The Maine Event, Ferndale, Washington, November 16-17, 2024

                 Saturday                       Sunday       
            Yvonne Patrick  AB            Ellen Crockett   AB
            Fate Mays       SP            Fate Mays        AB
            Sandi Mattingly SP            Sandi Mattingly  AB
            Elaine Weitz    AB            Lorraine Shelton AB
            Kay Hanvey      AB            Alex Marinets    AB
            Charlotte Shea  SP            Charlotte Shea   AB

KITTENS                                   YP FM SM EW KH CS EC FM SM LS AM CS
Beauchador Iggy Pop of Daisen        AS    1 5S     4  1 1S  4  3  8  2  1  3
Kitti Kat Kumo of Muzzbecatz         SRL   2    5L  7  4 1L  2  8  7  6  4  1
Wasillia Whispering Willow           PS    3 2L 3L  1  6     1  1  3  5  2   
Unicum Chimera of Mercerstreet       MC    4 3L 1L  5  2 5L  7  5  1 10      
Nightmist Goose                      AB    7 3S       10     3  9  9  3  6  5
Czarina Lizetta                      SB    6    2L  9  9 3L     7  5        2
Kitti Kat King Alistair              SR      4S        5 2S    10     7  7  6
Wizardgate Mayhem of Bastetsphynx    SX      1S 2S           9  2     1  9   
Stratokatzter I Drink Alone          BG             8  3     6        9  3   
Norgeskaukatt Siofndottir/GC         NF      1L 4L 10              2  8      
Willowtreerags Mr Fantastic          RD      5L     3    2L                 8
Chipmunk Polar Starr                 SI                      8    10  4     9
Hollowhills Wild Irish Rose          ES      2S 5S  2    5S                  
Jewelspride Winters End              BG         1S                 4       10
Somsinai Billy The Kid               OS    9    4S       4S                  
Skeiron Ginny of Chipmunk            OS                      5  4            
Felinecurly Stolichnaya              SR         3S                 6         
Fantcfur Roos Robin From Batman      SX   10        6                        
Hollowhills Bumbleleena              ES    8                10               
Tuftedtoes Borealis                  MC                                     4
Tuftedtoes Nebula                    MCP                                 5   
Missionhill Phantom Faerie           PS    5                                 
Tuftedtoes Aurora                    MCP                        6            
Tuftedtoes Galaxy                    MCP                                    7
Masterpiecerags Succession           RD                7                     
Privet Princess                      RB                8                     
Eviana of Plush Herz/WC              BS                                  8   
Coppersilk Syzygy TR Sunset          TR                  3S                  
Facehuggers Arianell                 DR                                 10   
Bigrivercoon Stormin Norman          MC      4L                              
Coppersilk Umbra TR Eclipse          TR                  4L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      39 20 18 38 40 20 41 38 39 40 40 41
                     Shorthair Count         20 17       20                  

CATS                                      YP FM SM EW KH CS EC FM SM LS AM CS
Lostwoods Tormund Giantsbane         NF    1 7L 4L  4  6 8L  4  4  4  1  3  7
Wasillia Justonelook of Hoaloha/CF   PS    5 2L 1L  2    9L  2  3  3 10  2   
Gustav Bella Rossi Junior            BS    3 4S 2S       3S  3  5  2  4     1
Czarina Lapushka                     SB      9L 6L       1L  5  6  8     8  2
Platina Luna Alisa of Privet         RB             1  4 5S           5  6  5
Missionhill Unchained Melody         ES    4 1S     3 10     9  1            
Tavanipaws Shadow                    SF    7    4S  9  5          10     7  9
Kamisha Hiro Protagonist             BG    8    1S                 1  2  5   
Ohmystars Ms Mox A Lot               RD        10L     2 6L  8     9        8
Woodpile Blue Moon of Mercerstreet   MC      3L 5L  5              5        4
Bigrivercoon Bubblicious             MC    6    3L           7     6     9   
Nightmist Kiwi                       AB             8  9        9     8     3
MTNest Coco Chanel of Woodpile       MC    2 1L        7        2            
Meilis Raven                         OS                8     6        6 10   
Baresphynxab Venice                  SX                      1        3  4   
Imogen Moubani Cats                  SB      6L 2L 10    2L                  
Goldenpurrcats Catriona              BS      5S                10        1   
Fantcfur Moose Tracks                AS         5S  6    2S                  
Nightrox Chicklet                    AB      3S          1S 10               
Bubblepaws Fairy                     DR   10           1                     
Hoaloha Sweet Duke Ofearl            PS                3              7      
Sphynxcraft Shawnee                  SX         3S                 7         
Mainesuspect Calliope of Mishikoonz  MC      4L                 7            
Sphynxcraft New Magick               SX                  4S                 6
Cottonmeows Sakura Momoko            RD      5L     7                        
Majortom Major Toms Roll Me Away     MC                  3L           9      
Meili Melody                         OS      2S                            10
Weloveour Taiyo                      RD         8L       5L                  
Teawrecks Utrecht Sugar Tree         TR     10L          7L                  
Nightrox Sugar of Mistikatz          SO         9L      10L                  
Ragdollcompany Gertrude Stein        RD    9                                 
Hollowhills Wild Irish Rose          ES                         8            
Kaperkats Alieska                    PBL                 4L                  
Titran's Quinnton/FI of Zion Forest  NF         7L                           
Nightrox Sonora of Salish            SO      8L                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      51 30 32 47 49 31 42 40 41 38 43 41
                     Shorthair Count         19 19       18                  

