2019-2020 Championship Cat Standings: 2210-2416

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Mon Mar 23 14:59:02 2020.

RankChampionship Cat Standings: 2210-2416
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2210T221268Laladoll Emma AERD136
2210T140161TDesiree EWBS136
2210T18513Pandora Sviatoslav of NWWDONS/WC NWDSK136
2210T55161TUther Pendragon Cherry Orchard *RU MPBS136
2210T240161TUsain Bolt von Den Wasserkatzen ENBS136
2215T141T164Furrystockypaws Fudge EWBS135
2215T141T7Elitefelines Duchess EWLY135
2215T319200Duque De Coramonte ESBG135
2215T9492Daniella Mur Portia GLSX135
2215T56269TRagmatical Nimbus MPRD135
2215T212269TCH Ragben Land Cindy AWRD135
2215T144269TNicedolls Eros My Love NERD135
2215T12520Snowhand Lucero SABI135
2215T18524Sharmila Ideal-Liya/WC SCSF135
2215T18676Hollowhills Against All Odds NWES135
2225T222165Kanesei Gou AEBS134
2225T18662Perly Orientu Rosalita of Siblings SCOS134
2225T24125Aurelio Trips Farfalletta ENSF134
2225T145251OhSerenite Cala Lilli NEMC134
2225T187104Wintermist Holly Berry NWSB134
22301438Dreamtime Yarra Bajara EWAUM133
2231T18877TKadokits Joanna Rose NWES132
2231T24277TPL*Sepis Rachel Green ENES132
2231T57272TPedigreeragdoll Princess Snowy SWRD132
2231T320T252Atlantic Acadia's Zardonyx Zed ESMC132
2231T223272TSweetpixy Tasha AERD132
2231T320T18Somalissa Elisha of Somaliann ESSO132
2231T18724Savvypawsbathos SCSV132
2238T146274Kasseldolls Delafee of Happykatrags NERD131
2238T243T22Kalani Hamish ENSCS131
2238T22410Montesol Coco AEMK131
2238T3221Yunamari Abrek ESKB131
2238T243T201Sweet Dream Liberty Camelia ENBG131
2238T243T253Sozvezdie Kunov Una ENMC131
2244T21367Fagu's Xiao Mi of Mijia-Cat/CF AWAB130
2244T57166Evolution In Pointmade God/FF MPBS130
2244T32372Pninacats Amaretto of Purrsquad ESDR130
2244T246T254N'Anto Du Domaine De Sherwood ENMC130
2244T246T202TDimira Best's Elisey ENBG130
2244T58202TSonoita Valentina SWBG130
2244T12614Hometigers Frida SATG130
2251T12779Dilshad Miss Dior SAES129
2251T95105The Last Legion Lakelady Iz LukomoriGLSB129
2251T324204Solaris Bengal's Oreal ESBG129
2254T214T93Foyan AWSX128
2254T214T275DGC Blueice Sunny AWRD128
2254T18873Vintage Best Show*ru SCDR128
2257T325255Felis Felicis Foxtrot ESMC127
2257T225T205Ambersands Law And Order of Medusa AEBG127
2257T216T3Noble Gourd Black Peony AWAC127
2257T14774Tonjankevs Snickers NEDR127
2257T225T106Marmolade Vistula AESB127
2257T216T167Lottem Rice Cake Of Genkkat AWBS127
2263T326T206Glitterglam Star Sapphire ESBG126
2263T58276Finerpointrags Babydoll MPRD126
2263T326T21Elioth Della Valle Bianca*IT ESBI126
2263T227T17Doudou Moulin Frill AESR126
2263T227T56TRainbowcatjapan Egg of Catsroses/ID AENF126
2263T326T9Chai-Lai Gamila Gahiji ESEM126
2263T18956TBluedryad Opus One of Endelosglede NWNF126
2263T128256Wildmajestic Aleron of Luhhocoons SAMC126
2263T227T168Singlike Change The World AEBS126
2272T7822Oshkosh Quizno of bellamiamo MABI125
2272T144T58Forestfriend Buffy EWNF125
2272T248277Ragmagic Mambo No 5 ENRD125
