2017-2018 Kitten Standings: 2612-2809

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Sun May 20 00:22:36 2018.

RankKitten Standings: 2612-2809
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2612T993Kitzn Kyle MABM280
2612T227345Canon Monet of Marvelcats AAMC280
2614T587T238Judyful Sno Lena INBG279
2614T22918Ninou des Lotus De Lumiere ESSRL279
2614T23616Mr. Sky ENTG279
2614T587T47Mi-2 INSF279
2614T54Cacao Double Eagle of Angelbear --AS279
26191876Mysticamist Marblu NWAUM278
2620T228379Farandoll Ojyo AARD277
2620T589210TCutest Plam Iris INBS277
2620T230T23Chucky ESSCS277
2620T230T210TAzura From Raven City ESBS277
2624T590T39Scottland Skyway INSFL276
2624T22968Miagola Uta AANF276
2624T590T380TChripyDoll Dabao of yoyobeans INRD276
2624T133380TAmicomollis Estee of Babyblueeyes NERD276
2628T181T38Kuanjin Jumpin' Jack Flash SCSI275
2628T143116Sphynzangels Saorla SESX275
2628T23710Naomi Campbell De La Valle Des DieuxENLY275
2628T181T7Mishikoonz Treasure of Dawntreader SCMCP275
2628T1004Ashknoll Dhelia MAKM275
2633T13434Fred NECR274
2633T592382Tagu-Miao Duffy INRD274
2633T18357Siblings Jumpin Sesame SCOS274
2636T593117Osing Kokoladys of Tenika INSX273
2636T188212Dramatica My Watch Has Ended NWBS273
2636T230239Bengal Family Doll AABG273
263923814Zara Jessica Silver Safinland ENSCL271
2640T150134Star Olypus Mr Black SAPS270
2640T10323Pawsalamode Just Peach Me SWHI270
2640T11655Bootsie's Misty Lou GLAS270
2643T594T35Genie Sonny INCR268
2643T594T6Zhao Cai INMNT268
2643T189T118Simplynude Fat Albert NWSX268
2643T189T65Fedor Sladkoe Pyatnyshko NWSB268
2643T144240Bearbrook Corozal In My Heart SEBG268
264823215Pofuduk Lolita ESSCL267
2649T19119Curlyflats Moana of Dramatails NWSRL266
2649T23917Badina Amil ENTG266
2651T10122Toriland Solo MABU265
2651T117346TIshcus Dalton of Chemicoons GLMC265
2651T145T16Zarafold Beethoven EWSCL265
2651T15189Pampa Mi Amor SAAB265
2651T145T346TMabalakat Satchmo EWMC265
2651T596T56Cooper INAS265
2651T596T24Bluevike Mike Moonlight INRB265
2658T15218Toyger Europe Mohana SATG264
2658T233348Nadycoon Horatio ESMC264
2660147241Eyreforestcats Luna EWBG263
266123419Nouba Du Mont D'Hermine ESBI262
266210436Rexplus Darwin's Missing Lynx SWCR261
266318420Bumblebe Once Upon A Time SCBI260
266423566Igor Federal Kuzeyliyoldaslar ESSB259
26651455Oberlin JJ Mouzer SEHB258
2666T153119Jose Sonata SASX257
2666T236213MagicMoments Vanda ESBS257
2668T598T26TLittle One INMK256
2668T237T20Hunnybeard I Feel Pretty ESSRL256
2668T598T26TXiao Xun INMK256
2668T19255Devonjoi Draco Malpurr of Mywaves NWDR256
2668T237T67Blue Sky de Lady Boris ESSB256
2673T23924King Of Blue Eyes Baron ESSCS255
2673T19314Heavenlyhairles Sugar and Spice NWPD255
2673T135383HappyKatRags Riley NERD255
2673T600T10Sun INMKL255
2673T15468Sarahsiberian Bruno SASB255
2673T600T242Nanxi INBG255
2679T602T17Pretty Girl INSCL254
2679T602T214Only Russo Benjamin INBS254
2681148215Gandes Fijji EWBS253
2682T604T16Hudie INTH252
2682T604T384Gyatso INRD252
2682T604T69Wildforest Autumnleaves INNF252
2685T607385Polly Purring Doll PL INRD251
2685T23157Amour J-Rei AAAS251
2687T240T56Heiwaz Beleth Dominae Ab Inferis ESDR250
2687T240T25Camilla Del Cuore Impavido ESSCS250
2689240243Leopard Shahnn*RU Avatar ENBG249
2690185216Imaginecattery Passing As A Blossom SCBS248
2691T608120Sphynxkingdom Remy INSX247
2691T232244Medusa Sail On Silver Girl Mai AABG247
2693T233T349TFuigwaru Fuan AAMC246
2693T233T349TOhedo Ito AAMC246
2693T24224Endless Tale Sleeping Beauty ESHI246
2693T60958Baobao INAS246
269715557Theavengers Odan Urr Jedi SADR245
26981183Deacon Blues of Shadynook GLAC244
2699T610T37Lao Hu INCR243
2699T14915Overear Pocketfulofpromise EWACL243
2699T610T26Dahua INSCS243
2699T14619Aluren Velocity SETG243
27031054Catalons Piper SWABT242
2704T243351Country Gulliver's Pamir ESMC241
2704T102110Chonilee Thunder N Lightning MAES241
2704T612386Baby Meimei INRD241
2707T136387NY Divine Dolls Plato NERD240
2707T15058TWhimzeerex Minister of Maystar EWDR240
2707T19458TDevon Joi's Next Chapter NWDR240