ALTERS                                    YP FM SM EW KH CS EC FM SM LS AM CS
Czarina Galadrien                    SB    7 3L 4L  8  5 2L  6  6  6  6  3  1
Faerietail Gemma                     MX    4 2S 4S  4    3S  1  1  9  8  7  2
Ginchika Sanshoku Hime of Samphire   JB    3 4S 2S     1 1S  4  5  8  3  6 10
Heavenlyrags Harmony Bear            RD    5 1L 2L  3  4 1L  3  3        1  9
Bigrivercoon Mach 10                 MC    1 2L     2    3L  5  4  7         
Bengalsbyjules Hayden                BG             6  3 5S  7        1  5  7
Geishagoll Cloud                     SI    2 1S     5        2  2        4   
Merlingold Zabava                    BL      5L 5L  7  9     9        5  2   
Gudrunsplace Quinn Fyrste            NF    6 4L 1L       4L        3  2      
Larhae Sunstrider                    MC                2       10     9  8  8
Happyhour Just Bearly                DR         1S       2S        1        6
Bastcats Layla                       EM      5S        8     8  9        9   
Zbgliterati Minky                    BG   10    5S              8  5         
Meili Micheles Magical Mischief      OS             9       10        4      
Fantcfur Hambino                     SX      3S 3S                10         
Edwin                                BS                            2        4
Mustloverags Lacy Luck               RD                  5L           7 10   
Ravenspurr Mystic Aurora             MC                7           4         
Geishagoll Sky                       SI                6 4S                  
Tropical Exotic Flower Des Griffes   BG               10        7            
Hoofsnpaws Makoto                    JB             1                        
Okanagancoons Loki                   MC                                     3
Wizardgate Snow Angel                SX                                     5
Bastcats Horus                       EM    8                                 
Woodpile Ash In Disguise of Heycat   MC         3L                           
Hoaloha Magnificent Magnolia         ES    9                                 
Mercerstreet Wednesday Addams        MC            10                        
Westcoastcoons Bamboo                MC                              10      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      27 12 12 26 27 12 26 26 27 26 27 26
                     Shorthair Count         15 15       15                  

Mayflower of Muzzbecatz                    1 1S 1S  9  1 1S  4  1  1  2  2  2
Peaches N Cream of Muzzbecatz              2 2S 2S  6  6 2S  2  3  2  3  3  7
Havoc of Somsinai                          4 5S 9S  2  3 4S  1  5  7  4  1  6
Chopin of Felinecurly                      6 7S 3S  4  8 3S  8  2  3  7  6  5
Just Chaos of Somsinai                     7 4S 8S  3  7 6S  3  8  8  1  7  4
Endora                                     3 3S 5S  1  9 5S  9  4  9  8  5  8
Lady Bluebird of Cozycoons                 5 1L 1L  5  4 1L  7  6  5  6  4  1
Rhett                                      9 6S 6S 10  5 7S  5  7  4  5  8  3
Butler                                    10 9S 7S  8 10 8S  6  9  6  9  9  9
Baby Lewis                                 8 8S 4S  7  2 9S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      10  1  1 10 10  1  9  9  9  9  9  9
                     Shorthair Count          9  9        9                  

HOUSEHOLD PETS                            YP FM SM EW KH CS EC FM SM LS AM CS
Cricket Estacy Meadows                     8 5S 9S  1  2 1S  2  5  5  2  2  3
Rascal Stache of Fuzzylunatics             3 1L 1L  3  3 1L  4  1  2  7  1  1
Oona                                       5 1S 7S  4  1 4S  7  2  6  3  4  7
19 Crimes Ferdinand                        1 8S 4S  7    6S  3  6  1  4  3  4
SM Blot                                         2S  5  4 3S  5  9  3  5  7  2
Mountbatton                               10 6S 3S  2    5S  1  4  4 10  8 10
Mambo                                        2L 2L  6  5 2L  6  3  8  9  6  6
Nala of Daisen                             2 7S 5S     6 8S  9  7  7    10  9
Daisyjane                                  4 9S     8  8     8        6  5   
Loki                                       910S10S  9  9 7S              9  5
Milo                                         3L 3L 10    3L    10  9  1     8
Cookie                                     6 2S 1S     7 2S                  
Parisitaly of Kittyofthecity                          10    10  8     8      
Toebius                                    7 3S 8S       9S                  
Cinnamon Spice Latte                         4S 6S      10S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      15  3  3 15 15  3 12 12  9 12 12 12
                     Shorthair Count         12 12       12                  

NEW TRAITS                                YP FM SM EW KH CS EC FM SM LS AM CS
Faerietail Rhaena of Catsanhata      MX    1  1  1  1     1  1  1  1  1  1  1
Faerietail Baela                     MX                1                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                                         

This report was prepared by Jan Dell (