2272T32926Pandora Du Krystal d'Ambre ESSF125
2272T12994Blandior Aslan Ghali SASX125
2272T59207Arkham Imra of Equistice SWBG125
2272T144T23Tommy Arches Stars EWSCS125
2272T230T107Strawberry Baby Shantan AESB125
2272T230T6Milkymyus Zinta of Syuu AEMKL125
2281T16624Fluffy Grace Yuki/WC SESCS124
2281T19018Felinecurly Kauai NWSR124
2281T14825Exotikcat Athena NESV124
2281T23215Clover Cat Graham AECX124
2281T5928Magic Marble Ulian/WC MPSFL124
2286T24999Diamond Rain Konfetti ENPS123
2286T330257Wild Whisper Birba ESMC123
2288T96T108Preciousjewels Flame Prince GLSB122
2288T96T80Carriekatz Downton GLES122
2288T130278Blumenkatzen Nefertite SARD122
2291T191T29ExcatiburFolds Jigglypuff NWSFL121
2291T149279Ravenstars Carl Sagan NERD121
2291T191T169Cheshirelady Zhylya NWBS121
2294T250T21Geraylar Qizilbibi ENTA120
2294T3312Gago Galland Fuzzy Guzzy ESNB120
2294T233T258Ca Happy Cat Blues AEMC120
2294T250T19TBona Thai Legend ENTH120
2294T233T208Misty Iju1shinsara AEBG120
2294T250T19TJazz Elegant Step ENTH120
2300T19381Ladiluck Gypsy of Hollowhills/CF NWES119
2300T189209Primalbengals Parca Maurita Dono SCBG119
2300T23544Candy May Hibari AEAS119
2300T332170Astuce Of Centopia ESBS119
2300T14626Spottyheaven Taz of Dorsetsavannah EWSV119
2300T607Simplyblessed Artic Wind MPBGL119
2306T333T95TOsee Just For Love ESSX118
2306T333T171TGinger Luna-Gatto*PL ESBS118
2306T19095TDawnofthesphynx Charlize Theron SCSX118
2306T236T210Corsicana Bog of Catpardo AEBG118
2306T236T27Sangureisu Shenlong of Kiddyland AESF118
2306T236T171TPet Station Tank Top Fit AEBS118
2306T194259TBellocoons Tango of Housemaines NWMC118
2306T333T82Archcoongel O'Tan En Emporte Le VentESES118
2306T150259TNochafalah San Antonio of SRCoons NEMC118
2306T333T63In Extremis Om ESOS118
2316T239T109Puppy Toys Sofia AESB117
2316T239T173TPetit House Hygeia AEBS117
2316T147173TAmbereyes Shogun of Whiskyeyes EWBS117
2316T15116OhSerenite Gitanne NEMCP117
2320T24128Kiddyland Chreey Blossm AESF116
2320T2539Russpixi Prize ENPB116
2320T152211Chad Wild Liveliness of LunalabengalNEBG116
2320T14823Sucette Addictedto Red EWBI116
2324T254T15Greencity Michel ENTG115
2324T167110Basilicblessing Francis SESB115
2324T14975Aroanui Reuben Redfellow EWDR115
2324T337T15Odace des Terra De Catoun ESSRL115
2324T337T175Wings From Maribessa ESBS115
2324T242280Lynfield Creo AERD115
2324T254T13LuckyPaws Dancing Queen ENKBL115
2331339111Ermak Foresthunter ESSB114
233219576Skidrose Kettle of Happyhour NWDR111
233334022Tamino Gluckskatze A.R. of Sirin ESTA108
2334T341T16Orkidene De Sochris ESCX107
2334T243T29Queen Arm's Moonligth AESF107
2334T341T83Opus Dei Du Moulin D'Entre Les RocheESES107
2334T256281Olivia Chiffondelux ENRD107
2334T341T212TYagobengals Nahar ESBG107
2334T150176Tempesta Silver Utah EWBS107
2334T243T212TMinamifuji Racco Lala AEBG107
2341T151T261TKizzacoons Silvermist EWMC106
2341T191T214TAloracats Ganieda SCBG106
2341T151T214TXanadubengals Amba of Silveroutline EWBG106
2341T191T261TSportingfields Twist And Shout SCMC106
2345T15384Doll Like Teddy Bear of SKDobyrose NEES105
