Estimated Standings by Breed - Sphynx

Kittens (50)
Rank Name Region Score
1Jenaks Holly MollyEW5414
2RunaSoul Look at MeEW4860
3Baresphynxab VeniceNW4192
4Skylily Sarah MichaelaAE3904
5Pinkpalace Lamb o GodGL3526
6Wizardgate Lunabelle Lunar EclipseSE3249
7Ponyaco Nico OlbiaAE1932
8Skylily Darling DazzleAE1771
9Baldfantasea Oompa Loompa Doompa DDSE1762
10Yorubacattery OasisSA1637
11MamiesSphynx Wrapped in a BowMA1483
12Wizardgate Mayhem of BastetsphynxNW1478
13Balbald MulberryNE1356
14Meadowsphynx XOXO PookieEW1331
15Fantcfur Roos Robin from BatmanNW1322
16Monarquiasphynx OsirisSA1248
17BareNakedMT RasberryES1185
18Mulhermaravilha Chloe of GlameowSA1073
19Skylily BeerAE1039
20BG*Edric Josery Denl MintES981
21Mayansphynx HunabSC883
22Mayansphynx ChaknuulSC878
23Ljusalfheim ThorES866
24Glamourcattery LoochikGL863
25IDP*Nedjem's Staffan StalledrangEN752
26Skylily Dashing DazzleAE719
27Imperio Sphynx AnubisSA653
28Baresphynxab CannonNW603
29Small Shadows Dylan/FI of BalbaldNE572
30Mi-Ko Family SiriusAE459
31BG*Etoile Josery Denl Mint/WCES449
32Showmesphynx Princess PeachGL424
33Nuera Rosies PatchworkNE419
34Winnie of Nudelook des AristosphynxES398
35Skylily Daring DazzleAE395
36Verbena By Raging BlazeGL354
37RunaSoul Fred AgainEW314
38Leden VardaNE306
39TAcirrekatz Phanton Ofthe OperaSC265
41Berelecasphynx Alaska of BlandoirSA238
42Sunflower Cats Sunflower EliseSC181
43Zima Mara Valto'esGL168
44Baresaatchi Magical MuseGL159
45Baresaatchi Magic and MysteryGL158
46Star Line Kiss Emmy/WCNE157
47Jenaks GeorgiaEW149
48Galaxymonkeys XalvadorEW147
49Imperio Sphynx PhoebeSA117
50Prcreekcats MaseratiSC107
Championship Cats (72)
Rank Name Region Score
1Runasoul Beautiful in WhiteEW8530
2Showmesphynx Black Cats NoelleGL5909
3Baresphynxab VeniceNW4372
4Ponyaco PiccasoAE3180
5Small Shadows Dylan/FI of BalbaldNE2816
6RunaSoul Princess LeiaEW2048
7Yoruba Cattery IkkiSA1909
8Sphynxcraft New MagickNW1868
9Acirrekatz SweetheatSC1619
10Xenosphynx Ellen RipleySC1377
11Sphynxcraft ClouseauNW1301
12Pinkpalace Lamb O GodGL1181
13Shalnavazz GigiEW1141
14MurMeTroll Monica BeluchiES1047
15Mayansphynx SuujuySC1019
16ES* Hayana OmegaES972
17Bluetails DakotaSA958
18TRunaSoul Black DahliaES937
18TAv Ljusalfheim ThorES937
20Sphynxcraft ShawneeNW820
21Meadowsphynx When Stars CollideEW810
22Meadowsphynx VinceroEW802
23Verbena'by Ultraviolet/IDSC790
24Theroyalvelvets Dancin In The RayneSE768
25Moana Smart CupcakeES752
26Beeblebrox Quitela of HakaishinIN716
27Murashoff Charodey of DnileSC675
28Xenosphynx Smeagol My PreciousSC674
29Fantcfur Fantcfur Mostly White TooNW646
30Scantilyclad Rocket of BoryaSC642
