Familytimerags Travl The Moonnstars
1 4 49 2025/02/08e DA 215 215
2 4 49 2025/02/08e JA 215 430
3 3 37 2024/06/01b HD 214 644
4 5 34 2024/06/01b HD 189 833
5 9 47 2024/06/29a BRA 158 991
6 4L 35 2025/02/08e FM 151 1142
7 4L 35 2025/02/08e JR 151 1293
8 10 49 2025/02/08e TJ 149 1442
9 9 36 2024/11/02d FM 147 1589

Region: SC
Shows: SC=3 GL=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.