Bayouash Sally Ride of Starsotxas
1 1 22 2024/11/02d NC 221 221
2 2 19 2024/06/01b HD 207 428
3 2 19 2024/06/01b HD 207 635
4 2 19 2024/06/01b DA 207 842
5 3 27 2024/10/19b MA 204 1046
6 3 25 2024/09/21c VS 202 1248
7 3 25 2024/09/21c DP 202 1450
8 3 19 2024/06/01b NC 196 1646
9 4 22 2024/11/02d CL 188 1834
10 4 19 2024/06/01b KC 185 2019
11 7 48 2024/08/31a JAL 181 2200
12 1S 26 2024/08/31a NC 175 2375
13 5 19 2024/06/01b JA 174 2549
14 6 22 2024/11/02d BR 166 2715
15 6 19 2024/06/01b FM 163 2878
16 7 26 2024/10/19b KC 159 3037
17 7 25 2024/09/21c CB 158 3195
18 8 29 2024/10/19b CU 151 3346
19 2S 11 2024/06/01b BW 149 3495
20 10 49 2024/08/31a AK 149 3644
21 8 24 2024/09/21c AC 146 3790
22 3S 17 2024/11/02d BW 144 3934
23 8 19 2024/06/01b DB 141 4075
24 9 25 2024/09/21c FM 136 4211
25 10 19 2024/06/01b FM 119 4330

Region: SC
Shows: SC=4 MA=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.