2017-2018 Kitten Standings: 2813-3006

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Sun May 20 00:22:36 2018.

RankKitten Standings: 2813-3006
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2813T155364TIshcus Franklin D EWMC198
2813T153115Starbourne Spaceodity of Blueyonder SEES198
2813T106364TDCFD Dark N Dirty MAMC198
2816T245T366TLionwoods Roy Unicon AAMC197
2816T13970Sterlingcatz Chloe NESB197
2816T245T223Sir Elandrea AABS197
2816T253T64Oriental Honor Aslaug ENOS197
2816T253T366TUnicum Visible Blue ENMC197
2816T263140Brio Company Nutella ESPS197
2822156224Camilla Britgrace EWBS196
2823T109T258TRubicon Boy #1 SWBG195
2823T638225Olivia INBS195
2823T264T116Nirvana D'Amor D'Escama ESES195
2823T264T60Whisky Gaspari Catline of purrsquad ESDR195
2823T109T258TAngelsiam Jewel of Sonoitas SWBG195
2823T264T16Aegaeis Macho ESACL195
2829T639409TLAcatdolls Adrianna of Vaynedolls INRD194
2829T200125Sphynxcraft Kandy K O NWSX194
2829T267409TMarosvolgyi Mia ESRD194
2829T162368Bajacoon Ravena SAMC194
2833T255369SymbasStory Niccolo Antonelli ENMC193
2833T12271Osha Vistula*Pl GLSB193
2833T26827Chopin Delle Ombre Blu ESRB193
2836T640T13Luobo of Jiabao INMKL192
2836T269370Hugo of Clandilo Stars ESMC192
2836T640T411TYumiescat Andromeda INRD192
2836T640T226Simple INBS192
2836T256T411TPacificats Torroncino ENRD192
2836T256T31My Marmeladi Flower White Lady ENBL192
2836T640T411TWuwan INRD192
2836T201260Bengalflats Ida Supriz NWBG192
2844T644T29Huihui INSCS191
2844T644T371TGarfild Largowinch INMC191
2844T191T40Sukhotai Toblerone SCSI191
2844T140261Solanaranch Sierra of Pawsabilities NEBG191
2844T59371TWindwalker Mayflower MPMC191
2844T202371TWilliamina Pumpkin Spice NWMC191
2844T191T414Misiangashnawi Namine SCRD191
2844T25812Bersinar Aisha ENOL191
2852T141415Loveybugs Purrsephanie NERD190
2852T157T262TKatzizi Charade EWBG190
2852T203262THeavensdoor Monster NWBG190
2852T157T262TSeregon Beau Fleur EWBG190
2852T12365Nerikha Ice Princess of Chicagosnow GLOS190
2857T646265KTLC Kato Fynn INBG189
2857T15438Ptites Betes Henry Jacques of CowgirSECR189
2857T2706Nuttela de Clemcats'Turtle ESLP189
2860T204126Skinisin Mister Jake NWSX188
2860T259416Rakhshanda Cookie Dough Swich Up ENRD188
2862T142141Pearly Pond Workin 9 to 5 NEPS187
2862T163374Marsisecoon Lucy SAMC187
2862T117Aristique's Seamore --ES187
2865T60375TTtcats Ushi of Mousseecoons MPMC186
2865T260T227TLayla Empire of Cat ENBS186
2865T271227THunnybears Gypsy Woman ESBS186
2865T15950Grays-Sonia Sandgalija EWSF186
2865T647T417TNovadolls Magria INRD186
2865T164T375TMuusa Yamoshi of Coonwild SAMC186
2865T155417TExcaliburcats Tywin SERD186
2865T647T375TDandara Jakarta INMC186
2865T164T22Dal Vigay Dextra SABI186
2865T260T375TBearcloud Jangling Jack ENMC186
