Estimated Standings by Breed - Abyssinian

Kittens (108)
Rank Name Region Score
1A Aby Dancing Fire IN7269
2Asin Barbara EN6696
3Wicked Shazam of Aradia MA6592
4Belisama Shes Got The Look MA6551
5Pierremont Hagen GL5989
6Ammycrystal Chiaki of Insuubunkai AA5702
7Elamante Allure SC5584
8Bearbrook Gem O Nile of Grapearbor SW4507
9Abysaint Moonlight SA4323
10Blueriver Kodak Moments SE4179
11Anygma Isabella Rose of Grapearbor SW3786
12Briarvalley Mystic Flame of Rulissa GL3761
13Belisama How You Like Me Now MA2986
14Khafre Confundus Densaugeo GL2742
15Asili's Belle EN2716
16Belisama 24k Magic in the Air MA2669
17Nudawnz Maybe Baby of Grapearbor SW2602
18Crossfire Loki of Grapearbor SW2533
19Aconcagua Ramses SA2395
20Rulissa Bonnie Blu of Briarvalley GL2355
21Syymxsmj?s Wukong IN2354
22Bombproof Netflix And Chill ES2024
23Herus Spellbound NW1925
24Wijelo's Jazzy Jezebel EN1845
25Khamsin Monte Carlo NE1782
26Onistuka Tiger of Flashastar IN1755
27Nightrox Sprout NW1677
28Orlandove Michaux IN1648
29Abyfelis N'Aby Bleu ES1642
30Kikiandco Lili SC1570
31Danakil's Miakoda EN1523
32Abyqueen Jade AA1480
33Akoya La Niomana EN1378
34Bel Air Aus Abusir ES1377
35Nebuankhet Pastel Goth EN1335
36Katanga Antonella SE1325
37Quodlibert Chokeberry ES1316
38Herus Fantasy of Grape Arbor SW1276
39Absinthe La Niomana ES1262
40Wil-O-Glen's Giulia/CF SW1258
41Soom Emma EN1257
42Brouillard Moon-Ny of Insuubunkai AA1205
43Holoserica's Tumaini of Dushara EN1181
44Aradia Blonde Ambition of Divabys MA1168
45Aconcagua Guerrera SA1137
46Bonbon Mon Valeur EN1129
47Abyqueen Logan --1099
48Kahalicats Chianti of Grapearbor --1082
49Hello Mimmy Akane of Licca AA1028
50Bearbrook Niko Titanitti SE1001
51Des Cavalier Marzipan EN996
52Insuubunkai Moenagi AA992
53Nubian Demi-Taz NE984
54Briarvalley Typhoo of Rulissa GL982
55Nightmist Jumpin Jack Flash NW938
56Xavara Minivara EN936
57Abyqueen Ella --912
58Orange Mermelad Lisa SA911
59Khafre Adhara of Elamante SC886
60Herus Moon Raider NW875
61Asili's Cooper EN861
62Abyqueen Jenny --846
63Almaros Wild Honey of Fryga EN823
64Abyqueen Ryan AA801
65Difference's New York City Boy ES796
66Holoserica Nehab of Pardus EN780
67Cuchi of Raul Buho ES756
68Nefertiti's Word Evi SA750
69Templedebastet Ivanka of ImperialmagNE722
70Herus Brain Damage NW637
71Khamsin Angels Envy NE607
72Greenvile Qube Libre EN597
73Pierremont Kicking Up Dust GL563
74Abysphere's Sumi-E ES556
75Nefertiti's Word Guadalupe SA546
76Shardi Sansara of Pardus EN517
77Khafre Mystic Blue GL486
78Orbi IN485
79Linczozo Hector EW454
80Bravura Lulu SE437
81Descavalier Latvia of Superbee IN405
82Nightmist Back in Black NW403
83Asili's Django EN345
84Aby Aran's Hoya of Abyyan AA333
85Guai Guai IN315
86Nolan L'Aura de Seshato ES312
87Highaitpaws D Or of Ganswed IN295