271023511Neko Kuni's A-Rara AAMKL238
271161390Namei INAB236
2712T244388Ragpublic Alaska ESRD235
2712T614217Qiu Wang INBS235
2712T24140Mos Charm Belle Magnifico ENSFL235
2715T236111Leostar Black Baron AAES234
2715T147245TLeopardkind Samurai Spirit SEBG234
2715T245T69Hera Laila Kuzeyliyoldaslar ESSB234
2715T245T245TSundarbengal Floch ESBG234
2715T156135Raio De Luz Wendy of Dirose's SAPS234
2715T245T389Mirumkitty Magic Mike XL ESRD234
2721106390Rubyridgerags Mandie Monroe SWRD233
2722237352Ohedo Genchan of Tingara AAMC232
2723T103247Ksbengals Caramel Chaos MABG231
2723T18627Kissafold Olivia SCSCS231
2725T242T112Isjonas Babbelutte ENES230
2725T151T58TSunstorm Pixie Lott EWOS230
2725T242T248Silvertrace Ramses ENBG230
2725T151T58TUltimus Masha EWOS230
27296157KML Arthur INMNT229
2730248249Bengalivo Sublimity ESBG228
2731616218DiuDiu INBS227
2732T617391Fox INRD226
2732T137136Elbrus Forget Me Not NEPS226
2732T2448Bloomingcoons Mirage P ENMCP226
2735T249T39Lions Prides Clause ESSI225
2735T618219KK INBS225
2735T24560Yrttitarhan Xitwa ENOS225
2735T249T121*MT Bare-Naked Diana Ross ESSX225
2739T157T353Patagonia Lao SAMC224
2739T157T113Dblaze Africa of Roitman SAES224
2739T195250Bengalflats Ema Supriz NWBG224
2742619392Minos Natta INRD223
274314825Purr-Star Moon Walker SEHI222
2744T19615Heavenlyhairles Rikki Ricardo NWPD221
2744T62061Ninethoughts Zhang Liang INOS221
2746T621T393TBodhirags Ali INRD220
2746T621T393TBodhirags Merer INRD220
2748T246T354TJon Bon Jovi Chalai Dara ENMC219
2748T23812Hanabi Crong AAMKL219
2748T187251Fricks Spectacular Sam SCBG219
2748T119395Scragdolls Loveblush of Cottonblues GLRD219
2748T251T48Nessa des Pebbles Cats ESSF219
2748T246T354TArlecoon Varvara ENMC219
2748T251T137Bafini Diana ESPS219
2748T15916Beyondlimits Chimuelo SAPD219
2756T25321Nee En 17 de Sylvabelle ESBI218
2756T19728McSmitten Laphroaig NWSCS218
2756T120252Barrottsdream Amazing Grace GLBG218
2759T149253Silverstorm Phantom Of Valleykatz SEBG217
2759T254T138TNewton D'Hakijaz ESPS217
2759T254T138TBigPurrs Goose Bumps ESPS217
276262359Shangmaoge Honey INAS216
2763T624T28Dian Dian INMK215
2763T624T396Diamondkitty Hongtao INRD215
2765T1604The Kitten House Dali SAAC213
2765T256122Nicci de L'Unique ESSX213
2765T23918Montesole Blue Light AATO213
2768T121397TKeepurrs Lillie GLRD211
2768T240397TFarandoll Ran AARD211
2768T104356Cape Cod's Skyfall of DCFD MAMC211
2771T626T399Frist Love INRD210
2771T626T49Dubbo Nana INSF210
2773T257357TGaiacoon Nino ESMC209
2773T188357TMyluckystars Mercury of Dawntreader SCMC209
2775T258T220TGoldie Beauty Factory ESBS208
2775T241T400Sweetpixy Priscilla AARD208
2775T241T25Supersmile Alice AARB208
2775T24891Soom Gregory Peck ENAB208
2775T628T220TNiu Niu INBS208
2775T628T123Wishfigoz Dementor of Manggala INSX208
2775T258T254Mario ESBG208
2782T150124Shelgren Forgot My Tuxedo and Mask SESX207
2782T153359TCoonflakes Tintagel EWMC207
2782T249359TArchcoongel No Woman No Cry ENMC207
2785T630T60La Tiao INAS206
2785T107255Jungletime Huntress of Arkham SWBG206
2785T260114Shenny's Candita ESES206
2785T161361TMuusa Toreto SAMC206
2785T630T361TMc Diadia INMC206
2790T261256Shaushka Maelstrom ESBG205
2790T15111Sacchidananda Daphne SEOL205
2790T632401Ragben Land Yvette/FI INRD205
2793T250363Love is Beautiful of Eagles Eye's ENMC204
2793T18962Kuanjin Little Black Dress SCOS204
2793T24326Hikari Roro AARB204
2793T262402Crazy Love Dolls Coco's ESRD204
2797T633T403TSweatheart Jiujiu of Xiasuns INRD203
2797T633T61Ranran INAS203
2797T198403TBeecaveRagdolls Karma NWRD203
2800T199257Tikkasky Love Grows Here NWBG202
2800T244405TKiwimagic National Treasure AARD202
2800T19063Siblings Dinah Might SCOS202
2800T635T29TShun INMK202
2800T635T29TPhone-3 INMK202
2800T635T8Mimidolls Berlin INMNT202
2800T25192Baie Mon Valeur ENAB202
2800T138405TBrightstone Ranger Jordan Ryder NERD202
2808108407Marlcreek Maverick of Keepurrs SWRD200
2809T25270Katzengarten Helmi Rilla ENNF199
2809T154408Royalrubydolls Aruba EWRD199
2809T152222Purrluxe Leopold SEBS199
2809T10593Belisama Cant Stop The Feeling MAAB199