinytiny Time AESCL1285
6953260Camelotslb Thor Asgards King SWBG1282
6968318Starsunny Pumpkin AWSFL1280
6976344Arcanecat Argus Filch SCBS1267
6985381Usapurrs JFK SERD1263
6995082Minamifuji Baccart AEMC1261
7005183Shonancats Absinthe AEMC1256
701645Alpine Legends Melagro SCPB1255
7025448Pur-Snickitty's Masquerade SEPS1254
703T407Buyanoff Iskorka Iz Sibiri/WC MASCL1253
703T5621Calvado Pom-Pom Boy ESDR1253
703T336Specialagent Bullet SWPB1253
7065525Bravura Fire N Ice of Bearbrook SEAB1246
7075226Holoserica's Coral AEAB1244
7084184Aslanpaw Atticus MAMC1240
709T738Vankaras Jean Grey ENJB1235
709T3461Tinyleopards Cosette Madeline GLBG1235
7115385Canon Nayuta AEMC1231
7124820Sibirskywitsch Zoom of Altai NESB1227
7132462Jungletrax Chasing Mavericks MPBG1224
7145586Larhae Polaris of Williamina NWMC1223
7155045Tianna From Frinimmy's/ID EWBS1221
7163482Snugglerags Huckleberry Finn SWRD1218
7175146Tianna EWBS1217
7186522Ranchcats From Russia With Love SCOS1216
7197487GigantCat Scarlett Pleasure ENMC1213
7205263Silverglam Setter of Katzkybengals EWBG1212
7218483Chinesedolls Tsunami AWRD1206
7227516Mahadevishakti Plata o Plomo ENSX1202
7235427Insuubunkai Unagi AEAB1196
7244221Adel Snejnaya Zima of Propurr MASB1194
725T76T23Valkorion Xenomorph ENOS1193
725T76T49Capriz-tati Choco Rosamary Guarline ENPS1193
7274950Ladiluck Pansy NEPS1191
7285688MTNest Trapper John SEMC1190
729T5547TAngels Shelter Lily AEBS1189
729T5647TExcalibur Midnight Kiss NWBS1189
7318526Gallifrey's Nils Lindstrom AWNF1187
732T6613Minghou Leader ofthe Pack SCSI1183
732T8624Alexander AWOS1183
734T5784Riterags Winston Churchill SERD1180
734T563Supersweet Tomy AETO1180
7365325Lexsam Master & Commander EWOS1176
737355Halima Iris Gulay of Tatvan GLTV1175
7385764Wildrosebengals Hazel NWBG1174
7395822Devonity Samwell of Facehuggers NWDR1172
7405926Bdellium Doly Rama Do of Showfur NWOS1167
7415889Webecoons Little Miss Muffet SEMC1166
7425785Reddoor Cristal Blue AERD1164
7436710Wynn Atreyu Story SCSF1163
744T5422Play To Win Lucianaurora EWSB1162
744T7890Silverfern Paramount ENMC1162
7467928Danakil's Twister ENAB1161
7475086Arcattarags Pissenlit NERD1160
7488010Katzenhof Wildflower ENRB1159
749T5118Rexkwizit's Malee NECR1158
749T5549Hengard Rachel Green EWBS1158
751T5829Brouillard Suzume of Insuubunkai AEAB1157
751T5211Emerald Snow Watson NERB1157
751T687Specialagent H West of Alpinelegend SCPB1157
7545965Catridingtrees Lala AEBG1156
7553629Vannies Paws Mr. Salty GLES1155
756T60T12Bluewind Leon Sweet AERB1154
756T60T66Kanesei Maikeru AEBG1154
7584367Anjou Teddy Bear of Bengaland MABG1153
7594468LibertyBengals Magnolia MABG1152
760T5719Royal Choice Zola ESSFL1145
760T2527Sleepy Eye Yahto of Senrabe MPOS1145
7625887ShiningDolls Alain Delon ESRD1143
7634430Lynx Bon Jovi of Persiandiamonds SAES1142
7645617Meadowsphynx Firecracker EWSX1140
765592Somalia-Dream's Poony ESPBL1139
766T4523Neva's Legend Xana MASB1138
766T813Delfina Zarya Ishima ENPD1138
768T6014Meili Prescious Andromeda NWSI1136
768T624Bluetreasure Prince K AECX1136
770T693Dawntreader Kissme Romeo SCMCP1135
770T4669Libertybengals Primarose Everdeen MABG1135
7724591Hataricoon Cowgirl SAMC1131
773T60T31Ourasi Neves Du Lagon Bleu ESES1130
773T60T70Justwild Karma ESBG1130
7758292Silverfern Jean Luc Picard ENMC1129
7766320Tinytiny Another Sky AESFL1128
7774651Lofoten Lucy SAPS1126
7785724Real Pearl Amavi*PL EWSB1125
7795818Merlini Blue Kiss of Gatodouro EWSX1124
7803571Arkham Aurora SWBG1123
781709Le-Vell Archibald Meowcattan SCHI1122
7823630Grapearbor Joie Deviver SWAB1120
7836119Sphynxcraft Black Magic of Skinisin NWSX1119
7845925Hinata Kocilandia Bis*Pl SESB1118
7858788Teeny Nathan Azure Eyes'PL AWRD1117
786T7120Devata Pour Some Sugar On Me SCSX1113
786T6293Ariya Ariel NWMC1113
7886294Pepite Des Hauts Du Parc ESMC1110
789T636Flodocats Renesmee Curly Paws ESSRL1109
789T4789Abba Fiorella SARD1109
791T8395Papaya Icestorm ENMC1108
791T6327Endelosglede True Love of Bluedryad NWNF1108
7932696Auryn Shades MPMC1101
7945352Muddybrook Skye with Diamonds NEPS1098
795T4832Dirose's Lady Renesmee SAES1092
795T3715Glor-ee Choco Truffette of Velpaws SWSI1092
7974921Betunes Pollac SASX1091
7988411Luxury-Cats Piper ENBL1086
7998811Simplelife Loki Mitao AWSF1085
800T5419Beauchador Shazam NEAS1084
800T5953Bafini Royal Bow EWPS1084
8026450Whitney Of Bring Joy ESBS1083