2019-2020 Championship Cat Standings: 401-600

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Mon Mar 23 14:59:02 2020.

RankChampionship Cat Standings: 401-600
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
4013626Hotstuff Tall Dark Handsome Joe SCPS2280
4021917Borya Je Tadore of ScantilyClad MPSX2255
4032240Devinespirits Firestorm EWBG2244
4043946Arlecoon Charles Junior ENMC2242
4054347Popokilani Angie of Canon AEMC2239
406233Makdissy Paddington Paws EWBL2231
407324Havacat S Sanford Malted Man SEHB2229
4083748Arkancoons Beauxdacious SCMC2227
409335Ohwl Truffle Shuffle of ExcatiburfolNWSF2226
4103443Izzadorablerags Rhapsody in Blue NWRD2214
4113841Aloracats Calrissian SCBG2196
4122442Xanadubengals Indy of Jcjcbengals EWBG2194
413364Leon Bomambero ESBO2189
414222Whitegemcattery Campanablanco of RinGLKM2186
4152443Snow Tundra Storm Trooper NEBG2181
4162414Folie A Deux Taboo MASB2178
417446IT*Kind of Blue Dragon Heart.JW AERB2173
418331Munchkinlane S House Advantage SEMK2166
4192518Destynys In Full Swing MASX2154
4203527Wallycats Pablo NWPS2152
421373Blueboy Vom Tempelgarten ESTH2145
422391Karena Puttin On The Ritz SCAUM2140
423T3620Valyria Ode to Joy NWES2136
423T2644Libertybengals Katniss Everdeen MABG2136
4253445Floridabengls Hoss Catwright SEBG2128
426425Noble Gourd Loretta AWACL2117
4272046Solanaranch Let The White Dove Sing MPBG2112
4282549Gglegacy Angelstarrynite NEMC2099
429405Havvanurs Look Out ENTA2098
430T412Goldentown Thais ENMCP2072
430T2524Bentley van Brifety/ID EWBS2072
4322614Les Frises Moka NECR2062
4332713Preciouspoint Thunderbolt NEOS2057
4344221Whispers Oxana ENES2041
435T2625Alphaberry Okey Dokey EWBS2040
435T4344Mirumkitty Palinka ENRD2040
4374045Quattro Undeniably Charming SCRD2033
4383726Raincoastca Sydney NWBS2032
439232Ginchika Dancing With Myself GLJB2029
4402546Blumenkatzen Donna SARD2024
4414512Herbalmeow Baldwin AENF2019
4424627Astralcharm Lune Praline AEBS2017
443414Shiekspurr Tuscany SCHI2014
4444318Pureabby's Sole Sister AWAB2008
4454228Imaginecattery CR of Fureverfelines SCBS2002
4463547Dollychiny Divine MS M of Sal-Shire SERD2001
447T4415Grand Duke Golden Master ENSB1995
447T4314Yaaj Miis Sahar SCOS1995
4494450Majesticmccats Dante of Acoonstale SCMC1993
4502847Bengalleopard Morphe of Bengallys NEBG1989
4514716Daisy of Cmaterrace Belora/ID AESB1988
4524548Hovicastle Kodi Lee ENRD1979
4534448Spice Speedster of Bossbengalcat AWBG1973
454456Alfa Assoluto Alan SCSF1972
4552712Shadycombe Glen Keith EWSI1965
4563819Simplynude Sprout NWSX1963
4573814Mowglis Hannibal Lecter ESAS1961
4584851Tingara Kanesada AEMC1957
4594513Meowwneko's Da Fei Lang AWNF1954
460T2620Es* Hayana Masai of Calatonia SASX1952
460T466Curlydolls Trooly Ear Resistable SCDR1952
4622919Khamsin Moire Shenanigans NEAB1950