2875T272T51Zemfira IL*Deveifold ESSF185
2875T272T419Neskimoo D'Ultraviolet ESRD185
2875T272T379ArchCoonGel Nothing Else Matters ESMC185
2875T111266Camelotslb Lancelot SWBG185
2879T275420Precious Dolls Crepe Suzette ESRD184
2879T649229Alphas Anna INBS184
2881T650T421TJi Tang INRD183
2881T61421TRubyridgerags Elijah of Furreal MPRD183
2881T276142BigPurrs Daria I Noor ESPS183
2881T650T421TCalliste candy INRD183
2885T205424Regencyrags Sampson of Hugaragdoll NWRD182
2885T262T380TProsto Moana ENMC182
2885T262T380TElbcoons Showgirl Saphira ENMC182
2885T652127Cina INSX182
2889T156425TLottarags Camille of Oakside SERD181
2889T264382Amuletcoon Beatrice ENMC181
2889T143425TBellapalazzo Victoria NERD181
2889T12423Caleita Olympic Torch GLBI181
2893T160267Liuse EWBG180
2893T166T5The Kitten House Lola SAAC180
2893T12571Swanskovkats Soren GLNF180
2893T247T118TPontahouse Mario AAES180
2893T206118TMystimitts Hot Rod of Hollowhills NWES180
2893T26523Murburg La Stella ENBU180
2893T247T52Matsupea Syota AASF180
2893T166T118TDblaze Charlotte SAES180
2893T166T62Covercats R2D2 SAAS180
2902T207T427TLongfellow Moana of Myragdollheaven NWRD179
2902T26617laGanjalina Handsome Honeybear ENACL179
2902T249383THareruyah Inherit The Stars AAMC179
2902T157427TSal-Shire Sweet Pea SERD179
2902T207T128TOuttahair Miss Pwnni of SkinIsIn NWSX179
2902T62427TNydivinedollsfitzof4everragdolls MPRD179
2902T277T128TNudelook Ciro ESSX179
2902T207T383TUA*Monterini Versus of Larhae NWMC179
2902T277T268Minileo Dragonfly ESBG179
291126794Wildaby Arsinoe ENAB178
2912T268T95Soom Einstein ENAB177
2912T279T430TRagpublic Amigo ESRD177
2912T1076Udar Annie Oakurley MAAC177
2912T279T143DClass Carnaval ESPS177
2912T63430T5starrags Deandre of Adorabledolls MPRD177
2912T268T269Arindi Cats Dottie ENBG177
2918T193230Katareece Angelina SCBS176
2918T270T96Wijelo's Jaylah Jade Marica ENAB176
2918T10841Minghou Lady Godiva MASI176
2918T281144TEcho de Narcisse Noir Desir ESPS176
2918T169144TCharlie Brwon SAPS176
2918T270T385Betulla di Freya Chili Peppers ENMC176
2918T25072Blue Kitty Amoral AANF176
2925T210432Hugaragdoll Fiero of Flambo NWRD175
2925T109270TGiannisbengal Ultimate Flash MABG175
2925T653T146Ganswed Gilippo Inzaghi INPS175
2925T112270TEquistice Leopoldo Fidelis SWBG175
2925T653T231Bigbabol INBS175
2930T272T433Ragmagic Just A Traveler ENRD174
2930T14463Mowgleaves Londons Calling Jaxson NEAS174
2930T272T386Mainemarie Slash of TheBirdcage ENMC174
2933T282T272Nicxia R. Gattopardo ESBG173
2933T655387Yaroslava Laguna Leo INMC173
2933T282T41Cleopatra ESSFL173
2936T12697Thecatgarden's Bang!Bang! GLAB172
2936T11316Specialagent Recon's Smoot SWPB172
2936T194388TShonycoon's Connecticut SCMC172
2936T656T434TOmalley Willa of Minos INRD172
2936T656T434TMaroonblue Visa INRD172
