Nauticats, Sherbrooke, Quebec, November 27-28, 2021

      Saturday AM                 Saturday PM                       Sunday AM                         Sunday PM           
  Aline Noel Garel  AB  Terry Collins                AB  Aline Noel Garel              SP  Vicky Merrill (judged by DM) AB
  Donna Madison     AB  Barbara Kissinger            SP  Donna Madison                 SP  Aline Noel Garel             AB
  Barbara Kissinger AB  Christina Baumer             SP  Vicky Merrill (judged by ANG) AB  Terry Collins                AB
  Christina Baumer  AB  Vicky Merrill (judged by DM) AB  Terry Collins                 SP                                 

KITTENS                                  ANG DM BK CB TC BK CB VMANG DM VM TC VMANG TC
Anouchka Schtroumpfette              PS    2  3     1  1    1L  3 1L 3L  2 1L  3  2  1
Libertybengals Minotaure             BG    1     6  3  4    1S  5 1S 2S  1 2S  7  1  5
Amourichat Elfie                     OS       2     8  5    4S  1 3S 1S        2  6   
Chicandswell Jane Foster             SO    8  8     6       3L    5L 5L  8 4L     8  3
OLynx Romy                           PBL      7  2     2 3L     6    4L    2L        2
GGLegacy Angelbouctouche             MC    6     1     7 1L       4L     4        5  6
Siberian Magic Had me at Hello       SB    3     3  5    2L       3L     9        3  9
Hypknox's Joe Beef of Shamal         ES         10  4    5S 2S    5S 5S  5        9   
Abyssiann Zaia                       AB    9     7  9    3S 5S    4S                 7
Korrigan Shaman Saperlipopette 1e    MKL   7                    9 2L     3     9  4   
GGLegacy Sourisangel                 MC       1             5L  2    2L        1      
Exotikcats Perfect Erah              SV       9        6 4S          4S    1S       10
GGLegacy Darlingtonangel             MC       4     2       2L             3L         
Korrigan Sacrebleu Santino           MK    5                      2S     7        7   
Sphynxroyal Bijouse                  SX               10             3S    4S  6      
Saphira Selene                       KM                        10       10     8 10   
De Saint Pear Shalimar of Kitch      TA            10  8    4L             5L         
GGLegacy Heras                       MC          4       4L     4                     
Practicalcats Flippin Socks          OS       5  5       2S                           
De Saint Pear Seiju of Kitch         TA       6                 7              5      
Purrrealdolls Rosie of Happykatrags  RD                              1L        4     8
Amourichat Lilith                    OS    4                             6 5S         
Saphira Boreale                      KM                9                   3S        4
Netherrealm Churro                   CR   10     9       1S                           
Bluepeaches Bushy Tail Baci          SF             7       3S                        
Franny Tannenbaum WB                 KBL         8       5L                           
Jetblack Dora                        SB                3                              
Coonwildco Artemis                   MC                         8                     
Garnet Estelle WB                    KBL     10                                       
Storia P Des Coons Des Abyss         MCP                                      10      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      33 35 35 35 34 18 18 34 15 15 31 15 31 31 31
                     Shorthair Count                     16 16    16 16    16         

