PracTICAl Cats, Gray Summit, Missouri, February 22-23, 2025

                     Saturday                            Sunday       
               Vicki Jo Harrrison AB               Lindajean Grillo AB
               Robin Austin       AB               Debbie Brown     SP
               Debbie Lopeman     AB               Barbara Ray      AB
               Chris Unangst      AB               Fate Mays        AB
               Toni Jones         AB               Laura Cunningham AB
               Brenda Russo       AB               Laurie Patton    AB
               Charlotte Shea     SP               Steve Corneille  AB
               Johary Gomez       AB               Maria Bunina     AB

KITTENS                                  VJH RA DL CU TJBRu CS JG LG DBBRa FM LC LP SC MB
Woodspirit's Jasper Of Jotom/CF      PS    3  2  3  6  4  6 3L  2  6 1L  2  1        8  6
CatsOfTara Aurora/CF                 ACL   9     2  4  7  3     8  9 4L  6  4  1  4  1   
JaKoi Famous Last Words              JBL  10  8  6  7  8  2 2L  9  4 5L  3  5  6  5      
Russicatblue Jaxxon of Silverkissed  RB    1    10  2  2  1 2S  5        9  3  3     3  1
HawkeRidge Carolina Reaper           CR          4  3     5 1S  4  5 1S  1  8     2  9   
Brownstorm Rise Above of Wildlife    BG       7        1    5S  3  2 2S     6  8  3  6  5
Musrafy Mayfare of MiuSiberianCats   SB    5  5        5  7     1  8     4  2  5     5   
Synergy Take Me To The River         OL    8  3  1  5     4 4L  7  3 3L        9         
Everpaw Avada Kedavra                ES       1  8        8 4S  6  1 4S 10     2  8      
Ranchcats Capn Jak of Forestbell     MC       9  5     3          10 2L  8 10  4    10  3
PinkPalace Wednesday We Wear Pink    SX    2        8  6       10    3S  5  7    10    10
Lunakatz Hot N Spicy                 AB    4          10  9 3S       5S        7        2
Hojpoj Paisley                       OL                            7     7        7  4   
NuDawnz Fade Into You                RD            10                             6  7  8
Caressecoon Cover me in Sunshine     MC                                           1  2   
Chemicoons Magnolia of TheresaPurrs  MC          7  1                                    
Cyberkoshki Soul Comfort             SB                     1L                          7
SouthMeowtain Q of Showmesphynx      SX       4          10                              
LibertyBengals Top Gun               BG    6     9                                       
Sinhsoul Valerio                     BI       6             5L                           
CelestialSpots Umbra                 EM             9                       9            
SweetPearlCats Dream Queen Maeve     SCL                                      10        9
Rozenwine Leonardo                   ES                                                 4
Foxcreekbengals Figt the Good Fight  BG    7                                             
Trailhawk Daijin                     SI                                           9      
Yuppie-Ya-Yeah Beesha*PL/FI          RD                9                                 
Ranchcats Annie Oakley of LuckiMC    MC      10                                          
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      30 30 30 30 29 29 16 30 31 16 31 29 30 31 31 30
                     Shorthair Count                        13       12                  

CATS                                     VJH RA DL CU TJBRu CS JG LG DBBRa FM LC LP SC MB
Oberlin Bon Bonne Button             HB    1  6  5  5  9  4    10  2 4S     6  4  8  4  4
Purrrealdolls Cosmic Energy          RD    2  1     4  2  1 1L  3  5     1  2           9
NuDawnz Love is a Battlefield        SI    5  3     7  7  6     2  7     3  5     4      
Got Curls Bao Gu                     CR    4  8     1  6  2     4  3                 1  1
Acirrekatz Sweetheat                 SX    8    10  6  4        1    1S           9  9  3
Berstuk Ruslan                       SB    7     6     3  3 3L       2L  6  7          10
Coonskin Tommy Birken                MC       7                 5        5  1  1     5  6
Pufkinz Godric Grawp Gridelwald      PS          7  2       2L       4L     3 10  6  6   
Obsidianeen Belenus of Vanniespaws   ES       2  1          4S     4 2S        7  7      
Starghatts Upsy Daisy of Bumblebe    BI       4                      1L     8  8  5  3  8
Ginchika Aja no Sekiseki             JB               10  7 2S     1     8     6        7
4PawsRacing Miles                    MCP   6       10  8             5L    10     2     5
Wavemakers Junebug of Alafiasky      SR   10     2  8           9        2     2         
Laddhillbengals Baz of LotsOfSpots   BG    3           5    3S  7              9     2   
Caressecoon Poker Pocket Rockets     MC                1           6 3L        3  1      
NitroKatz Mariatu                    SV             9       5S  8 10     9     5         
AlafiaSky Madecasse Brulee           DR       9  3  3     9     6                        
AllFoldIntoOne Im Kenough            BS                     1S       5S  7        3      
Lunakatz Ryker                       BG          9                      10  4        8   
Pinkpalace Lamb O God                SX       5           8              4               
Rockinashi Version ofYou             BI          4        5        9                     
Glendoveer Selena/CF of Lunakatz     AB                                              7  2
Karissimakat Dancin in the Dark      SI                              3S             10   
LuckiMC Smooth Opurrator             MC                  10 4L                           
Pawcitys Timber of PearlsMinuets     MNL                    5L                   10      
Prekrasne Strzyga of Berstuk         SB                            8                     
LuckiMC Hypnotize Me                 MC          8                                       
Aradia Toil N Trouble                AB                                     9            
ForestSpots Sheba                    NF    9                                             
Orion Amavi*PL of Felwinter          SB      10                                          
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      37 37 36 37 36 36 17 36 37 16 36 38 37 38 37 36
                     Shorthair Count                        19       20                  