463497Sansen Jyojyo AERB1949
4644649Poker Face des Griffes De Feu/LO AWBG1947
4654615Valkorion Xenomorph ENOS1945
4664720Fagu A Lu Of CSG ABY AWAB1941
4673629Kelcobber Starbeam Set Sail SEBS1937
468283Chicsweet Cadbury Delight EWBU1935
469T4750Outankhamon des Griffes De Feu ENBG1932
469T294Valdosta Playboy EWBL1932
4713014Nandinakatts Pete Rabbit EWNF1927
4723749Sunnyshores Bahama Mama SERD1924
4733150Londondoll Mili of Rochelledolls EWRD1921
4743952Ferrari of Friendly Kot ESMC1914
4753015Rexkwizit's van Wrinkles/CF NECR1913
4763151Happykatrags Daytripper NERD1912
477384Lildarlynns Blu Me Kisses SEMNL1906
4784052Soulmates My Romeo ESRD1896
479T395Gilvtales Miss Madeline SEHI1892
479T484Locky Somchay Chalai Dara AWTH1892
4814721Acirrekatz Colorblind Carmine SCSX1891
482407Fluffy Grace Elias SESF1889
483412Bauermountain Burt Lancatster SEPB1884
484484Muse Bella Stella SCSFL1879
4853253Marlcreek Trouble Comes in Blue NERD1874
4863922Fantcfur Nalas Deman NWSX1865
487508Casquedor Lady Edomond AERB1861
488482Macrory Kalimeris ENSCL1857
489495ThaiBlueAngels Benjamin ENTH1844
4904954Blueice Charles AWRD1841
4914015Clowntowns Tim McClaw NWAS1836
4924153Lionheartcoon B.B.King ESMC1828
4934254Calicoon Cooper SEMC1823
494T3216Flutterby Dragons Ice Spell EWOS1822
494T507Lucky King Ant AWDR1822
4965155Honeyqueen Ian AWRD1814
497T4255Freeclimber Tornado ESMC1813
497T3330Stilton of Phoenix/ID EWBS1813
4995256Wreamdream AWRD1811
5005056Grande-Pride Windsor ENMC1808
501533Monthercare Sugger AWSCS1798
502413Sacchidananda Sun Jewel of Toreador NWBA1777
503T5421Pure Eyes Apollo AWAB1776
503T515Bouquet de Rose's Bridget/ID AESFL1776
5054316Willowblue Gen George S Patton SEAS1774
5065231Twinklegem Mar of Louisa Stewart AEBS1772
507T176Bellabee of Curlessence SWACL1771
507T4357Mirumkitty Ace Of Spades ESRD1771
5094451Floridabengls Ragnar Marles SEBG1769
5104552Darkmoon Third Times Acharm SEBG1768
5115128Diamond Rain Noir de Noir ENPS1766
512271Paradiselynx Romulus of Doktari MAPBL1762
513448Rex Runner's K'Lynn ESDR1756
514T3422Dclass Joel of Zendique EWES1751
514T4658Rimggo Raganddoll SERD1751
514T522Angelskiss Arturr ENMK1751
517339Emerald Snow Evelina NERB1750
5184557Pegase De Nikko Coons ESMC1742
5194915Gallifrey's Loretta McCready/FI SCNF1740
5203529Heathrose Space-Cowboy EWPS1723
5214258Mtnest Sir Fitzroy NWMC1722
5224759Bigmeow Stormy Knight SEMC1718
523T187Curland Monroe SWACL1714
523T553Starsunny Pepper AWSCL1714
5252760Laguna Leo Isolda of Luhhocoons SAMC1700
5264659Seiero's Amazing Love ESRD1694
527532Livinglegend Odin of Kaymilyutken ENPBL1693
528T483Karol Lincoln of Blueyonder/CF SEJB1692
528T544Burma Filony Nora ENBU1692
528T5632Shy Cat Life Warrior Lanling AWBS1692
5313461Marikoons Just Imagine of Rubicoons NEMC1691