88Isatai's Avanii EN293
89Pampa Mi Amor SA265
90Namei IN236
91Soom Gregory Peck EN208
92Baie Mon Valeur EN202
93Belisama Cant Stop The Feeling MA199
94Wildaby Arsinoe EN178
95Soom Einstein EN177
96Wijelo's Jaylah Jade Marica EN176
97Thecatgarden's Bang!Bang! GL172
98Darlen-Fleur Princess Budur ES168
99DR.Queen Ullo Kokkino*PL ES164
100Khafre Mackemore of Rokstarr GL161
101Kahalicats Whos That Lady of Aksum SE150
102Naya D'Aphrodite ES138
103Blueriver's Copy and Paste GL135
104Danakil's Pepito EN131
105Anygma Pippa MA128
106Bearbrook Mac Dubh of Kapekatz SE118
107BigCuriosity GustavoCerati SA116
108Sharavi Ramses EN93
Championship Cats (111)
Rank Name Region Score
1Wicked Back In The High Life MA11192
2Aaby Dancing Fire IN9972
3Belisama 24K Magic In The Air MA9521
4Wil-O-Glen's Bombero of Aconcagua SA7758
5Greenville H.D. Magic of A Aby IN6921
6Nudawnz Maybe Baby of Grape Arbor SW6919
7Anygma Isabella Rose of Grapearbor SW5819
8Insuubunkai Moenagi AA5413
9Brouillard Moon-Ny of Insuubunkai AA5406
10Abyqueen Zoe AA5182
11Aconcagua Ramses SA4696
12Pampa Sumatra SA4423
13Pierremont Hagen GL3954
14Nightrox Creme Dela Creme NW3947
15Chocolatecherry Cornflower Treasur EN3810
16Descavalier Stefani EN2797
17Mirrorofsoul Hillarion EN2641
18Asili's Belle EN2388
19Saphira La Niomana EN2303
20Rulissa Bonnie Blu of Briarvalley GL2300
21Danakil's Abajomy EN2106
22Danakil's Deja Vu EN2102
23Asin Barbara EN2046
24Mysticpaws Magical Storm SC1877
25Pentaclecats Jazy of Imperialmagic NE1853
26Herus Saito Jajime NW1832
27Shadeaby Double O Seven of Taco VillEN1737
28Nightmist Back In Black NW1709
29Asin Paulo/CF EN1697
30Adam&USS Jaxx Man of BlueVika IN1605
31Moon Raider NW1566
32Khamsin Aston Martin of Serenacat NE1534
33Abyfelis Mambo ES1525
34Shadeaby Pink Panther of The Hobbit IN1503
35Abysaint Dalila of Bigcuriosity SA1451
36Orange Marmelad Red Diesel EN1355
37Anaksounamoun Emmanuelle ES1354
38Caress Mon Valeur EN1225
39Hello Mimmy Macaron AA1124
40Nebuanhet Valentine Water EN1118
41Orange Marmelad Georges SA1081
42Briarvalley Mystic Flame of Rulissa GL1073
43Amiga's Dutchess van Lovely-Asta --1070
44Herus Dreamboat Annie NW1062
45Eldeboro Larson EN1011
46Omnia Mea Golden Miracle IN999
47Magicshine Atasha IN997
48Des Cavalier Maverick EN991
49Difference's New York City Boy ES926
50Elamante Toruck SC875
51Aksum Carbon Copy of Blueriver SE855
52Abysaint Aednat of Pierremont GL834
53Rulissa Hamilton of Briarvalley GL826
54Abyqueen Sophia --819
55Cellani Siena Usanie ES784
56TOmnia Mea Aaron of Aby Aran AA779
56TNeaera's Genna Gingerella EN779
58Zinfelmax Amun Ra of Khafre GL774
59Desmadinina Melle Magouille Of Des EES752
60Apelsinam's Loupiac of Darlen Fleur EN702
61Bombproof Netflix And Chill ES692
62Somarineko Pipa EN682
