Mnburm Lydia Deetz of Purranormal
1 1 46 2024/11/23a LPF 245 245
2 2 46 2024/11/23a SS 234 479
3 3 47 2024/11/23a LPF 224 703
4 4 44 2024/11/23a JC 210 913
5 6 48 2024/11/23a BR 192 1105
6 6 45 2024/11/23a JA 189 1294
7 7 48 2024/11/23a JA 181 1475
8 7 44 2024/11/23a CU 177 1652
9 2S 26 2024/11/23a SS 164 1816
10 2S 21 2024/11/23a BR 159 1975
11 10 48 2024/11/23a CU 148 2123

Region: NE
Shows: NE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.