Wizardgate Mayhem of Bastetsphynx
1 1 29 2025/01/17a AC 228 228
2 1 29 2025/01/17a AS 228 456
3 1 24 2025/01/17a AS 223 679
4 2 28 2025/01/17a LS 216 895
5 4 32 2025/02/08a LS 198 1093
6 5 32 2025/02/08a EC 187 1280
7 6 32 2025/02/08a AM 176 1456
8 1S 20 2025/02/08a EC 169 1625
9 2S 19 2025/02/08a LS 157 1782
10 3S 19 2025/02/08a MA 146 1928
11 9 31 2025/02/08a MA 142 2070
12 10 32 2025/01/17a KH 132 2202
13 10 29 2025/01/17a RW 129 2331
14 10 29 2025/01/17a JG 129 2460

Region: NW
Shows: NW=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.