2016-2017 Kitten Standings: 2810-3007

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Sat Jun 24 17:26:04 2017.

RankKitten Standings: 2810-3007
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2810T460113Bigken Daden INES175
2810T1668Javahut Aroma Mocha GLHB175
2810T191T83Czarina Ulita NWSB175
2810T191T365Countrysiderags Chances Might NWRD175
2814T239307Exotiquebengals Razors Edge SCBG174
2814T23056Dovon George SEAS174
2814T143106TPlaton Rey Egipcio SASX174
2814T259T106TPasifaya Adeliya ESSX174
2814T461T366TMoussedoll Sapphire INRD174
2814T259T159Mirage Blank Waikiki ESPS174
2814T461T177Ming Men of Huo Jun INBS174
2814T461T366TMimi INRD174
2814T28480Katzenhof Minerva ENNF174
2823T464368Dreamtw Thaddeus INRD173
2823T24281Mythvision Arietta Toi AANF173
2823T231308TBearbrook Paloma SEBG173
2823T261160MacLadi Francis ESPS173
2823T122308TCoolspots Brown Spotted Girl SWBG173
2828T193T369TIm The Pied Piper of Bakerviewrags NWRD172
2828T89T22Hoofsnpaws Love Me Like A Wok MPJB172
2828T193T310TFraser Valley Moonmaiden NWBG172
2828T89T369TFinerpointrags Foxy Blue Lady MPRD172
2828T123310TUrbanexotics Red Pebbles SWBG172
2828T13635Rexkwizit Bandit NECR172
2828T28582Porkarvan ThisLove ENNF172
2835T465T57Xiaolong's Silver Aq INAS171
2835T13719Wildfx Light Seeker NETG171
2835T28621SpotsAndPoints Aurora ENTH171
2835T232T178Sezmoi Whitewalker SEBS171
2835T232T374Bountymainecoon Oy Vey SEMC171
2835T465T74A Bi Didi INAB171
2835T12430Kitti Kat Kyrian SWSR171
2842T104312Urbanexotics Sassy of Giannisbengal MABG170
2842T91108Scantilyclad Les Beaux of SkeenvilleMPSX170
2844T262T371Romerorag's Meiline ESRD169
2844T2409Oberlin Tommy Bahama SCHB169
2844T262T83Mystique of Candy Katts ESNF169
2847T144161Starolympus Romeo SAPS168
2847T167313Starkittie Columbia GLBG168
2847T24384Proud Prince Kanon AANF168
2847T467179Lan Ru Ying Duan Mei Mei INBS168
2847T24120Jypsy of Jubalkatz SCTG168
2852T168314Divasden Ava GLBG167
2852T24418Safarimagic Kathmandu AASV167
2852T92375Boundingmaines Blossom MPMC167
2855T264180HU*Chain Bridge Jaxon ESBS166
2855T24221Samson SCTG166
2855T468T11Murfold Esmeralda INSCL166
2855T245315Benga Ramo's King AABG166
2855T468T109Mickey INSX166
2855T138372Marlcreek Intelligent Design NERD166
2861T265T316TDonchanin Dante ESBG165
2861T265T316TDipavalibengal La Bella Dona ESBG165
2861T470T53Xiaolong's Antony INSF165
2861T470T58Victory INAS165
2861T139T84Shawmekatz Moya Beltane NESB165
2861T139T59Seismic Simon Says Whats Ur Sign NEDR165
2861T470T373TMoussedoll Leah INRD165
2861T151316TAurorabengals Miyuki EWBG165
2861T93373T5starrags Chancy of Adorabledolls MPRD165
2861T145T316TMiodollarbaby Indira SABG165
2861T470T373TMelodydolls Morning INRD165
2861T145T75Ladifference Mykonos of Aconcagua SAAB165
2861T470T316TCmwreiou Napoleon Enos INBG165
2874T243321Paintedcats Armand Debrignac SCBG164
2874T147162Candace Cats-Morita SAPS164
2876T14876Tomassino of Gavigat SAAB163
