Red River Rascals, Stillwater, Oklahoma, February 8-9, 2025

                  Saturday                        Sunday       
            Vicki Jo Harrison AB            Fate Mays        AB
            Toni Jones        AB            Harley DeVilbiss AB
            Alex Chisholm     AB            Donna Armel      AB
            Chatlotte Shea    AB            Jim Armel        AB
            Fate Mays         SP            Alex Chisholm    SP
            Harley DeVilbiss  SP            Jackie Rose      SP

KITTENS                                   VH TJ AC CS FM HD FM HD DA JA AC JR
Brownstorm Rise Above of Wildlife    BG    8  1  2    1S 1S  3  2  2  1 1S 3S
Musrafy Mayfare of Miusiberiancats   SB    1  5  4  9 1L 3L  1  3  7 10 3L 9L
Woodspirit's Jasper of Jotom/CF      PS    6  4     7 2L 5L  2     6  6 6L 1L
Pinkpalace Wednesday We Wear Pink    SX    3  2  6    4S     9  9 10  5 3S 2S
Tyjunsee Red Baron of Ranchcats      SI    7 10  8       3S  8     5    5S 1S
Jakoi Famous Last Words              JBL  10  7     1 3L 6L  7     8   10L   
Ranchcats Dumplin                    MC    5  3  1  2 4L 1L                  
Flashyragdolls Ra                    RD               6L10L     5  3  2    3L
Kitti Kat Daniel Striped Tiger       SR       9  7       2S     7     9 2S   
Ranchcats Capn Jack of Forestbell    MC         10  4              1    8L 8L
Lunakatz Hot N Spicy                 AB    4  6                    4  8      
Countrycats Smoke Signal             SRL         3                    4 4L 4L
Countrycats Denver Blue              MKL         9  8                   2L 2L
Glendoveer Selena/CF of Lunakatz     AB             6    4S     8       4S   
Hojpoj Dynasty                       OS                      4  4          5S
Hojpoj Paisley                       OL                     10        7 9L 6L
Marleevo Undercover Agent            ES            10 3S     5               
Countrycats Amelia                   SRL      8       8L 2L                  
Mayonaka's Hogan of Sacerdosfele     BU    9             5S        9         
Countrycats Razzle Dazzle            SR    2          2S                     
Cajunragdolls Sacred Moon Dancer     RD                  4L             7L 7L
Crmaines Rivr Phoenix of Arkancoons  MC                  7L     1            
Celestialspots Umbra                 EM             3 5S                     
Cdreams Low Key Loki of Arkancoons   MC          5                      5L   
Crmaines Heir To The Throne          MC               7L     6               
Happytrills Indigo Ice               MC                               3      
Cajunragdolls Painted Sunrise        RD             5                        
Arkancoons Aslan The Ferocious       MC                         6            
Happytrills Leland of Primrosemc     MC                                 1L   
Happytrills Black Berrie Smoke       MC                        10            
Crmaines Mystical Nova               MC               5L                     
Ranchcats Abbie Oakley of Luckimc    MC                                    5L
Marleevo Special Agent               ES                                    4S
Primrosemc Gracie of Prestigemc      MC                  8L                  
Acirrekatz Pumpkin Spice Latte       TR               9L                     
Woodsbengals Bagel                   BGL                 9L                  
Countryseat Selena/WC                MC              10L                     
Regulusnightsky Cassandra            MCP                                  10L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      41 41 40 41 30 29 42 40 40 40 27 26
                     Shorthair Count                  11 11             14 14

CATS                                      VH TJ AC CS FM HD FM HD DA JA AC JR
Kitti Kat Tiramisu                   SRL   9  8  1    2L 4L  4  5  9  2 2L 1L
Oberlin Bon Bonne Button             HB    2  7  5  9 3S 3S     6  3  1 3S 2S
Ccatmistry Matea Tkatchuk Tinylions  MNL   7        6 7L 1L  6  2 10       7L
Allfoldintoone Im Kenough            BS             1 5S 1S  9  1  5       4S
Acirrekatz Sweetheat                 SX    5  3  2 10                 9 2S 3S
Pufkinz Godric Grawp Gridelwild      PS          6  7 3L 8L  5          4L 2L
Ginchika Aja No Sekiseki             JB    8  9 10  3 4S        8       4S   
Dawntreader Licky Licky              MC       6     2    2L     4       8L10L
Lunakatz Ryker                       BG          4  8 2S     1          1S   
Aloracats Better Than Ezra           BG               1S 2S  3     1       1S
Familytimerags Travl The Moonnstars  RD      10       4L           4  4    4L
Laddhillbengals Baz of Lotsofspots   BG    1  2  8                    6      
Dawntreader Eclipsed My Expectation  MCP   4          9L 6L 10        8      
Bigrivercoon Winston of Happytrills  MC               1L     2          1L 5L
Ranchcats Dumplin                    MC                      7     2 10 3L   
Berstuk Ruslan                       SB       1       8L     8         10L   
Paramountcy May The Force Be With Yo RD    6             3L     3            
Pampa Lady In Red of Pierremont      AB    3  5                            5S
Novina Omili Stars                   SB             4              7    5L   
Happytrills Trigger of Primrosemc    MC          7       5L    10            
Luckimc Hypnotize Me                 MC          3      10L             6L   
Forestspots Sheba                    NF              10L           6    7L   
LAPD Omega of Tuftsntrills           MC                               3    3L
Unitedscottishk Grace of Allafold    SF                            8  7      
Bumblebe Victory Dance               BI             5    7L                  
Cougarsden I Am Your Charming        AB                  5S           5      
Charodey Mikhail of Mc Purr-Dee      SB   10     9                           
Radiance Lady Bridgerton of Hojpoj   SI                         7       5S   
Starghatts Upsy Daisy of Bumblebe    BI                         9          8L
Rockinashi Version Ofyou             BI       4                              
Cajunragdolls Krewe Debacchus        RD                                 9L 9L
Luckimc Smooth Opurrator             MC               5L                     
Showmesphynx Big Red One             SX                  4S                  
Folieadeux Diva                      TA               6L                     
Pawsitively No Bad Hare Days         SB                                    6L
Preknasne Stryga of Berstuk          SB                  9L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      49 49 51 51 35 35 50 50 49 49 35 35
                     Shorthair Count                  14 14             15 15

