Estimated Standings by Breed - Oriental Longhair

Kittens (6)
Rank Name Region Score
1Synergy Take Me To The RiverGL5688
2Synergy Stormy MondayGL3419
3Hojpoj PaisleySC2436
4Quasana's CherrypieEN1881
5Kattalyst Quantum EchoMA1601
6Kingsfold GalileeSE1101
Championship Cats (5)
Rank Name Region Score
1Synergy SiriusGL7760
2Hadibadjas LathaniaEN1321
3Trailhawk Bunny of TwintailsGL1262
4Nudawnz FergieSC864
5Tersanctus Clarion of KingsfoldSE748
Alters (4)
Rank Name Region Score
1Lancarrow KesariEN9262
2Practicalcats Loyalist BugleNE6007
3Trailhawk KhajiitGL1514
4Pippastro Love-Is-In-The-AirEW1020