The Evergreen Cat Fanciers, Ferndale, Washington, February 8-9, 2025

                 Saturday                        Sunday       
            Yvonne Patrick   AB            Yvonne Patrick   AB
            Ellen Crockett   SP            Ellen Crockett   AB
            Marylou Anderson SP            Marylou Anderson AB
            Elaine Weitz     AB            Toni Scarboro    AB
            Toni Scarboro    SP            Alex Marinets    AB
            Lorraine Shelton SP            Lorraine Shelton AB

KITTENS                                   YP EC MA EW TS LS YP EC MA TS AM LS
Wasillia Whispering Willow           PS    1 1L 1L  1 2L     1  1  3  2  4   
Russicatblue Jaxxon of Silverkissed  RB    5 4S 5S  2 3S 1S  3        6  2  1
Beauchador Spice Girl of Daisen      AS    2 2S     5 4S 2S  2  3        1  3
Owhl Jamison of Happyhour            SF    3 3S 3S    1S 5S  5  5  1  1      
Lostwoods Keepsake                   NF    7 4L 5L  6 5L 4L     6  5        6
Monrovia Oliver                      SI    4 5S       2S 3S  6        5  3  4
Woodpile Patchwork                   MC      3L     3 1L     4  2  6  3      
Czarina Felisiya                     SB         4L    4L 2L              5  5
Baresphynxab Halle                   SX         1S       4S        2     6   
Mustloverags Just The Tip            RD      2L 3L  4    3L                  
Monrovia Don Juan                    OS    6    2S  7 5S                     
Cascadepixiebob Kenai                PBL              3L 5L           4      
Halima Barnicus                      TV                  1L                 2
Baresphynxab Guyana                  SX      1S                 4            
Skeiron Ginny of Chiipmunk           OS                            4         
Cascadepixiebob Brooks               PBL        2L                           
Gaudeas Umberto of Lostwoods/CF      NF      5L                              
Baresphynxab Cannon                  SX         4S                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      22 13 13 22 13 15 21 21 21 21 21 21
                     Shorthair Count          9  9     9  9                  

CATS                                      YP EC MA EW TS LS YP EC MA TS AM LS
Hoaloha Sweet Duke Ofearl            PS    7 1L 3L  5 1L 2L  6  1  2  6  3  8
Unicum Chimera of Mercerstreet       MC    4 3L 1L    3L 1L  4  7  1        9
Lostwoods Tormund Giantsbane         NF    1        3        1  4     3  4  1
Czarina Lizetta                      SB      8L 5L  7 8L 4L 10     6  5  5  6
Beauchador Iggy Pop of Daisen        AS    2        1 5S 2S  2        4     3
Chipmunk Polar Starr                 SI    3 4S 1S    2S 4S  3  8  5         
Kitti Kat Kumo of Muzzbecatz         SRL     2L 7L 10 5L 5L  8  5        8  7
Baresphynxab Venice                  SX    8 1S          1S  7  2  4        2
Nightmist Goose                      AB      5S       4S 6S    10        2  5
Pepper                               BS             4 1S     9    10  1      
Elessar Vance Marchbanks             BU    9 2S                 3  3         
Fryga Kettu of Nightrox              SO      7L      10L              9  6 10
Invernesscats Josephine              AS      3S 3S              6        7   
Purrcificoon Carmella Jo             MC      4L       2L 8L           2      
MTNest Coco Chanel of Woodpile       MC    6        2        5               
Meilis Raven                         OS   10             5S           7  9   
Kamisha Agent Provocateur            BG                  3S              1  4
Hollowhills Wild Irish Rose          ES         5S  9              8         
Madinina Xena of Woodpile            MC      6L 4L                 7         
Pleasantdolls Jack of Mustloverags   RD         2L       7L             10   
PL*Azure Eyes Saint/FI               RD    5          4L                     
Nightmist Kiwi                       AB         2S                 9         
Ohmystars Ms Mox A Lot               RD      5L                 9            
Meili Melody                         OS         4S    3S                     
Coon-Attudes Hot Cocoa               MC         8L       3L                  
Zionforest Gloria Arietta            NF      9L10L       9L                  
Kaperkats Miss Matcha of Pixie Belle PBL        9L    9L10L                  
Titran's Quinnton/FI of Zion Forest  NF         6L    6L                     
Longfellow Rhys of Bakerviewrags     RD             6                        
Aziza                                MC     10L       7L                     
Kamisha Hiro Protagonist             BG             8                        
Mtnview Sun Kissed                   MC                               8      
Dramatails Lady Fern of Muzzbecatz   SR                              10      
Majortom Major Toms Roll Me Away     MC                  6L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      46 26 26 47 25 26 43 43 43 43 43 45
                     Shorthair Count         18 20    18 21                  

