Buckeye Ohio Rollers, Medina, Ohio, July 11-12, 2015 Saturday Sunday Hisako Yamada AB Hisako Yamada SP Laura Cunningham SP Connie Webb AB Debbie Lopeman AB Laura Cunningham AB Kim Chenault AB Elektra Hammond AB Brenda Russo AB Chris Unangst SP Nikki Crandall-Seibert SP Mike Hammond AB KITTENS HY LC DL KC BR NC HY CW LC EH CU MH Cloistercoon Ichabod MC 1L 7 1 1L 3 3 6 2L 4 Facehuggers Daenerys of Devonity DR 6S 6 8 8S 2 6 2 6S 2 Bribar Isla of Fencroft BS 3 3S 9 6 1S 3S 8 7 2S Owhl Bet I'm Better of Folders SF 5 5S 8 5S 4 10 4 7S 3 Alistsavannahs Midnight Jas SV 2S 8 3 3 2 10S 9 Jakoi Last Call JBL 10 2L 4 5 4 4L Gules Goliath SO 4 7 2L 2L 1L 7 Windy Ridge's Mocha BG 1S 1 4 3S 5 Amurintadde/FI of Basilic Blessing SB 2 4L 5L 9 5L 1 Wildfx Seekin Stardom TG 10S 4 7 9S 6 8 Kasanovakatz KK BM 1 4S 1S 5S 5 Selella's Halawa Mist/CF TO 9 8S 9 2S 7S 10 Riverbin Ring of Fire/CF PS 7 5L 3L 1 8 Carolinameows Island Voodoo Doll MC 2 2 3L 1L Forever-Moor Little Lulu CX 8 7S 10S 6S 9 Midnite Moon Celestial Baetyl OC 5 10S 5 3S Aradia Karma Infused Juju AB 2S 1 1S Bengaland Gold Nugget BG 3 7 4S Tilsim Dan Elektra SO 3L 6 3 Jakoi Last Samurai JBL 2 8 Shelgren Dangerous Liaison SX 10 10 9S Sandypoint Sleighbell of Ringapurr TH 10 1 Charybdis Head Honcho of Katzmeow BG 6 4S Windy Ridge's Chai BG 8S 5 Gules Xanatos SO 4L 10 Merrimac Beka Cooper MC 5L 10 Synergy Sumatra OS 1 Nocoakitty Jezebel of Scandalous SX 9S 8S Owhl Batteries Not Included SCS 5 Briarvalley Shalimar AB 6 Jakoi Nichibotsu JBL 7 Nocoakitty Fireball of Scandalous SX 9 Riverbin To Die For PS 9 Khafre Kitten 2 AB 4S Odyssey Yahseneh KM 5S JCV Olivia de Havilland PS 3L Cuzzoe Trinity MC 4L Timez Truffle TH 6S Owhl Dude A Roo SCS 7S Minkitty Dos Equis of Allese TO 9S Allbreed/Longhair Count 50 14 51 50 49 14 14 50 49 44 14 50 Shorthair Count 36 36 36 36 CATS HY LC DL KC BR NC HY CW LC EH CU MH Fencroft Sunshine Superman BS 1 3S 2 7 4 5S 2S 8 3 9 5S MTNest Harry Potter MC 2 1L 1 1 1 1L 1L 1 2 2L Richson Ruffian AS 5 2S 4 2 4S 5S 4 5 2 1S Basilic Blessing Beloved Johanna Joy SB 10 6 5 9 3L 3L 1 4L 1 Bengaland Elsa Rae BG 6S 7 3 7S 3S 6 3 7S 6 Anubis Masterati of Khamsin/CF AB 1S 4 6S 8S 3 1 4S Balihoo Cappuccino OL 9 4L 8 2L 2L 5 1L 8 Wildfx Blaze Star TG 9S 2 6 10 8 6 5 Penobscot's Chillin Out of Jomar/CF BU 3 9 8S 7 3S 2 Kasanovakatz Heath BM 4 4S 9S 1S 7 10 Owhl Walk All Over You of Emmers SF 3 7 4S 6S 4 Kremlincats Thistle Tickerov PD 8 7S 10 6S 4 Nissekatt Kristoff Arendelle NF 2L 8 8 5L 10 Selella's Ricardo Montalpaw/CF TO 8S 1S 9S 9 Maracai Zhivago of Synergy OS 5S 3 9 DCFD In Dress Blues MC 6 7 3L Synergy Furr Elise BA 5L 9 6 Medoz Sorcerous BG 10S 2 10S Speakeasy Sundance Kid of Fractal BG 2S 4 Synergy Szilva OS 10 3 Balihoo Hugo OS 10S 3S 8S Carolinameows Tangerine Queen MC 3L 4L 5L Mytwigg's Star Child of Owhl CR 10 9 Bluriver Trumble of Pierremont AB 5 9S Cloistercoon Leia of Caesarheadcoon MC 4L 5L Leafdance Ratri of Synergy OS 5 Fractal Exit Strategy BG 5 Tomas Maxelpoint of Emmers SCS 6 Barrottsdream