2345T344263Redaddicts Jogurette ESMC105
2345T61216Simplyblessed Painted Lady MPBG105
2348T3453Hiroshima Fuzzy Wuzzy ESNB104
2348T257T264TFinchamberlain Quite The Best ENMC104
2348T6217Boundingmaines Galen MPMCP104
2348T257T264TLordshipcoon Dela Groix ENMC104
2348T131264TIroncat's Tiara SAMC104
2353T25977Wilddiamond Sleeping Beauty ENDR102
2353T153177Whiskeyeyes Limoncello EWBS102
2355T26023Lyuboburm Luciano of Rangpurcat ENBU101
2355T346267Luscinia Nightingales sing the BluesESMC101
2357T132100Weiss Graciosa Nikita SAPS100
2357T34718Tammany's Mon Cherie PP ESMCP100
2359T26129British Cuties Golden Macho ENBL98
2359T19664Stegra Zahara of Toreador NWOS98
2361T348T101Leelow Swan de Melle Ronronne ESPS97
2361T197178Delanuiti Cali of Taloredbrits NWBS97
2361T348T112Only You Kochka Mariinskaya ESSB97
2364T245T59Azureblue Hokumaru AENF96
2364T15445Artemisiacat Jafa of Mowglis EWAS96
2364T26230Yachont Crystal Kay ENSFL96
2364T7927Tiny Tim Snickerdoodle MASG96
2364T245T179TStar Wave Maria AEBS96
2364T245T102TMe Home Chanku/ID AEPS96
2364T350179TMax Sweety From House Of Lords ESBS96
2364T133102TLovespace Morgana SAPS96
2372T98T181TGismo Gentle Ray GLBS95
2372T98T217Rebel Without a Cause GLBG95
2372T351T181TPimousse Du Sweet Sweet Home ESBS95
2372T351T268Black Bandit Wild Peark, CZ ESMC95
2372T1936Oberlin Mia SCHB95
2377T263T60Katzengarten Iitu Lustig ENNF93
2377T353T269TJustcoons Uptown Haze*DE ESMC93
2377T63T282Blossom Thyme of Wasatchragdolls MPRD93
2377T63T97Bare D'lite Full Monty II of ChamoisMPSX93
2377T263T269TArt-Style Vorkun ENMC93
2377T353T218Sofysticats Batman of Bengalcat ESBG93
2383355113H'Waboo de La Korrigane ESSB92
2384T198T85Hoaloha Kokonut Love NWES89
2384T356271Paris Caesar Kockohratky ESMC89
2384T198T18Nicole Setaliya Line of Hissyfit NWPD89
238724830Ninamarl Fuku AEBL88
238819465Sukhotai Lavender And Lace SCOS87
2389T154272THandy Dandy Flavia/FI NEMC86
2389T357272TGrace Bue Laguna Leo ESMC86
2389T20078Fredricka Mon Plaisir of Rexalot/WC NWDR86
2389T26524Cuddle And Kiss Proserpine ENBU86
2389T19527Tribeexotics Tishala SCSV86
2394T249T30Kidbyland Elise AESF85
2394T358219Oslo Du Royaume Des Muses ESBG85
2394T249T98Iton Best Show*ru AESX85
2397T266T274Pandora De La Vallee De Myssie ENMC82
2397T266T31Luxurykissa Bugatti Veyron ENSFL82
2399T201183Grand Velyur Nutella NWBS81
2399T359283Jolie Miziaczek*PL ESRD81
2401155184Romeo EWBS80
2402T268T99Vandvis Mia of Newans ENSX79
2402T20286Missionhill Majestic Monarch NWES79
2402T268T104Mandai's Mr. Sandman ENPS79
2405T20368Nightmist I Believe In Magic NWAB78
2405T134105Weiss Soberana Rowena SAPS78
2407T20428Coeurdelion Avitar of Mightyfine NWSV77
2407T15534Rexkwizit Tamako NECR77
2409T15687Zendique Bolt From Thu Blue EWES76
2409T36019Occitane P Bay Highlands ESMCP76
2411T205T4Kaperkats Hawkeye NWPBL75
2411T205T220Favoritbengals White Angel NWBG75
2411T361T7Asiancats of Viennas Gismo ESTO75
2411T361T17Nessie De La Vallee De L'Orge ESCX75
2411T157275Ishcus Franklin D EWMC75
241665284Blue Dolls Roza/FI MPRD71