2019-2020 Kitten Standings: 2007-2201

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Mon Mar 23 14:59:02 2020.

RankKitten Standings: 2007-2201
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2007T233T249Ragville Parker ESRD173
2007T24263Detrevande's A Kind Of Magic ENAB173
2007T233T62Moseland Ywana ESNF173
2010T133T8Midnitemoon Cinderella SEOC172
2010T87202TBrilliantbengals Ulysses MABG172
2010T178202TTikkasky Rose Gold Dream NWBG172
2010T133T250Genotypecats Keep It Sweet SERD172
2014T179T204TVividcats Harlow of Breezebengals NWBG171
2014T122T3Krazy Curls Gary NEAC171
2014T122T79Kingspride Iris NEES171
2014T135204THighcaliber Thunderbolt SEBG171
2014T122T270Elegantlynx Persimmon NEMC171
2014T179T137Delanuit Caramel Delight NWBS171
2014T78204TArkham Dora SWBG171
2021T8880TMCJax Foxy Roxy of Maybrooke MAES170
2021T18180THoaloha Kokonut Love NWES170
2023T79207TSaphirs De Lune Phara/LO SWBG169
2023T235T21Russicatblue Honey Bee ESRB169
2023T243T251Paramountcy Flame ENRD169
2023T104106TBetunes Calipso SAPS169
2023T16513Libertybell Aberto AETG169
2023T235T10Joseph Melodiya Vostoka ESTH169
2023T243T207TGoralguru Ice Black Fire ENBG169
2023T98T13Ginchika Inabikari GLJB169
2023T98T271Giant Emma Vhenan GLMC169
2023T167106TSue's Clouds Samson of Heiwind SCPS169
2033T23777Petrushka D'Artannes ESSB168
2033T125272TMarikoons Halestorm NEMC168
2033T168272TAcoonstale Avalon SCMC168
2033T245138Silver Fog A la Confetti ENBS168
2037T12636Rexkwizit's Zen NECR167
2037T10571Blandior Euforia SASX167
2037T246108Tiffanikiss Clifford ENPS167
2037T21749Lightning AWDR167
2037T1828Heavenlyhairles Cesear Blue Nite NWPD167
2037T12932Shadycombe Pulteney EWSI167
2043T130T82Zendique Violet Beauregarde EWES166
2043T218T252Xuemm For the Dream AWRD166
2043T136109Beaubell's Jet Kajika of Coppelia SEPS166
2043T218T14Lin-X Tiger AWSCL166
2043T238T209THypnotic Bengal Paprika ESBG166
2043T130T209TGoldnglitz Mystical Mia EWBG166
2043T238T78Emaution's Pink Martini ESSB166
2043T166274Shonancats Ca Sven AEMC166
2051T220T253Plush Doll's Esters of Fufuragdoll AWRD165
2051T127211TMajesticpride Karuso Magnificent NEBG165
2051T10040Shovalon Nike GLSFL165
2051T220T211TShenqing Ari AWBG165
2055T137254TSal-Shire Aurora Kiss SERD164
2055T89275Cloistercoon Juniper MAMC164
2055T222254TAlfredrag Sosuke AWRD164
2055T1833Faerietail Phasers On Stun NWMX164
2055T80254TSunnyshores Ocean Waves Salia SWRD164
2060T1288Dachakoshka Valentina Tereshkova NEKBL163
2060T223831/2 Mint Dada AWES163
2062T18417Dramatails Hustler NWSR161
2062T129110Char-o's Hot Topic NEPS161
2062T224139Baidoufu AWBS161
2065138213Boromei Bengals Khaleesi SEBG160
2066T13920Purr-Star Radient Starshine SEHI159
2066T225276Yomi's Cat David AWMC159
2066T18579Falbala Zolatiste Filemona Vistula NWSB159
2069T132T277TKizzacoons Ross Poldark EWMC158