532556Thaiblueangels Katarina ENTH1681
5335362Minamifuji Ribbon No Yume AEMC1680
5344733Diamond Anturiamillenne*CZ ESBS1678
535364Alise Kiki EWSCS1675
5363517Beauchador Boo Radley NEAS1669
537T496Catbery Tail Hazelnut of Gilvtales SEHI1666
537T5017Hojpoj Luna Moth of Radiance SCOS1666
539243Rockinashi Eyupadee Yindee GLKM1664
540579Victory AWDR1660
5411953Sonoitas Bluewizardalatar of Karion SWBG1653
542T204Tajhara Obsession Confession SWSO1648
542T5463Shonancats Absinthe AEMC1648
544T2818Cmc Cotton SAOS1647
544T4864MonorCoon's Double Trouble Wotan ESMC1647
546211Simplyblessed Arctic Summer MPBGL1646
5473723Goliaf Celentano of Gatodouro EWSX1641
5484954Lazaro de Coramonte ESBG1633
5495860Chinesedolls Highhopes of Wramdream AWRD1625
5502923Dealles Red Peper SAES1621
5515955Judyful Princess Peacock AWBG1619
5525013Naomi Nation Xrumer SESI1612
5533619Preciouspoint Vader of Argentia NEOS1609
5545030Yvarie Houston ESPS1606
5553865Silverfern Nella at Ishcus EWMC1604
5565166Royallions Leonidas SEMC1603
557604Yosecon Sugar Baby AWSCL1597
5585210Blupaw BMW SEDR1596
5595314Sukhotai Kahlua of Autumsun SESI1588
560307Knebelkatze Henry SAHI1582
561T22615starrags Dakota MPRD1575
561T436My Beautiful Eyes Jiocca NWSFL1575
563T6156Princess Tracy des Griffes De Fe/LO AWBG1565
563T318Sheroncats Lili SAHI1565
565391Ulalume Dejlige Dhoolish EWCY1564
5662124Abby May of Grapearbor SWES1562
5673231Star Olympus Perseo of Catsoul SAPS1560
5683322Wil-O-Glen's Giulia/CF SAAB1551
569557Tinytiny Rosy Lily AESFL1544
5705632Yellicle's Medley of Silverdance ENPS1538
5715162Blooming Spark ESRD1537
5726263Teeny Wu Kong AWRD1536
5735667Popokilani Ishtar of Canon AEMC1534
574T5768Forest Beauty D.Chereda ENMC1533
574T544Windchymes Arctic Bunny SEJB1533
5762869Sassietat Aloysius of Aslanspaw MAMC1531
5772316Honningkatt Demyx of Bewitched MPNF1530
5785217Maybach of Barvinok/WC ESSB1520
5795824Deniel's Kamila ENSX1519
5802457Jungletime Belly Dancer of Fractal MPBG1518
5813717Kerrisma Burton NENF1516
582T5564Raggato Ford/FI SERD1513
582T3415Ar* Tikal Quinoa SASI1513
5845334Vanessa Remides ESBS1509
585T35T70Genius Ethereal of Luhhocoons SAMC1508
585T35T35TEdward Vorobyoff Family Ru SABS1508
585T5435THoneybliss Abigail*MT ESBS1508
588633Royal Toygers Dior of Dodotoyger AWTG1505
5896437Caihongcheng'syun Lei AWBS1499
590568Machita Quentin of Scottishfoldery SESFL1497
5916518Kit's Miracle Blue of JL Dolls AWAS1496
592T59T65Giuliano Koci Eden ENRD1492
592T59T25Dar-Liz Victor ENES1492
5946626Turelove's Tamgtamg AWES1490
5955116Ranchcats Belle SCSI1488
596525Sharmila Capitan/WC SCSCS1487
597675Scap Salane's Taishan AWBL1483
5986866Lianlian Cat cure lion AWRD1482
5996118Jinx Onix Gloria ENSB1479
6003719Neva Angels One In A Millon SASB1476