63Abylife Tyrion Lannister --676
64Khafre Kiraz of Imperialmagic NE672
65Rulissa Into the Mystic GL665
66Elamante Acura SC644
67Ladifference Mafalda of Pampa SA639
68Pierremont Azora of Pentaclecats SE632
69Nebuankhet Nae Laird! EN590
70IT Quodlibet Chokeberry ES560
71Abycastle Lyon IN558
72Childofgod Onika EN543
73TDes Cavalier Solar Energy of Marica EN518
73TMister Orion Des Minocs D'Amor/LO NE518
75Waikiki Aus Abusir ES517
76Herus Moon Raider NW498
77Pampa Loquito Por Ti of Aconcagua SA462
78Desentrechats Luna ES433
79Nightmist Cricket NW430
80Ganswed Abi King Muezza of Superbee IN402
81Wildaby Slevin EN392
82Nubian Montreal Expresso NE366
83Cuchi De Raul Buho ES365
84Templedbastet Miss Cassiopee NE342
85Nudawnz Oses Moi GL303
86Blueriver Copy Cat SE292
87Bearbrook Akasha Queen ofddamned SE283
88Almaros Wild Honey of Fryga EN281
89Herus Dianes Love NW267
90Abyfelis N'Aby Bleu ES246
91Misty du Vianey ES222
92Abyfelis Ladiva ES207
93Ganswed Aby Brasco Berryl IN206
94Greenville Maleficent of Semerchets EN192
95Blueriver Kodak Moments SE190
96Ganswed Aby Djoyondaru of D'BluekillIN188
97Apelsinam Lancaster ES183
98Nerkes Liverpool EN174
99Anygma Pippa MA167
100Briarvalley Snickerdodle of Rulissa GL160
101Briarvalley Rainman of Rulissa GL158
102TJokercats Bingo ES151
102TAbysaint Moonlight SA151
104Des Cavalier Tamina of Wijelo EN149
105Ladifference Mykonos of Aconcagua SA143
106Jokercats Kevin ES142
107Danakil Happiness EN111
108Nefertiti's World Bess SA105
109Holoserica Vesper Lynd of Tacovilla EN99
110TMysticpaws Ramsey of Imperialmagic NE89
110TTempledbastet Nefertiti NE89
Alters (34)
Rank Name Region Score
1Belisama How You Like Me Now MA10511
2Descavalier Regtime Avante EN10433
3Darlen-Fleur Black Jack EN10108
4Crossfire Loki of Grapearbor SW10006
5Rulissa Into The Mystic GL9872
6Orlandove Candy Biter IN8720
7Pentaclecats Touched By Magic SE5015
8Chome Chai Fleurdelune of Andredie SE4641
9Zehnder's Roger Vivier of Nudawnz GL3818
10Khamsin Tangled Up In Majik NE2744
11Laire Valar Lorien EN2036
12Pentaclecats Dexter Morgan NE1680
13Bigcuriosity Gustavo Cerati SA1357
14BigCuriosity Fergie SA1060
15Abyqueen Helios AA901
16Abyqueen Luffy --791
17Eritrean Bear Teddy EN781
18Wijelo's Electric Edison EN701
19Greenville Mocco EW632
20Nil D'Aphrodite ES626
21Odakota Fearghus of Majorus NE607
22Des Entrechats Mister BB Bramwell EW570
23Ganswed Aby Benson IN484
24Khafre Confundus Densaugeo GL481
25Mrwhouse Candy of Flashastar IN472
26Mc Cartney Silver D'Addis Abeba ES455
27Katanga Themis SA423
28Draco Ullo Kokkino EN378
29Linczozo Hector EW337
30BigCuriosity Simba SA253
31Anygma Peregrine Espresso MA252
32Mehiel L'Aura De Seshat ES198
33Shardi Versace of Kelela/CF SW143
34Mysticpaws Witch Upon A Star SE138