CATS                                     ANG DM BK CB TC BK CB VMANG DM VM TC VMANG TC
Pixieplease Drogo of Olynx           PB    2  1  5  1  1 4S 1S  3 1S 2S  1 2S  2  1  1
Beauchador Lucky Luke                AS    8  4  6  6  3 3S 3S  4 7S    10 3S  1  8   
Amalurra Kano of Seasedge            BO    4  9  2  7    2S 4S    4S 6S  6 9S  8  6   
Purrrealdolls Written in the Stars   RD    5  8 10  5    1L 3L    1L 4L  9     4 10   
Bengalleopard Morphe of Bengallys    BG       6  8  2    6S 2S       4S    1S        4
Skarabey Raneb of Kakkou             EM    1                    5 2S 7S  2 4S     2   
Meisha Romy                          PS    7        3       1L    3L     4 3L     5   
Anouchka Miss Personality            PS       7  7     7 3L 5L                 7     2
Practicalcats Epic Echidna           SI       2     8       5S  1    5S    6S        8
Ominouches Zelda of Rexelegance      CR   10  5          9S       3S 3S  3        3   
Kotovsky Siberian Magic              SB    9     4  9  4                          9  3
Kronburg Zhoffrey of Shacoon         MC       3                 2 6L 1L        3      
Shacoon Drago                        MC          1       2L     6    2L        5      
Korrigan Reine Dys of Chipie         MKL   3 10                   2L     5        4   
Bengallys Persee                     BG    6             5S       5S     7        7   
Azorez Spike of Amourichat           OS                  7S 7S  8 6S 1S               
Ominouches Briska of Rexelegance     CR                8        7          8S  9      
Zeinab Vistula                       SB                  4L 7L    4L       1L         
Shabbymur Massandra                  CR          3       1S 6S                        
Noi Chavdar's Pride MD               MC                2                   6L        9
Chicandswell Ravin                   SO            10       4L    7L 7L               
Katahdinpines Orion                  MC             4       2L       6L               
Piperbrookrags Kris of Happykatrags  RD                              5L    4L        5
Chipie Souve-Reine                   MKL               6                   5L       10
Saphira Piper                        HB                        10 8S                 6
Cattydolls Ready to Rule/FI          RD                9 7L       5L                  
Exotikcats Excalibur                 SV                     8S       8S              7
Fidjiabyssin Azul Rosalinda of Finnl AB                  8S          9S  8            
Ulianna Eastern Amber                PD                         9             10      
Artemis Queen of the Hunt            KBL         9       5L                           
Bengallys Zephir                     BG                5   10S                        
Sphynxroyals Beyonce                 SX               10                   5S         
Templedbastet Everest                AB                     9S             7S         
Bengalleopard Daisy                  BG                                        6      
Luna GoldStarcoon                    MCP                                   2L         
Shamal Marbelicious                  PS                              3L               
Templedbastet Houdini                SO                  6L                           
Calidoux Duchesse                    RD                     6L                        
Kerrisma Liberty                     NF                              8L               
Amethyste                            SV                           9S                  
Umafelis Kayla of Savannah Family    SV                 10S                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      49 50 49 50 48 22 22 49 22 23 46 21 46 47 45
                     Shorthair Count                     25 25    24 24    24         

ALTERS                                   ANG DM BK CB TC BK CB VMANG DM VM TC VMANG TC
Purrrealdolls Rusty                  RD    3  1  2  2  4 1L 1L  3 1L 2L  1 5L  2  3  2
Oldem Joy's Crystal/WC               SI    2  2  1  1  8 1S 1S  6 2S 2S  2 1S  4  1  1
Bluepeaches Wired Up Jr              AW    1  3  7  3  6 4S 2S  5 1S 1S  3 4S 10  2  7
Beauchador Pygasus                   AS    8  5  5  7  3 2S 3S  1 3S 4S  6 2S  5  6  5
Sterlingcatz Mozarts Chantelle Dior  SB    5  9  3  4  5 2L 3L  9 3L 1L  4 3L  9  4  9
Feliland Lolita-Bonita               BS    7  4  6  8  1 3S 4S  7 4S 3S  8 3S  1  7  3
Anouchka Lucifer                     PS    4  6     6  2 3L 4L  2 2L 5L  5 1L  7  5  6
Marlcreek Reputation                 RD    6  8  4  5  9 4L 2L  4 4L 3L  7     3  8 10
Beauchador Black Jack                AS   10     8 10  7 5S 5S 10 5S 5S 10 5S  6     4
Kerrisma Aura                        NF    9  7  9  9 10 5L 5L  8    4L    4L     9   
BWBabydolls Timmy                    RD      10 10                5L     9 2L  8 10  8
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      11 11 10 11 11  6  6 11  5  6 10  6 10 11 10
                     Shorthair Count                      5  5     5  5     5         

Splash of Color                            1  1  2  1  1 2S 1S  2 1S 1S  2 1S  2  2  1
Rayya Sunshine                             2  2  1  2  2 1S 2S  1 2S 2S  1 2S  1  1  2
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  2        2        2     2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                      2  2     2  2     2         

Mai Ritoru Ojo Dori                        1  2  1  2  1 1S 2S  2 1S 2S  1 1S  2  1  1
Narnya of Korrigan                         2  4  2  3  3 1L 1L  1 1L 2L  2 1L  3  2  2
Boudha                                     3  1  3  1  4 2L 2L  3 2L 1L  3 2L  1  3  4
Chocolate Chip Kisses                      4  3  4  4  2 2S 1S  4 2S 1S  4 2S  4  4  3
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       4  4  4  4  4  2  2  4  2  2  4  2  4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count                      2  2     2  2     2         

This report was prepared by Christian Cherau (