2876T47559Miu Miu INAS163
2878T24677Ammycrystal Saku AAAB162
2878T267376Cankcats Stromboli ESMC162
2878T476376Mirumkitty Flechazo of Melifluo INRD162
2881T268114Eurecat Michonne ESES161
2881T1413Doneden Holiday Grace NEDSK161
2881T169T322TDivasden Phoebe GLBG161
2881T169T11Synergy Fafnir GLOL161
2881T477T163Surabaya Orange INPS161
2881T477T12Simple Life Candy INSCL161
2881T94322TAngelsiam Safari Tigress MPBG161
2888T10552I Musici Bela Fleck MASI160
2888T195324TWildrosebengals Dancing Sprite NWBG160
2888T95T324TTatsu Mariposa Sun Dance MPBG160
2888T234377TSunnyshores Henry of Rags2bdazzled SERD160
2888T95T377TRivercityrags Princess Tiger Lily MPRD160
2888T17185Anya Siberians Luminary Treasure GLSB160
2888T287377Mainelynx Witchcraft ENMC160
2895T106378TMTNest Akiko MAMC159
2895T247378TBacchus Captain Kirk AAMC159
2895T288378TMadepi-Coon's Wedding Belle ENMC159
2895T142326Jungletime Just Cant Get Enough NEBG159
2899T244110Dnilesphynx Lilly SCSX158
2899T19667Chipmunk Meany NWOS158
2899T269T31Modany Qurly Columbus ESSR158
2899T269T381TCankcats RedMount Blaze ESMC158
2899T269T381TMassif Des Felins De Lutece ESMC158
2899T479181Lan Bai Mu2 INBS158
2905T149164Vietsmaden Ramses SAPS157
2905T17286Siberianstar Princess Snow Leopard GLSB157
2905T272T27Raus Hojden's Zamfir of Raus*S ESBI157
2905T272T38Ostrov Idolized Pumpkin ESSFL157
2905T245327TAloracats MacKenzie SCBG157
2905T107327TAnjou Bonnies Sweet Secret MABG157
2905T48054Koukou INSF157
2912T27418Dancetaria Mirabelle ESSG156
2912T289T13Urfo Manami ENSCL156
2912T481182Qiqi INBS156
2912T17387Asthera Nadia of Basilic Blessing GLSB156
2912T23536Burthay Gidget of Barmont SECR156
2912T289T26Midinette The Cats Love ENBU156
2918T143329THelderbergCats Leopald NEBG155
2918T248379Cleverdoll Milky Way AARD155
2918T108115TChonilee Joys Jubilee MAES155
2918T152329TPower of Nature Araura EWBG155
2918T482183Nearcats Maggie INBS155
2918T197115TMissionhill Dynamic Windstorm NWES155
2918T246329TKleopatra From Russia With Love SCBG155
2925T291332TGinger (Artemis) of Precious Heroes ENBG154
2925T483T55Xiaolong's Armstrong INSF154
2925T483T380TSurabaya's Nat of Ziyu Cat INRD154
2925T153T117Simcris FancySchmancy EWES154
2925T247T184TSezmoi Blue Sapphire of Royalbrits SCBS154
2925T174383TReigning Princess Andrina GLMC154
2925T247T60Bluebonnet Sir Wynnstan SCAS154
2925T125332TCamelotslb Officer Clawhauser SWBG154
2925T236T383TMainelyclassic Night Heron SEMC154
2925T153T184TLuka Boniluk EWBS154
2925T236T380TCrabapple Baby Bella Blues SERD154
2936T48530Xiong Bao INMK153
2936T27523Madiba de Vis-à-Vis ESBL153
2938T24985Herbalmeow Kaiser AANF152
2938T198T334TGoldenbay Kaiya of Camaslily NWBG152
2938T27656Glamisway Yashma Altan Yaruk ESSF152
2938T198T22Eeyaa Mirage NWTG152
2938T155T88Veresk Line Lavanda of Mossbridge EWSB152
2938T155T334TSoftspot Scorchio EWBG152
2938T486T61Silver Ansel of Xiaolong INAS152
2938T155T382Ragville Falco EWRD152