2069T132T140Xzibit Up To Tricks EWBS158
2069T247277TBestseller Varley ENMC158
2069T81214Karion King Leonidas SWBG158
2069T106277THataricoon F- Jagger SAMC158
2074T9035Beauchador Bianca of Rivabell MAAS157
2074T169215Boutiquecats American Revolution SCBG157
2074T226T280Feathermoon AWMC157
2074T226T50Eximious Ella AWDR157
2074T591Atlas MPHGS157
2074T1346Shalnavazz Yoko Ono EWLY157
2080T228257Moedolls Victoria AWRD156
2080T186T141TMcsmitten Funfetti NWBS156
2080T186T22Blue Fantasy Vesta NWRB156
2080T14080Topmatryoshka Charovnica of KeukaridSESB156
2080T240111Lionstone Layla ESPS156
2080T24813Ladakedi Lucky Luke ENTA156
2080T10784Knebel'katze Francheska SAES156
2080T167T51Iskra's Primarose of Wavelys/CF AEDR156
2080T91216GraffitispotBG Gryphon MABG156
2080T167T141TGoldsunset Sinbad AEBS156
2080T10120Barmar's Quanita of Caleita GLBI156
2091T130258Rainbowragdolls Titans Trident KE NERD155
2091T141143Bodaciousbrits Battothebone SEBS155
2093T135217PurebengalsGB Jellybean EWBG154
2093T24152Viser Gray ESDR154
2093T229259Aiolos Jupiter of Coco-TT AWRD154
2096T242T281TPrimero Des Sables D'Yon ESMC153
2096T242T21Pomerol de La Rose Des Vents ESBI153
2096T230T281TWhite Bear Heihei AWMC153
2096T230T85Uncle Nine Gakki AWES153
2096T10212Closduchat Dusty Pink GLSV153
2096T242T2Leonprime Biboo of Meow ESMNT153
2096T170218Lagallerie Cosmic Origins SCBG153
2096T18830Home and Hearth Buddy Boy Perr Kins NWSF153
2096T169260First Love Impolder AERD153
2096T13681Finley Vivalavita RU of Anzhelika EWSB153
2106T189219Ripcity Lets Go Crazy Paisley NWBG152
2106T108112Star Olympus Hera of Desanges SAPS152
2108T23263Originalheart Adair AWNF151
2108T137144Makdissy Eye Catcher EWBS151
2110T190220TRipcity Master Kylo Ren NWBG150
2110T171T220TBoutiquecats Asher SCBG150
2110T171T283Heart Stealer Deep Ocean SCMC150
2113T8214Marvee-Lus Roasted Ruki/CF SWBU149
2113T24919Dushara Tufus ENSO149
2113T60284Bekkramee Mon Chou Xavier MPMC149
2113T13113Jijiu NESV149
2113T191T86THollowhills Shelby NWES149
2113T191T86THollowhills Minnie Cooper NWES149
2119T250T15Rangpurcat Brice ENBU148
2119T17372Yoruba Cattery Yoko SCSX148
2119T233285TUnicum Oktoberfest AWMC148
2119T19336Clowntown's Dolly Purrton NWAS148
2119T1424Americurlzz Libby's Along Came Nod SEAC148
2119T250T285TFanny Liger Cat ENMC148
2119T9282Elbrus Camomile of Currahee MASB148
2119T250T4Smeraldas Viva la Vida ENLP148
2127T253T287TPenogacats Grizzly ENMC147
2127T245T287TPacino Bay Highlands ESMC147
2127T138287TOphelia Koenigsblick EWMC147
2127T234261Wneflyfly Mercedes of Novadolls AWRD147
2127T194T33Meili Princess Canela NWSI147
2127T13227Blue Golden Shaded NEBL147
2127T245T14Angoraphil Xaviera ESTA147
2127T245T113Fascination De Soremont ESPS147
2127T253T287TAsteria Soir de Luna ENMC147
2127T17483Baikal Rose SCSB147
