Estimated Standings by Breed - Toyger

Kittens (12)
Rank Name Region Score
1Wildfx White KnightMA4952
2Libertybell UranosAE3178
3Libertybell Regu LusAE1637
4Libertybell KronosAE843
5Wildfx Surira Il of KcsjunglebabesGL799
6Queenanne The KingES497
7Jubalkatz GeorgeJeta of MytoygerdenGL463
8Designerstripes TahoMA432
9Toygers des Portes du Soleil Swiss VES422
10Eeyaa Tiger Marx of FelistigrisMA200
11Aluren AtlantisNW167
12myToygerDen EnolasPromGL158
Championship Cats (20)
Rank Name Region Score
1Wildfx White KnightMA6591
2Libertybell RegulusAE4763
3El'sprite Bandipur/IDAE4248
4Queenanne KongEW1100
5Kirarakan Grace RanmaruAE941
6Deigiganti Edraim -T-beauES920
7Origins Alpha PrionkaIN701
8Eeyaa Go Be AtlasNW326
9Jubalkatz GeorgeJETa of MytoygerdenGL324
10Alltoygers Bali of ColoradotoygersSC315
11Yago Des Minis FelinsES253
12myToygerDen EnolasPromGL233
13Tara de La Brique RoseES223
14Wysswand JiminES182
15Coloradotoygers Aspen RingobellaSC170
16Brindleway FionaES162
17Deigiganti InduNW155
18Jubalkatz Janes Jem Flamed of CotgSC148
19Amosbeebee Dawn Purple of KirarakanAE134
20Youps Des Minis FelinsES125
Alters (5)
Rank Name Region Score
1Wildfx CommanderMA10847
2Designerstripes SimplestexplanationSC10505
3Libertybell AbelAE8357
4WildFX Surira II of KCsJungleBabesGL987
5Origins Alpha EstelleIN637