Magnifikatz, Dublin, Ireland, November 22-23, 2014

                 Saturday                         Sunday        
           Pamela Barrett     AB           Pamela Barrett     SP
           Aline Noel-Garel   SP           Aline Noel-Garel   AB
           Carlos López       AB           Carlos López       SP
           Pascal Rémy        AB           Pascal Rémy        AB
           Brigitte Berthelon AB           Brigitte Berthelon AB
           Sue Hart-Jones     SP           Sue Hart-Jones     AB

KITTENS                                   PBANG CL PR BBSHJ PBANG CL PR BBSHJ
Ishcus Moon Over Manhatten           MC      1L     3  5 1L 1L  4 3L  5  1  2
Celticmist Celestian Cedric          BS    1 1S        3 1S 1S  2     8  5  1
Ariokkierags Tara of Candicedolls    RD    3 5L  4     1 4L 3L  7 1L     2  6
Purebliss Woody Nightshade           BG    2 5S        4 4S 2S  5     4  4  4
Gatodouro Denika                     CR    5     6  4    3S       3S  3     5
Rumfold Madalena of Windleaves       AS      3S     6    2S 5S  1 4S        3
Sphynxaliens Prima Donna             SX      4S  5       5S 3S  6        3  7
Your Majesty Mr Universe             BS    6     2  1             2S  6      
Sphynxhaven Queen Elizabeth          SX      2S  1              3 1S  7      
Sphynxaliens Frank Skinatra          SX    4        2  2              1      
Purejems Dolly Parton                PS                6 3L 2L           8   
Vom Stolzensee Golden Ginger         MC      3L          2L 4L    2L         
Coomakista Brion Boramha             SR                     4S        2  6   
Coomakista Elatha                    SRL                    5L  8 4L         
Britisland Future Winner             BS          3                5S         
Blackberryhill Bonita                RD                           5L     7   
Ishcus Nearco                        MC      4L          5L                  
Arka Fortuna Sidera                  SX             5                        
Elitegems Diamond Lady               PS      2L                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      21  8 21 21 21  8 10 23 10 23 23 22
                     Shorthair Count         13          13 13    13         

CATS                                      PBANG CL PR BBSHJ PBANG CL PR BBSHJ
Ishcus Harrison                      MC    1     6  1    2L 1L  6 2L  3  4  5
Tabbyorchid Alejandro                ACL     1L  2  4    3L 4L  2 1L  2  3  9
Sphynxhaven Prince Charming          SX      1S     6  3 4S10S  3 3S  6  1  7
Wavy Silk Forever And Ever/CF        CR      6S  4  7  7 3S     8 4S  9  7  4
Maximus Brylantowa Elita/WC          BS    9 2S  3  2       3S  1 1S  1      
Pantherajedi Elektra                 BU    5 4S  9    10 1S 5S  5 6S        3
Mistymogwai Rupert The Riley         TG     10S     5  9 7S 9S  9 7S  7 10 10
Purebliss Fabtabbydozer              BG    2        8    9S 1S        5  6   
Brettachtal's Barron Elite/CF        PS          7  9  6 5L       5L     5   
Pudra Kates Akis                     BS    7             2S 2S           8  1
Sphynxantiquus X-Qlusive/WC          SX    8 7S  1      10S 7S    2S         
Rumfold Eduardo of Mowglis           SFL     4L  5       1L       4L        2
Hanako Hokagena                      DR         10  3             9S  4      
Purebliss Purrfection                BG    4             5S 4S              8
Zilva Oscar Wild                     PS    3 3L             2L       10      
Rima Kates Akis                      BS          8       6S       5S        6
Tigerstars Konstantine               MC      2L        2        4            
Valentino Rodolfo Fabulous Jewels    ES      5S        5       1010S         
Naked Soul Bara Jamboji              SX    6                6S  7            
Neila Bonibrit of Regaliscats        BS                1                 2   
Eulalie Zanna of Candicedollls       RD      5L        4                     
Wildwaters Marti                     BG      3S    10                        
Shadycombe Ziva David                TV                8 4L                  
Sotorp Brutus of Forestside          SB   10                5L               
Risnsun Glacier                      BG      8S             8S               
De Bliss Marfusha                    SX                  8S       8S         
Pantherajedi Angelica                BG                               8      
Coomakista Coloursof Mylove          BU                                  9   
Mentobe Little Mischievous           BI                           3L         
Ishcus I Am I Said                   MC                     3L               
Bella Szafirek                       RB      9S                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      48 15 48 48 48 14 15 47 16 47 47 47
                     Shorthair Count         33          33 31    31         

ALTERS                                    PBANG CL PR BBSHJ PBANG CL PR BBSHJ
Regaliscats Elton John               BS    4 1S  4  4  3 1S 1S  1 2S  5  1  1
Whozz Gustavo of Mowglis             ES    2 2S  1  1    2S 2S  2 1S  3  4  3
Noynarock White Hawk                 MC    5 3L  5     4 3L 2L  5 3L     3  2
Darlinlildols Qi Qi of Candicedolls  RD      1L  2  2  1    4L  3 1L  4     5
Amisti Jack Daniels And Soda         BI    3 2L     3    2L 1L  4 2L  2     4
Sensay Ginja Ninja                   AB      4S     5  2 3S 4S    5S         
Ishcus Melisa                        MC    1 4L  3       1L                  
Colinsgarden Orlando                 MC      5L        5 4L 3L               
Reyesdesilva Angelica                BS                     3S    4S  1      
Ishcus Alcapone                      MC                     5L    4L     5   
Riadarags Pegasus                    RD                           5L     2   
Reyesdesilva Draco Blue              BS                     5S    3S         
Wildwaters Elsie                     BG      5S          4S                  
Aita Heihe of Amisti                 KBL                 5L                  
Misskin Goody Gumdrops               BS      3S                              
Britisland Cameron                   BS                  5S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      15  9 15 15 15  9  8 16  8 15 15 16
                     Shorthair Count          6           6  7     7         

Madame Supersonique                        1 1L  1  1  1 2L 1L  1     1  1  1
Ginja Ninja                                2 2L  2  2  2 1L 2L  2 1L  2  2  2
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  1  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                                         

Princess                                   1 2S  3  1  1 2S 1S  2 3S  2  1  2
Piglit                                     2 1S  1  2  3 1S 4S  1     6  2  5
Ody                                        4 4S  2  4  2 3S 3S  5 4S  3  3  4
Lady Fantasia of Sphynxaliens              3 3S  4  3  4 4S 5S  3 6S  4  5  3
Stanley                                                     2S  4 2S  1  4  1
Missey                                                      6S  6 5S  5  6  6
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       4     4  4  4        6     6  6  6
                     Shorthair Count          4           4  6     6         

Pixy Sphynx Ivan                     HH    1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                         

Araboth Mirabeau Diamond             BM    1  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                       
This report was prepared by Sarah Louise (