2938T238334TBengaltherapy Crown Jewel Prozac SEBG152
2938T155T68BLK Taboo L'Tia EWOS152
2938T486T186Long Taizi INBS152
2949T239T32Hirscheez' Little Java SEHI151
2949T200111Fantcfur Montana Flashed NWSX151
2949T488T187TSamll Dimples Gu Dong INBS151
2949T488T187TMo Li Hendon Silvia of Hendon INBS151
2949T239T385Carolinameows Island Troubadour SEMC151
2949T488T383TMelodydolls Fringe INRD151
2949T277383TMalika de La Part Des Anges ESRD151
2949T175383TKeepurrs Sky Rider of Galaxyrags GLRD151
2957T97165TTankie Hank MPPS150
2957T159337Snowstorm UK Pauline EWBG150
2957T29219Rusmild Nike ENSCS150
2957T491386Moedolls Daybreak INRD150
2957T278165TMillesime Imperial du Bois Du Duc ESPS150
2962T160189Daenarys Flamedancer EWBS149
2962T9828Wehnert's Carlisle of Bluenvy MPBI149
2962T241387Ragville Milly of Rags2dazzle SERD149
2962T109338TAlways Gettng Into A Pickle MABG149
2962T279118Lilachocostar's Marmelade ESES149
2962T249338TLagallerie Coco Fudge Ripple SCBG149
2968T250386Tropikoons Juno Beach SCMC148
2968T293T78Petrovna Tamerlan ENAB148
2968T293T39Owl Fabulous of Moskou Bastet Home ENSFL148
2968T492T31Miusi INMK148
2968T492T23Magadha Miaka INTG148
2968T293T340LynxLand Laverne of Ilendri ENBG148
2968T492T190Jiajia INBS148
2975T251T20Furelyse Casanova SCSCS147
2975T296T191TForest Beauty Zara ENBS147
2975T251T11Dawntreader Lucy SCMCP147
2975T201167Wasillia Sweet Caroline NWPS147
2975T280191TTscha's Ossi ESBS147
2975T296T387Summerplace Yankee ENMC147
2975T49519Sissi INMNL147
2975T12622Sandypoints C S Lewis of Archenland SWTH147
2975T242341Queen Palm Thor of Primalbengals SEBG147
2975T99191TPurrceptive Silvestar MPBS147
2975T250119Petit Rinrin's Ribbon AAES147
2986T150T33Dilshad Athos SAHI146
2986T298388TSiempreamar Shiloh ENRD146
2986T150T120Sherezada Hechicera SAES146
2986T144T342Asieanne Sangha NEBG146
2986T144T388TAllstarrags Snow of Lavidaragdoll NERD146
2991T496T62Erdan INAS145
2991T243T390TDiesel Purring Doll of Ragmatical SERD145
2991T299T388TVelsbechmann Quentin Tarantino ENMC145
2991T299T168Selenwey Vanilla Cheesecake ENPS145
2991T299T79Petrovna Ariy ENAB145
2991T243T388TMysticoon Midnight Rider SEMC145
2991T496T15Molimoli MimiLu INMNT145
2991T496T390TMoedolls Steamed Bun INRD145
2991T16124Bedazzlecats Tzarina EWBL145
2991T146390TBellapalazzo Tate NERD145
2991T110388TBleu Skye Suspicion MAMC145
2991T299T69Alf Raksha ENOS145
2991T299T194Absolu Polina ENBS145
2991T20215Carchet Marcel Marceau NWCX145
3005T499195Queen Mark Cherry Lian INBS144
3005T24523Alicats Thaiphoon Malee SETH144
3007T500T60Happy-Elf Meili INDR143
3007T162T53Flutterby Sherbert Fizz EWSI143
3007T17616Dixie Belle GLOC143
3007T147T89Dachakoshka Sneznhyy Dukh NESB143
3007T147T391TSebagomist Kodiak NEMC143
3007T162T343Owlsdene Henry of Henley EWBG143
3007T500T393TAMTHYST LaFerrari INRD143
3007T251391TBacchus Timon AAMC143
3007T111112Baldnlove Tank U Sexy Boy MASX143
3007T147T393TBellapalazzo April Elizabeth NERD143