ALTERS                                    YP EC MA EW TS LS YP EC MA TS AM LS
Czarina Galadrien                    SB    3    1L  7 4L 2L  4     1  6  1  6
Ginchika Sanshoku Hime of Samphore   JB    5 2S 1S    5S 1S  5  6  2  8     1
Geishagoll Cloud                     SI    1        1 3S     1  3  7  4  5   
Forestspots King Clancy              NF    9 4L 2L    7L 1L 10  4     5  7  2
Merlingold Zabava                    BL      5L 3L  8    3L  6  8  5     2  8
Kitti Kat King Alistair              SR   10 4S    10 6S 5S  8       10  4  3
Cheekybrits Viscountess Lady I S     BS    2          1S        2  3  1     7
Larhae Sunstrider                    MC    7 3L 4L   10L 4L     9  4     9  9
Wizardgate Mayhem of Bastetsphynx    SX      1S 3S       2S     5  9     6  4
Heavenlyrags Harmony Bear            RD      2L     4 8L     2  7     9  3   
Mercerstreet Charlie                 MC      1L 9L  3 5L        1            
Jewelspride Winters End              BG      3S     6 2S       10            
Meilis Neptune                       OS      5S       4S          10  3      
Edwin                                BS             2    4S  9               
Woodpile Ash In Disguise of Heycat   MC    4   10L    6L     3               
Mustloverags Lady Luck               RD         8L       5L        8       10
Purrcificoon Gunnar                  MC         7L    1L              2      
Hoaloha Magnificent Magnolia         ES    6        5                        
Bengalsbyjules Hayden                BG                  3S                 5
Bastcats Layla                       EM    8                 7               
Meili Micheles Magical Mischief      OS         5S                 6         
Tchao Bellissimo Des Griffes De Feu  BG                               7      
Felinecurly Tito of Mywaves          SR         2S                           
Forest Hunter Thyannon Nikkita       KBL        6L                       8   
Okanagancoons Loki                   MC               2L                     
Hoofsnpaws Makoto                    JB             9                        
808 Maines Salem                     MC               3L                     
Owhl Fireball of Happyhour           SCS        4S                           
Mercerstreet Wednesday Addams        MC                                 10   
Westcoast Coons Bamboo               MC         5L    9L                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      32 14 14 33 14 14 31 32 31 31 32 32
                     Shorthair Count         20 19    21 19                  

Magpie Maggie May of Somsinai              5 1S 1S  4 4S 4S  5  1  1  1  2  5
Batty                                      2 4S 2S  3 1S 1S  1  4  5  2  6  4
Snowball                                   1 1L 1L  2 1L 1L  2  6  2  4  1  1
Havoc of Somsinai                          6 3S 4S  1 3S 2S  6  2  6  3  4  3
Beverly                                    3 2S 5S  5 5S 3S  3  3  3  5  5  2
Just Chaos of Somsinai                     4 5S 3S  6 2S 5S  4  5  4  6  3  6
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       6  1  1  6  1  1  6  6  6  6  6  6
                     Shorthair Count          5  5     5  5                  

HOUSEHOLD PETS                            YP EC MA EW TS LS YP EC MA TS AM LS
The Onion Ringsosaturn                     1 1S 7S  1 2S 2S  1  1  1  1  2  2
Oona                                       2 2S 2S  2 1S 4S  3  3  2  2  1  3
Mountbatton                                4 8S10S  6 5S 1S  5  2  7  9  3  1
Loki                                       5 7S 6S  3 7S 8S  4  7  8  8  5  7
Tyberius                                  10 5S 5S  4 6S 7S  9  9  4  3  6  9
Milo                                       6 1L 1L  7 1L 1L  6  6  5  5  7  6
Parisitaly of Kittyofthecity                 3S 9S  8 4S 9S  8  8  6  7  8  8
Toebius                                    9 9S 8S    9S10S  7  4  9  6  9  5
Mambo                                                        2  5  3  4  4  4
Simon                                      310S 4S  5 3S 6S                  
Larry                                      8 4S 1S  9 8S 5S                  
Lucy                                       7 6S 3S 1010S 3S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      11  1  1 10  1  1  9  9  9  9  9  9
                     Shorthair Count         10 10    10 10                  

NEW TRAITS                                YP EC TS YP EC MA TS AM
Zang Zolotoi Zamor                   BS    1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                             

This report was prepared by Jan Dell (