2936T64273Dakotas Girl MPBG172
2936T170388TCoonwildco Shantal of Muusa SAMC172
2936T656T232Bawan INBS172
2936T284147Agapi Mou Art Decco ESPS172
2945T17120Toyger Europe Charlie Brown SATG171
2945T656Graymark Moon Shadow MPBO171
2945T659233Dan Dan INBS171
2945T1142Catalons Ice Capade SWABS171
2949T195T66Kuanjin Roxanne SCOS170
2949T274T72Vinnimur Berislav ENSB170
2949T211390Mymaina Alivias Pearla NWMC170
2949T274T21Dushara Laugh And A Half ENSO170
2949T110274TAnjou Milady Mary Queena Spots MABG170
2949T115274TArkham Livin On A Prayer SWBG170
2949T195T274TAuroralights Jokers Wild SCBG170
2949T28518Aegaeis Denver ESACL170
2957T161T391Kizzacoons Pixie Hollow EWMC169
2957T17226Von&Von Laysa SAHI169
2957T660T436TVivian INRD169
2957T161T148TMarmelstien Lovinsda Airtonite EWPS169
2957T660T234Doony INBS169
2957T660T121Daniel INES169
2957T19717Cloudcity Malee SCTH169
2957T660T148TAmysbowzi Lam Lam INPS169
2957T660T436TBlueice Jasmine INRD169
2966T163392Noracoon Elmira of Jakatta EWMC168
2966T212T130Fantcfur Redclare Niksagain NWSX168
2966T665T438TDiana INRD168
2966T286T98Darlen-Fleur Princess Budur ESAB168
2966T286T438TCrazy Love Dolls Cinderella of MolliESRD168
2966T665T53Batman INSF168
2966T212T9Caprice's Potap NWDSK168
2973T11117Jamie of Mureshka/WC MAPD167
2973T164T277THotfuzz Zazu EWBG167
2973T164T277TSilverstone Whiteout EWBG167
2973T21461Rainingrexes Prince Charming NWDR167
2973T164T19Overear Ohforfoxsake EWACL167
2973T276393TWindinwillows Isabelle ENMC167
2973T198393TEnvey-Meow Titan SCMC167
2973T667440Bingo Dolls Bubble Gum INRD167
2981T199279TLileopard Lithium SCBG166
2981T27718ThaiBlueAngels Gabriella ENTH166
2981T11267Rakiscats Vardah MAOS166
2981T66279TArctic Essence MPBG166
2985T200T68Kuanjin Sneakers SCOS165
2985T288281DE*Kalindi Tara ESBG165
2985T200T42Chipmunk Concertina SCSI165
2988T668T395TKaiselin INMC164
2988T668T282Huai Lu INBG164
2988T251T22Guriguri A-T Lime AASO164
2988T27810Maulove Spice Soul Rabea ENEM164
2988T668T395TEdynacoons Rama Blue of Chelz INMC164
2988T28999DR.Queen Ullo Kokkino*PL ESAB164
2988T668T441TClark INRD164
2988T251T441TBloomdolls Bravo AARD164
2988T16718Allspotz Mischief EWSV164
2997T672122Little Tiger INES163
2997T168T62Iskra's Vovchik EWDR163
2997T168T235Grace Perla Polundnia PL EWBS163
2997T279150Pleskava Gretchen ENPS163
3001T215131SkinIsIn Oliver Eyes On Me NWSX162
3001T673T123Persimmon INES162
3001T673T236Xiao Tian Xin INBS162
3001T280397Mac Conner Lollywood ENMC162
3001T170283Follywood I-Candy EWBG162
3006T675T20Libra INACL161
3006T11313Leafdance Janus MAOL161
3006T127100Khafre Mackemore of Rokstarr GLAB161
3006T158398Gentle Predator Zoe Justakatz SEMC161
3006T253443TReddoor Rosemaly of Fluorite AARD161
3006T675T443TPL'Mulan Cat Brenda INRD161
3006T675T9Carslan INMNT161