2127T194T73Skinisin Toona Bish Catserole NWSX147
2138T14331Owhl Emilia SESF146
2138T235T3Yoyomommy Nikki AWMNT146
2138T235T7Lelecat Alan AWMK146
2141T196222TEbony Excellence of Cariboo Bengal'sNWBG145
2141T170T64Bluedryad Roy AENF145
2141T170T15Bouquet de Rose Nadeshka AESCL145
2141T170T222TCatridingtrees Dio AEBG145
2141T237T145C&Z's Xiao Q of Emilie AWBS145
2141T237T262Daisycathouse Avocado AWRD145
2141T237T88Hongbai AWES145
2141T10322Barmar's Quanah Parker GLBI145
2149T175291TRanchcats Quicksilver of Magnacats SCMC144
2149T240T65Originalheart Cosmog AWNF144
2149T197291TBigrivercoon Class Act NWMC144
2149T109224Katoplis Simba SABG144
2149T240T263TJudys Dolls Little Lamlam AWRD144
2149T240T263TGive Me Five Trow AWRD144
2149T9332Demaris Princess Mulan MASF144
2156T248T23Petite Musique de Nuit de La Goutte ESBI143
2156T13984Witchfyre Jump In The Fire EWSB143
2156T248T89Nesslavan Olaf ESES143
2156T144146Nelson Golden Lucky Country SEBS143
2156T176265TBlossom Gabriella Gardenia SCRD143
2156T243225KTLC Tolu Lucas AWBG143
2156T61265THalokitties Princess Snow White MPRD143
2163T133293Marikoons Syd Barrett NEMC142
2163T140T14Manimar Makini EWSV142
2163T140T34LV*Laluneb'Or Bonita EWSI142
2163T62267TBaileys MPRD142
2163T110267TAbba Brad Pitt SARD142
2168T145226Sakura Winter Star SEBG141
2168T25020Poupoupidou P Bay Highlands ESMCP141
2168T25560DK*Issakat's Odilia ENOS141
2168T244T269TMelodydolls Rabbit AWRD141
2168T244T53Curly Monkey?S Motutu AWDR141
2168T244T17Joyfulcat Weini AWSCS141
2168T244T269TJigglypuff AWRD141
2175T14637Wilowblue Brida SEAS140
2175T11190Betunes Tarantella SAES140
2175T177271Bluerags Autumn Rose SCRD140
2175T83227Jungletrax Rolex Daytona of Karion SWBG140
2179T17366Salablue Iris AENF139
2179T9412Leafdance Cypress MAOL139
2181T248272Luckycoco Sugar Q AWRD138
2181T25621LeatherAndLace Khal Drogo PP ENMCP138
2181T198294Larhae Maximilian NWMC138
2181T955Acapella Emily Louise Johnson MAHB138
2185T104T6Purrplelce Maximu GLMKL137
2185T134228TWonderlandbnglz Songbird NEBG137
2185T84228TCasacruz Lilo and Stitch SWBG137
2185T104T295Faydark Gil-Estel GLMC137
2185T14718Eliascattery Timothy SESCS137
2185T25174Bare Naked Esmee Cullen ESSX137
2191T112296Muusa Max SAMC136
2191T178T273Misiangashnawi Freya SCRD136
2191T199T35Meili Misty Girl NWSI136
2191T178T114Bodhitree Grisabella The Glamour SCPS136
2191T178T21Bodhitree Halime Sultan SCHI136
2191T142230TButterfly Bengal Willow EWBG136
2191T178T13KLM Diamond Dust of Konekokatz SCOL136
2191T199T230TJewelspride Jewel of Vengalicat NWBG136
2191T25291Foxy Lady Of Gatti Calanda ESES136
220024975Glutinous AWSX135
2201T143147Troy EWBS134
2201T1747Nyanmusubi Ribbon AEMKL134
2201T13515Mysavannah Ready bear NESV134
2201T182297Myluckystars Liadain SCMC134
2201T25028Monthercare Lanmei AWBL134
2201T11324 Aiko Noelia SABI134