Blue BG 7 Rulissa Osla Tonailamos of Briarvall AB 7 Medoz Tinsel's Echo BG 2S Synergy Izze of KCsJunglebabes OL 8 Leotie Maliwan of Rockinashi KM 10 McPurrz Garfield SCS 7S Britishroyalcats David-King BS 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 48 9 46 48 47 9 10 46 44 48 9 46 Shorthair Count 39 39 36 35 ALTERS HY LC DL KC BR NC HY CW LC EH CU MH Suavere's Dark Secret of Penobsc/CF PS 3 2L 1 1 3 1L 3L 1 2 1L Leggs Flower Drum Song OS 10 9 2 4S 2S 2 4 3 2S Owhl's Robert The Bruce SF 5 2S 4 8 5 1S 8 9 1S Balihoo Bluebeary BA 4L 5 7 8 3L 10 9 2 1 Jakoi Yakusoku O Mamoru JBL 4 3 6 1 9 5 2L Heavnzsent Im A Lil Husky SB 2 3L 5L 1L 5 7 5L 9 Leafdance Coltsfoot OL 1 4 2L 7 2 Lil Luv Lyns Charmed To Be Sure HI 9 2 4L 6 3L 8 Amaure Mulan Rouge EM 7 5S 3 5S 7 7 Alicats Isaac of Arcticstorm TH 6 10 6 1S 5S 4S Bluebijou's E!harmony CX 9 6 1 3 Cacao Casanova of Casa Vieja HI 1L 7 5 1 Imperia Iron of Arbor Vitae/FI MC 2 2L 4 6 Sarajen Casey Natango MC 6 5 5L 3 Halima Loukoumi of Rockinashi TV 4L 4 4L 10 Leotie Wat Rakang of Ringapurr KM 7 10 10 2S Ginchika On An Escapade JB 3 3S 4 Kremlincats Kinky Love PD 4S 4S 10 10 Alicats Bleu Elena of Snowpaws TH 3S 4 6 Leotie Caffe Bianco of Javahut KM 8 3S 8 Balihoo Frappuccino OS 1S 5 Synergy Rhaegar W of Trailhawk OL 5L 8 Kremlincats Anthony Whiner PD 8 Anjou Tanzanite Fire BG 3S Cuzzoe Ricky Ticky Tabby MC 9 Therealms Ringo of Kcsjunglebabes BG 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 28 14 26 27 27 14 12 30 30 29 12 28 Shorthair Count 13 13 16 15 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS HY LC DL KC BR NC HY CW LC EH CU MH Panda[GL] 3 1S 4 1 8 2S 4S 4 1 1 1S 4 Zainy Zelda 7 4S 1 2 1 3S 3S 1 3 3 2 Mediterranean Rhapsody 2 3L 3 4 5 1L 3L 8 5 4 3L 1 Biscuit 1 7S 2 9 4 1S 2S 5 8 9 5S 10 Nibbler of Trailhawk 8 1L 6 3 3 3L 2L 10 2 6 1L 5 Kayle of Leafdance 5 2L 8 8 7 2L 1L 7 4 2 2L 3 Loopy Luma 4 3S 5 6 2 5S 6S 3 6 8 7 Flirt 6 2S 9 5 6 4S 5S 9 7 7 2S 8 Kalamazoo 9 6S 7 7 9 7S 1S 2 9 5 4S 9 8-Ball 10 5S 10 10 10 6S 7S 6 10 10 3S 6 Allbreed/Longhair Count 10 3 10 10 10 3 3 10 10 10 3 10 Shorthair Count 7 7 7 7 HOUSEHOLD PETS HY LC DL KC BR NC HY CW LC EH CU MH Ankhanra 8 2S 4 1 6 1S 2S 2 3 2S 3 Mr Starbucks of Carolinameows 2 2L 1 5 1 3L 2L 1 4 5 2L 2 Paint Me A Masterpiece 9 3S 5 4 7 6S 3S 7 7 2 9S 1 Missylittle Dale 3 4S 9 3 2 2S 1S 5 3 6 5S Nugget of Barrotts Dream 5 6S 3 2 8 5S 4S 10 8 4 7S 4 Straight To The Point 6 3L 2 7 3 2L 1L 9 5 10 1L Kinkers of Alicats 1S 7 8 4 8S 9S 9 7 4S 8 Rhoade Trash 4 1L 6 5 1L 3L 8 1 3L 5 Ike 1 7S 10 9 10 7S 5S 10 9 10 Buckwheat 7 5S 3S 7S 2 6 1S 6 Knobby 9S 6 4S 8S 4 1 3S 7 Jennifurr 10 8 9S10S 3 8 8S Beaudax 6S 6 6S Phil A Buster 10S 10 10S 9 Little Beau Blue 8S 910S Allbreed/Longhair Count 14 3 13 13 13 3 3 15 13 15 3 15 Shorthair Count 11 11 12 11 PRELIMINARY NEW BREEDS HY LC DL KC BR NC HY CW LC EH CU MH Gobsgobblins Malice In Wonderland LY 1 1S 1 1 1 1S 1S 1 1 1 1S 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Mike Vasquez (melat628@aol.com).