Estimated Standings by Breed - Abyssinian

Kittens (57)
Rank Name Region Score
1Pampa Lady In Red of PierremontGL7093
2Stinger Dream On of BelisamaMA6753
3Insuubunkai Kukurihime No MikotoAE5833
4Nightmist GooseNW5831
5Finnland Samara MorganNE5588
6Pampa As Good As It GetsSA5521
7Nightrox ChickletNW4305
8Minipuma Jason the MurdererNE4196
9Grapearbor Rowdy WranglerSW3869
10Elamante SolinSC3163
11Mikasa Marfa--3019
12Glendoveer Selena/CF of LunakatzSC2867
13Velvet d'Amour Harry Houdini/IDES2589
14FI*LoveDevotion Valentine--2328
15Runa Ullo KokkinoEN2166
16Grapearbor Chase Me DownSW2159
17Lunakatz Hot N SpicySC2052
18Precieuxsomaby JoleneNE1911
19Glendoveer Ember Moon of LunakatzSC1798
20Fujipaws Strawberry MartiniSW1727
21Belisama One More NightMA1709
22Citrus Miichan To Tsuutan No KaoruAE1587
23Grapearbor Ch Ch Cherry BombSW1475
24MaloonBoutique LanaEW1275
25Asili's Annabel*DE/IDEN1172
26Aradia RioghnanMA1161
27Fermata NeekoAE1139
28Finnland Scarcity ov PrudenceNE1043
29Abyslanding Africa SalvajeSC1036
30Abytastic ALFNE926
31Villanelle Du VianeyES880
32(N) Kiachero XizcooEN824
33Omnia Mea Flambleuse of NudawnzGL697
34Veilchen vom DosenmoorEN648
36Sirius Ullo Kokkino*PLEN593
37Orbita Wild Little Pad/WCEW570
38Thylandias WhiskyEN568
39Nightmist Skyes The LimitNW548
40Abystocratic MurciaMA474
41Difference's UlallaES452
42Amomo's LalaIN423
43Abyslanding Draco Del DesiertoSC415
44Abytastic Cassiopeia of AradiaMA408
45Allerbeste Ed SheeranIN386
46Frontrange CotopaxiSC372
47Savage*RU Fenix En Llamas/CFSC365
48Osiris(V) Fly CatcherIN309
49Stinger Padme of TigstigersSE264
50Fermata HugoAE251
51Abymeadow Blueemerald Dain IronfootEW218
52Fujipaws Strawberry MargaritaSW217
53Abymascot OnyxES192
54Lilith de Raul BuhoES180
55Sweetcatsseven IndigoEW176
56Mikasa ChagallES166
57Grapearbor One More TimeSW140
Championship Cats (51)
Rank Name Region Score
1Abyslanding Africa SalvajeSC10957
2Fujipaws Sylvie In ParisSW8963
3Nightmist KiwiNW8450
4Finnland Scarcity Ov PrudenceNE7096
5Pampa Lady In Red of PierremontGL5231
6Glendoveer Ember Moon of LunakatzSC3062
7Insuubunkai Kukurihime No MikotoAE3018
8Nightmist GooseNW2977
9Pierremond Need A FavorGL2279
10Pampa Bloody Mary of PatacooniaSA2111
11Runa Ullo KokkinoEN1749
12Fedor Sunny Fox of ChicandswellNE1642
13Purreabby Athena of ChabymiouNE1379
14Simmuron ColinES1305
15Orbita Wild Little Pad/WCEW1175
16Abytastic Win ChesterNE1145
17Nightmist JewelNW1001
18Villanelle Du VianeyES987
19Grapearbor Rowdy WranglerSW798
20Osiris(V) Queen CamillaIN722
21Aradia Toil N TroubleMA718
22T-Rex Du VianeyES667
23Danakil's La Bamba*DE/IDEN644
24Sweetcatsseven CiliEW618
25Nightmist ChickletNW573
26Orlandove Sekhmetra of SilktopiaIN535
27Abystocratic PipaMA530
28Nightrox ChickletNW455
29Abyslanding Limsy of WiccatsSC398
30Glendoveer Selena/CF of LunakatzSC394
31Orlandove KarunaNE377
32Cougarsden I Am Your CharmingSC323
33Thylandias WhiskyEN322
34Catarina Wild HappinessEW281
35Abymascot Azura/CFSC272
36Thalia Af KarthoumEN270
37Usana de Raul BuhoES214
38Abytastic Cassiopeia of AradiaMA206
39TDanakil's Missandei*DE/IDEN193
39TIsabella Latvian MiracleEW193
41Grapearbor CH Ch Cherry BombSW192
42Berno Ben KurlandEW182
43Qiara vom DosenmoorEN181
44A Sharm Ru Mars of Abytastic/CFNE171
45Abytastic Leeloo Dallas MultipassNE160
46Berberis Peter PanEW159
47Xenon Adamas*RU/WCSC153
48Sweetcatsseven CharlotteEW133
49Difference's UlallaES129
50Fawn Silver Usta Rey de Mar-ObyES107
51Ziggy De l'Etoile de ChristaxES75
Alters (18)
Rank Name Region Score
1Pierremont Save Me The TroubleGL11166
2Grapearbor Prince RilianSW10198
3Abytastic The Hidden OneNE8452
4Grapearbor Chase Me DownSW4447
5Moulinrouge Tango Mi AmorES3736
6Moulinrouge Topless of BouclesEW3220
7Marica Haifa HeartbreakerEN3025
8Klementynka Ullo Kokkino*PLEN3004
9Iturria's UnaïES2074
10Nudawnz MinoucheGL2036
11Anygma Champagne On IceSE1698
12Thésée L'aura de SéshatES1605
13Abystyle's Taittinger PrestigeES935
14Abbey JuniorIN642
15Fujipaws Strawberry MargaritaSW639
16Fermata ArieAE554
17Nightmist FishNW298
18Wijelo's Runaway RumourEN139