31Mayansphynx JookSC638
32TLisvic David Bowie of Glameow/IDSA619
32TBlandoir Kenzo of UlpioSA619
34BareNakedMT Patricia HalliwellES606
35BareNakedMT Paige MatthewsES533
36*MT Bare-Naked Dita Von TesseES507
37Nudesphynxbydee Wind ChaserGL449
38TIT*Regno Del Faraone DraganaES445
38THerrlick TheodorNE445
40Destynys Liliana of SkylilyAE441
41RunaSoul Lilly Lavender BlueEW440
42Lullaby*RU Ewa Le Monti Rey/WCSE439
44TVerbena*By My Sacrament/WCGL430
44TBlack Pearls OrinanaES430
46Fantcfur Berries and CreamNW415
47Velvetskin Sincerely YoursEW329
48Goldensphynxcat Esmeralda O SphynxNE308
49Baresaatchi Magic and MysteryGL291
50BG*Joser LordES271
51Mi-Ko Family Reo/IDAE269
52IT*Dream Diamond Jaked TigerES218
53Fantcfur Roos One And OnlyNW212
54Skinnanigans Bella DonnaGL201
55Fantcfur ViolaNW185
56Hatshepsut DragoES161
57T*MT Bare-Naked Bagheera-Blake OreoES159
57TBaresaatchi Magic at MidnightGL159
59Balbald Black BerryNE158
60Blackpearlssph LylyES152
61TShowmesphynx Princess PeachGL149
61TNude's I M Beerus/CF of HakaishinIN149
63Goliaf PonchikES144
64Fantcfur Hope From LouieNW137
65TNiloskot LanaSA132
65TDestynys Black Jack of SkylilyAE132
67*MT Bare-Naked Helga HufflepuffES127
68Showmesphynx Big Red OneGL118
69Baldskin Kaysey/WCMA97
70Acirrekatz Colorblind CarmineSC91
71Krasa Egypta TsezarES82
72Borealsphynx Deesse GaiaNE75
Alters (40)
Rank Name Region Score
1Spectacularcatz VenusGL7949
2Skylily Sarah MichaelaAE7189
3Skinnanigans StrykerSE4442
4Runasoul Purr VaderEW3354
5Delamonarquia AryaSA2645
6Fantcfur HambinoNW2240
7RunaSoul Let Down Your HairEW2227
8Mysticjewelssx Magical MousersSC2221
9Shalnavazz Da LiEW1524
10Blandoir Don SalvadorSA1379
11Destynys Your Chariot AwaitsMA1371
12Wizardgate Mayhem of BastetsphynxNW1285
13BareNakedMT Quentin TyrellES1053
14Unix Grougue Des Luso CatsES1028
15Cerisier NoelAE968
16Showmesphynx Prince OlafGL946
17DK Talk About Hot Shot OddyEN895
18Spring SphincoAE845
19Wizardgate Snow AngelNW805
20Lunarami BekaSC682
21Saqima Ryur Miss.Ume/IDAE654
22*MT Bare-naked LacosteES622
23*MT Bare-Naked MaleficentES601
24Star-Line ZefirIN560
25Theroyalvelvets Dream In ParadiseSE519
26*MT Bare-Naked Janna TyrellES499
27*MT Bare-naked Harry PotterES465
28*MT Bare-Naked Godric GryffindorES457
29Im One In A BrazillionIN428
31Catzycute PedritaSA340
32Acirrekatz Eno ResolveSC319
33BareNakedMT Phaedra HalliwellES305
34Hairlesswhiskas Obi Wan KenobiEW283
35Beeblebrox Quitela of HakaishinIN198
36BareNakedMT Phoebe HalliwellES193
37*MT Bare-Naked NicaraguaES160
38*MT Bare-Naked NebraskaES148
39Showmesphynx LucyGL125
40TalkAbout Dream CatcherEN122