Estimated Standings by Breed - Somali

Kittens (20)
Rank Name Region Score
1Catzanova Picasso ES6045
2Tajhara Imagine That SW3753
3Howlingcoyote Lucyimhome of Sibs SC2074
4Chancelot's Osiris of Asili EN1917
5Skeemen Muraty Aisha EN1371
6Mistikatz Sweet Obsession NW1030
7Sunfox Binti Phoenix SW1017
8Dushara After Image EN943
9Tajhara Road Trip of D'Ambre Fauve ES855
10TDushara Fold Back The Morning EN787
10TSomarineko Mamai EN787
12Catika's Hope EN760
13Michikitten Onceinabluemoon GL507
14Dushara Falling Into Joy EN469
15Eve Kako AE343
16Asili's Joker EN332
17Dushara Sayuri Of Asili EN276
18Tehuacana Cinnamon Spice SC270
19Dushara Tufus EN149
20Dushara Lure Ov The Tropics EN117
Championship Cats (18)
Rank Name Region Score
1Catzanova Orient Express ES11703
2Santino of Gavigat SA5698
3Skeemen Morkovka of Howlingcoyote SC3235
4Tajhara Obsession Confession SW1648
5Catika's Gawonii Zaahir EN1384
6Tajhara Sunchaser AW1352
7Howlingcoyote Meet Me In Malta SC1097
8Tajhara Imagine That SW1075
9Nightrox All that Jazz of Mistikatz NW905
10Orphika-Clarissa De La Magie Des LicNE724
11Somarineko Mars EN472
12Casquedor Xena Billie AE417
13Skeemen Akiko NE361
14Gavigat Ismael of Larivera SA286
15Howlingcoyote Spicy of Tehuacana SC245
16Chancelot's Osiris of Asili EN157
17Fryga Eldrid EN142
18Somalissa Elisha of Somaliann ES132
Alters (12)
Rank Name Region Score
1Sunfox Blisfool Dreams MA7331
2Howlingcoyote Dogberry SC6632
3Goronecats Joy AE6312
4Tajhara License To Chill of Senrabe MP2560
5Sunfox FoolinYorself of DesertMoon MA1835
6P*Fryga Banhi EN1350
7Leostar Yuzu AE1252
8Asami Twentytwos Aegis AE347
9Sunfox Mademoiselle of Desertmoon MA287
10Suzu Cats Cake AE248
11Dushara Tawana The Little One EN175
12Howlingcoyote Augustus McPaw SC128