Glendoveer Ember Moon of Lunakatz
1 3 27 2024/06/22b VS 204 204
2 3 27 2024/06/22b EHW 204 408
3 3 24 2024/06/01b DA 201 609
4 3 20 2024/07/20a FM 197 806
5 2S 18 2024/06/22b TCC 156 962
6 8 27 2024/06/22b SSH 149 1111
7 8 25 2024/06/01b CS 147 1258
8 9 27 2024/06/22b AK 138 1396
9 9 27 2024/06/22b TJ 138 1534
10 9 27 2024/06/22b CS 138 1672
11 10 26 2024/06/01b FM 126 1798

Region: SC
Shows: SC=3

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.