Fryga Kettu of Nightrox
1 2 58 2025/01/17a JA 246 246
2 3 61 2025/01/17a JA 238 484
3 1 38 2024/05/11b TJ 237 721
4 1 35 2024/05/11b TJ 234 955
5 2 38 2024/12/14b DP 226 1181
6 2 36 2024/05/11b FM 224 1405
7 4 35 2024/05/11b VH 201 1606
8 5 37 2024/05/11b EC 192 1798
9 7 46 2024/12/14b DP 179 1977
10 7 39 2024/05/11b VH 172 2149
11 9 60 2025/01/17a SS 171 2320
12 1L 16 2024/05/11b FM 165 2485
13 8 39 2024/05/11b AM 161 2646
14 10 59 2025/01/17a JG 159 2805
15 3L 18 2024/05/11b EC 145 2950
16 3L 17 2024/05/11b AM 144 3094
17 10 38 2024/12/14b AC 138 3232

Region: NW
Shows: NW=3

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.