The Finals window is arranged like a standard TICA finals page; the finals are arranged in columns. You can use the Tab key to move from one field to the next.
If the number of finals doesn't correspond to the number of cats competing in a ring, the program will print a warning in the window at the bottom. Occasionally, a judge may withhold a final award; you should ignore the warning message in that case.
If the same entry appears more than once in finals in a ring, that will be reported as an error in the window at the bottom. That message should not be ignored.
At the bottom of the Finals window, the Prev button will take you to the previous finals page, the Next button will take you to the next finals page and the Done button will simply close the window.
You can have as many Finals windows open at the same time as you wish. If you have a catalog that doesn't use the standard TICA finals pages and the finals are in a different order, you may find it convenient to open several Finals windows and go from one window to another as you enter the finals. In most cases, however, it is less confusing to have only one Finals page open at a time.
Some errors are not detectable until the breeds are known. After entering the names and breeds of the cats that made finals, you can go back to the finals pages to see if any new errors have appeared. The errors that TkScore may report are:
If you find that the marked catalog has an error, you should not publish the report until you get the correct information. There are several ways to do that:
Of course, it's possible that the ring clerk's book and the judge's book have the same error. That means that both the ring clerk and the master clerk were not doing the job expected of them (checking mechanics).
To: TICA Executive Office <>
From: David Thomas <>
Subject: Albuquerque Show Report
I'm preparing the show report for the Enchanted Cat Club
(Albuquerque, October 27-28) show. In the copy of the master
catalog that we received, Patti Andrews' SH Household Pet
finals on Saturday shows cat #403 listed twice. Could you
give me the correct numbers for that ring? Thanks.
David Thomas ( /
Texas Instruments, Houston 281-274-2347
14 July 2012