Euro-Cat Club, Saint-Raphael, France, March 7-8, 2020 Saturday Sunday Pascale Portelas AB Aline Noel Garel AB Marylise De Landtsheer AB Jean-Marc Lagarde AB Phillipa Holmes AB Phillipa Holmes AB Katharina Krenn AB Katharina Krenn AB Amy Stadter SP Amy Stadter SP Pascale Portelas AB Katharina Krenn AB Male congress Tabby congress Phillipa Holmes AB Amy Stadter SP Female congress Ragdoll congress KITTENS PPMDL PH KK ASANGJML PH KK AS Rosemoor Diamond BG 1 1 2 4 1S 1 1 1 2 1S Templebar Drunken Duchess BU 3 6 5 3S 6 4 4 3S Catzanova Picasso SO 5 3 1 5L 2 2 7 President Petja of Barvinok/ID SB 8 6 4L 4 3 9 5 5L Promessa Di Casa Grande/LO PS 7 5 9 2 5 8 1L Havvanurs O M G TA 4 7 7 2L 5 6 4L Petite Artiste De La Cibonne RD 10 1 10 9 10 1 Catlines Palmito SF 8 6 9 4S 6 10 P-1 Maclaren Des Joyaux d'Azur PS 6 2 6 7 Mirumkitty First Blood RD 5 3 1L 3L Abystyle's Promets-Moi AB 2S 3 4 2S Vomkristallberg Le Roi BG 2 8 3 Katahdinpines Goddess Gaia MC 2 9 8 Amayalynx Lilou MC 3L 7 2L Purple Blues Du Val D'Azzarine MC 3 3 Himalaya's Road Quezako ES 9 8 5S Perle de L'Aura De Eshat CX 10 4 Katahdinpines Esmeralda MC 8 7 Boucles Madame Tetue SRL 8 10 Olivia Goodfild MC 10 9 Pocahontas Le Monti Rey SX 10 5S Madawaska's Paola CR 4 Galadhrim Pharaon Miw I EM 5 Petrushka D'Artannes SB 7 Petite Musique de Nuit de La Goutte BI 9 Pona Le Monti Rey*RU SX 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 35 35 35 35 20 32 32 31 31 19 Shorthair Count 15 13 CATS PPMDL PH KK AS PP PHANGJML PH KK AS KK AS Tartiflette van de Nekker/ID BS 1 6 3 4 3 2 5 1S Winter Fire Mystery Mask*RU BI 9 4 6 4L 5 8 9 9 4L Mowglis Jack The Ripper SF 3 6 2 2 7 6 1 Siempreamar Lamar RD 5 4 5 6 4 4 4 Madawaska Omalley CR 8 5 9 4S 1 6 5 4S Batifoleurs Kibo BG 2 1 3 2 1 2 Boucles Monsieur Incroyable SRL 7 8 6L 4 8 10 6L Catzanova Orient Express SO 4 8 7L 3 1 9L Melody's Obiwan/LO HI 7 1 1L 7 3 Q-Pidon Du Chateau Jonquet ES 6 2 5 10 7 8S 3 Ignat Taiga Star SB 2 10 3 5L Offenbach de Longua Aqua/LO PS 5 9 5L 1 3L Imladris Indil Moritz/FI SI 10 10 7S 2S Earl Grey of Tree Hill/ID MC 9 8 8 Ladifference On The Rocks AB 10 7 9 4 Pyrampepe Borgia Di Casa Grande/ID ES 7 2S 3S Prosto Neotdam MC 3 3 9 Rex Runners K'Lynn DR 7 6S 7 9S Mainevu Testarossa of Madinina MC 2L 1L 6 Othello Premier de Shangrila RD 3L 2L 1L Galadhrim O Mao Boy EM 10 1S 4 Rosemoor Dream BG 5S 8 5 Baikal Star Snow Symphony SB 1 3 Lankhyara Milady/LO CX 2 10 Mirumkitty Ace of spades RD 6 1 Havvanurs No Cure For Crazy TA 9L 10L 2 Rex Runner's Keegan DR 9 10 7 Chamourais Pomme D'Api SG 3S 8 Katong Peranakan SG 5S Elioth Della Valle Bianca*IT BI 7 7L Osee Just For Love SX 1 6S Odace des Terra De Catoun SRL 8L 10 Rakhshanda Oopsie Daisy RD 8L 4L Yagobengals Nahar BG 6 7S Pimousse Du Sweet Sweet Home BS 8S H'Waboo de La Korrigane SB 10L Oups-Kalin de Ronrons Bleus RD 8 Sunnyshores Rayban of Dollsparadise RD 5L Barbara Barvie-Adam SFL 2 Origin's Petit Lion MC 5 Naurelie D'Ulunlae AB 9 Brugidolls Nibori RD 8 Melody Des Ptis Kachotiers BL 6 Azur Dreams O Actarus NF 10 Melusine de Ronrons Bleus RD 3L Sweet Hend So Pet Rony MC 9 Peach de My Sweet Family BG 4 Orkhan Des Petits Artistes RD 2L Peppa de Kind Of Magic RD 5 Allbreed/Longhair Count 69 68 67 71 42 30 30 69 68 69 70 43 33 20 Shorthair Count 23 24 ALTERS PPMDL PH KK ASANGJML PH KK AS Gigantcat Honey MC 3 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 Anais van de Naakte Verleiding/ID SX 4 5 5 1 2S 9 8 5 1 1S Myoko Og Island Snaegerdi OS 1 6 2 6 3S 5 6 2 7 4S Boucles Madame Pourquoi SRL 9 8 4 5 2L 4 4 4 6 5L Na Petite Robe Noire Du Royaume Feli ES 5 2 10 3 1S 5 9 4 2S Pop'Earth Champagne Star Chance BL 2 7 10 1L 6 3 6 8 4L Galadhrim Parzival EM 7 7 6 9 4S 1 9 3 10 D'Incanto Tintarella/CF PS 6 3 7 5L 8 2 10 9 3L Power Coon's For You MC 9 8 2 7 3 Denver Achille Jenaty RD 8 9 8 3L 10 1L Abystyle's Persee AB 10 5S 3 7 Pharaon of Chanel's Land SCS 10 10 8 3S Jade de Blue Diamond RD 3 4L My'Franck Des Patapoufs Heureux RD 5 2L Irish Coffee Des Petits Artistes RD 4 Des Trois Olivier's Paupiette MC 7 Feline Du Mam Itza AB 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 16 16 16 16 8 15 15 14 14 7 Shorthair Count 7 7 -- This report was prepared by Catherine Bourreau (