ALTERS                                    VH TJ AC CS FM HD FM HD DA JA AC JR
Pierremont Save Me The Trouble       AB    1  1  1  1 1S 3S  1     6  9 3S 1S
Jada Captain Morgan                  SRL   9  3  7  7 1L 1L  3  1  7  7 4L 3L
Windleaves Top Gun of Plymouthrock   AS   10     8  2 5S 2S  4  3  1  2 4S   
Txelfkatz Bodhi Da Lil Rocketman     DR    6  4  4  9    1S     2  4  8 1S   
Shelbie Sirius Blue of Kaos          ABT   5  5  2    3L 5L     6  5  5 1L   
Blueskies Sydney Clawsby Tinylions   MNL         3 10 5L 2L     4  3    2L 2L
Heavnzsent Im A Lil Husky            SB               2L 3L  9     2  3    1L
Celestialspots Illuminance           EM    4  8  9    3S     8        1      
Bashzan Grand Finale of Tinaz/CF     ES    3  2       2S     2  9            
Spectacularcatz Venus                SX       7  6  8           8       2S 3S
Dreamon Argentaalexa of Lotsofspots  BG    2     5       4S          10 5S 5S
Rockinashi Bangkok Loco              KM    8 10     4    5S    10            
Starghatts Rolls Royce of Txsbirmans BI    7    10    4L                5L 4L
Shelbie Bjorn                        ABS            5 4S     6        6      
Burma Filony Katya of Keeperkats/CF  BU                      7  7  8       2S
Carolinameows High Ho Silver of Wigg MC       9                       4 3L 5L
Bayouash Sally Ride of Starsotxas    AS                      5  5            
Rockinashi Vero Cinnabar of Jakoi    BI       6                    9         
Heavenlyrags Rocky                   RD             6    4L                  
Urbansafari Magnus                   BG             3                        
Hojpoj Sasha Lynn                    OS                                    4S
Acirrekatz Peaches Dipped In Cream   TR                     10               
Boutiquecats Asher                   BG                           10         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      24 24 24 24 11 11 25 25 25 25 10 10
                     Shorthair Count                  13 13             15 14

Shooting For The Stars of Kaos             1  1  1  1 2S 2S  3  2  2  2 2S 2S
Cheddar Jack of Fuzzylunatics              2  2  2    1S 1S  2  1  3  3    3S
Chars Cupcake of Starghatts                                  1  3  1  1 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2        3  3  3  3      
                     Shorthair Count                   2  2              2  3

HOUSEHOLD PETS                            VH TJ AC CS FM HD FM HD DA JA AC JR
Shot In The Dark of Kaos                   2  4  6  3 2S 3S  6  4  2  7 1S 1S
Im Hunting Wabbits of Pawsitively          8     2  4 2L 1L  3  6  1  2 2L 5L
Oops Kisses of Fuzzylunatics               4  5  3  5 1S 5S  7  3  8  4    3S
Rascal Stache of Fuzzylunatics             5  1  7  1 1L 3L  1  5     1    4L
The Pretender of Kaos                      1  3 10 10 4L 4L 10  9  4 10 1L 3L
To Infinity And Beyond of Wigglebutt          7  5  8 3L 6L  5  8  3  5 4L 6L
Sparkle of Txsbirmans                     10     8    5L 2L  4  2  6  3 3L 2L
Krystalhi Sweet Clemintine                 9  2  1  7 7S 2S        9  9 2S 2S
More Trash                                 3  6  4           2  1  5  8      
BBB Spider Monkey of Sacerdosfele             9     6 4S 4S  9  7 10  6 3S 4S
Anyas Kisses                               6  8  9  9 3S 1S                  
Graupel                                      10     2 6L 5L        7    5L 1L
Jiji                                       7          5S 7S  8 10       4S 5S
Anyas Doofy                                           6S 6S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      14 14 14 14  6  6 12 12 12 12  5  6
                     Shorthair Count                   7  7              4  5

This report was prepared by Dorothy Seils (