Estimated Standings by Breed - Burmese

Kittens (12)
Rank Name Region Score
1Penobscot's Tequila Sunrise/CFGL6291
2Lester Young Burmese KingES3801
3Templebar GuinnessEN3410
4Mnburm Lydia Deetz of PurranormalNE2123
5Kattehula's HarpoES718
6Katsnklamms Variant of KaosSC603
7UandMe of MagicatEN585
8Mayonaka's Hogan of SacerdosfeleSC419
9Supurrnova DaisyEW356
10Sacredspirit Derby Run For RosesNW328
11Willoli Honey BeeIN305
12ChicSweet Missy CooperEW112
Championship Cats (17)
Rank Name Region Score
1TheDarkSide Tonowari of BlueyonderSE9947
2Amalurra Ellatria KailaniGL2872
3Larimi Renfield of PurranormalNE1844
4Templebar Eye CandyEN1736
5Eda PurrBurmEW1433
6Sabokah Wellington of SacredspiritNW1213
7Sacredspirit RomantinaNW1093
8Seasedge Cordelia of WizardgateSE901
9Kattehula's HarpoES827
10Elessar Vance MarchbanksNW753
11Sacredspirit WestrihannaNW514
12Shaman Silk Lisi IIES453
13Templebar Feisty FarinekkuGL332
14Injir Dandre & Cats/FISW309
15Marvee-Lus Crystal Clarity/CFSW266
16Ebonycatz Gamora A Living WeaponEN187
17Ancats GLD DB GD Batice BurberryIN119
Alters (5)
Rank Name Region Score
1Templebar Falco BluesEN9013
2Tetrua JordanES5765
3Lester Young Burmese KingES4692
4Burma Filony Katya of Keeperkats/CFSC615
5Ancats BNZ DB GD Batice ButtercupIN258