ALTERS                                   VJH RA DL CU TJBRu CS JG LG DBBRa FM LC LP SC MB
Pierremont Save Me The Trouble       AB    1  4  2  7  1  1 2S  2  5 2S  1  1  3  3  2  1
Wunderfolds Bennie and the Jets      SFL   5  3  4  1  4  4 4L  4    1L  2  7  5  6  8  5
Nudawnz Sachiko                      JBL   2  5  3  3  2  2 1L  1        3  2  1     6  8
Jada Captain Morgan                  SRL      1  6  6  3 10     5    2L     6 10  1  4  6
Tersanctus Mirabilis of KLM          BA    4     9  5  5    3L     6 4L     8     7  1  2
Shelbie Sirius Blue of KAOS          ABT   8    10 10  6  7 2L           4  9     4  9  3
Oberlin Burberry Baby                HB    6  7  7     9        8           5  7  2  3  4
Milehithaidi Miss Gloria from Galt   OS   10           7  3        3 3S  5  3  9     5  9
Kaylee's No Tell Lover/CF            CR          8          4S  6    5S  9     2  8  7   
Rockinashi Vero Cinnabar of JaKoi    BI    7  6  5     8  6        8           4         
Rockinashi Bangkok Loco              KM       9     9     5 1S     9     6 10            
LibertyKatz Maverick Independence    MC       8  1  4       5L  3    3L                  
ForestSpots King Clancy              NF      10           8     9  4 5L             10  7
SpectacularCatz Venus                SX       2           9    10  2 1S                10
CelestialSpots Illuminance           EM    9                    7  7    10  4            
Dreamon Argenta Alexa of Lotsofspots BG    3                       1     8     8         
Karissimakat Chocolate Chip          SI             8                4S           9      
Cresmooncats Sir Elton               MC             2                    7               
Caressecoon Miss lady lyl            MC                           10           6         
Galileo Figaro of Loretta British    BS               10    3S                           
Carolinameows High Ho Silver of Wigg MC                                           5      
Skinnanigans Stryker                 SX                                          10      
LegendaryThai Yueya                  TH                     5S                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      29 29 29 29 29 29 14 29 30 14 30 30 30 30 30 29
                     Shorthair Count                        15       16                  

Ozarks Thunder Snow of Wigglebutt          1  1  1  2  2  2 1L  1  2 1L  1  2  1  2  2  1
Shooting For The Stars of KAOS             2  2  2  1  1  1 1S  2  1 1S  2  1  2  1  1  2
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  2  2  1  2  2  1  2  2  2  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                         1        1                  

Shot In The Dark of KAOS                   1  1  3  1  3  4 2S  3  2 2S  2  2  3  2  4  1
The Pretender of KAOS                      3  7  4  3  1  6 2L  1  1 1L  1  3  4  6  3  4
Chilly of HowlingCoyote                    2  3  1  7  4  2 1S  4  3 4S  3  6  6  3  5  3
Oops Kisses of FuzzyLunatics               4  2  5  2  5  1 3S  2    3S     5  2  7  2  6
Rascal Stache of FuzzyLunatics             7  4  2  5  2  7 3L  5    2L     1  5  8  6  2
ChatterboxArthur of RebelRising            6  6  7  6  7  5 4S  6  4 5S  4  7  8  4  8  8
Morwen                                     5  5  6  4  6  3 1L  7    3L     4  7  5  7  7
Summer Love of Chrischat                                             1S     8  1  1  1  5
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       7  7  7  7  7  7  3  7  4  3  4  8  8  8  8  8
                     Shorthair Count                         4        5                  

This report was prepared by Cory Crandall-Seibert (