2015-2016 Kitten Standings: 2413-2608

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Tue Jun 7 11:47:01 2016.

RankKitten Standings: 2413-2608
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2413T214322TCoondalay Mr Happy Go Lucky NWMC185
2413T317322TAustere Style Rich ENMC185
2415T318324TMainelynx Berenice ENMC184
2415T256324TLord Du Dolmen Imperial ESMC184
2417T219277Poolside Patrick SEBG183
2417T257T106Tscha's Mary Lee ESBS183
2417T257T326Lolly Pop de Mourre-Frais ESMC183
2420T89278Simplyblessed Silver Swirls MPBG182
2420T259240Legendabastet Gasdon ESRD182
2422T319T74Zlatozar Verooka ENSB181
2422T319T327TMainelynx Ewald ENMC181
2422T319T26Jessie Girl de Saint Paer ENTA181
2422T260327TCoffecoon's Bilberry ESMC181
2422T97327TCoberman Friday Night Lights of CJPaMAMC181
2422T319T98Abygold Eralash ENAB181
2428T21515Kenipurr's Who Am I NWJB180
2428T132279TJungletrax Bold Hope NEBG180
2428T32375Rossita Snejnaya Zima ENSB180
2428T26127Luigi De La Mer De Marmara ESTA180
2428T147279TBengal Brothers Bellarina SABG180
2433T9924Tonkville Dazzling SWTO179
2433T18456Synergy Katya GLOS179
2433T162330Shonancats Jacob of Popokilani AAMC179
2436T216331TMishikoonz Whitney T NWMC178
2436T220241TExcaliburcats The Silent Assassin SERD178
2436T324T76TSibirskywitsch Barista ENSB178
2436T262281Shapna's Lidocaine ESBG178
2436T189241TRoyal Blue Stevy EWRD178
2436T148T114TLofoten Lauren SAES178
2436T324T76TLaurel Sibaris*RU ENSB178
2436T90114TJeff INES178
2436T148T331TArgencoon Furiosa SAMC178
2445T19057Pippastro Storm-Trouper EWOS177
2445T217T282TWildwoodbengals Spocktacular NWBG177
2445T326282TSilvertrace Oreo ENBG177
2445T217T3Catcurls BC Arizonah NWLP177
2449T150333TMuusa Saori SAMC176
2449T263T18Aegaeis Artemis ESACL176
2449T263T333TCankcats Miracles Noel ESMC176
2452T265T284TPalazia's Lipton ESBG175
2452T163T8Milkymyus Clive AAMKL175
2452T91243RU*Eria Pro Piter Pen INRD175
2452T19150Maystarex Queen of Scots EWDR175
2452T265T284TLookmaewdao Balzac ESBG175
2452T163T99Insuubunkai Himeko AAAB175
2458T221T286TPooldside Padon SEBG174
2458T192T286TOwlsdene Thornhills Dream EWBG174
2458T192T286TOwlsdene May Belle EWBG174
2458T9851Megarex Ears To You of Silvercharm MADR174
2458T221T33Hirscheez Lion King SEHI174
2458T100286TCoolspots Lana SWBG174
2458T221T335Carolinameows Island Mystic Raven SEMC174
2465T224290TJunglecreations Crazy for Swayze SEBG173
2465T185T79Norsestar Kirby GLNF173
2465T92T290TMydreamcat Hua Qian Gu INBG173
2465T185T290TMedoz Daniel GLBG173
2465T92T107Margaret INBS173
2470T219T293TKamisha Sun Runner NWBG172
2470T32710Winchester PP Trom Tassel Magic ENMCP172
2470T151157Sweet Moon Larissa SAPS172
2470T267T108Lover du Moulin d'Antan ESBS172
2470T219T244Longfellow Charlie ChocolateFactory NWRD172
2470T267T336TLady Arabella du Domaine De La BouriESMC172
2470T225T336THopecats Adele SEMC172
2470T194293TDazzelbengalz Gunner EWBG172
2470T225T336TCloistercoon Leia of Caesarheadcoon SEMC172
2479T10178Prekrasne King O The Crossroads SWSB171
2479T187T295Kotykatz Barchen GLBG171
2479T187T109Nolina Diamond GLBS171
2479T32825Catika's Cashmere Mist of Fryga/ID ENSO171
2483T21358Ranchcats Poseidons Song SCOS170
2483T329T245Chatandolls Caleb of SiempreAmar ENRD170
2483T269T296TLovely De La Colo Cat ESBG170
2483T195T339TIsadoryou Glitterbug EWMC170
2483T329T296TForcepride Hine Crystal Decanter ENBG170
2483T269T28Filimon ESSF170
2483T16580Fantarja King Ur AANF170
2483T195T296TDazzlebengalz Prince Charming EWBG170
2483T269T339TDallas Angelina ESMC170
2483T189339TBuctales Frosted Pane GLMC170
2493T331T100Orange Marmelad Blue Sapphire Of ENAB169
2493T331T299TThar Betty Boop ENBG169
2493T331T299TShinysilk Aleksa ENBG169
2493T272246Little Sweety Des Douces Patounes ESRD169
2493T331T41Jokitz Silver Mamba of Rumfold ENAS169
2493T221104Iceni Batgirl NWSX169
2493T331T299TBengaldon Ofelia of Amberyard ENBG169
2493T94110Amanda INBS169
2501T102158Muffin Zacharia of Pam's Persians SWPS168
2501T95T20Tigervisions Baron Jarman INTG168
2501T190302TSephora Desert Rose GLBG168
2501T33611Salexcoon Xochipili PP ENMCP168
2501T16681Azureblue Leona AANF168
2501T95T116Blueberry INES168
2501T222302TCascaderim Petras Way NWBG168
2508T197T52Jupago It Wasn't Me Honest EWDR167
2508T227342TChemicoons Copper of Irishcoons SEMC167
2508T197T304LV* Deloitte Triumph's Julian EWBG167
2508T337247Happytyme Dakota-Indian-BT ENRD167
2508T214342TForeverloyal Ciaran Da Beast SCMC167
2508T273342TArchcoongel Loosing My Religion ESMC167
2514T338T248Ragmagic Sweetest Promise ENRD166
2514T9753Elfe Feerique Neva of Y-Camellia INDR166
2514T274345TWillow Viktoria Pride ESMC166
2514T223T345TSalexcoon Alarion of Mymains NWMC166
2514T338T12Coonspirates Lady PP ENMCP166
2514T223T117Belcherpurrs Loreli of Hollowhills NWES166
2514T215111British Empire Luna SCBS166
2521216347Myluckystars Aldebaran SCMC165
2522T99159Vigo Beatrice of PocketCharm MAPS164
2522T199T305TSnowstormUK Otto The Great EWBG164
2522T199T305TFollywood Annie Oakley EWBG164
2522T16725Bluewind Momo AARB164
2522T10379Cassandra Baraj*Ru SWSB164
2522T34025Abcsavannahcats Conan ENSV164
2528T100307Medoz Arthur MABG163
2528T27524Love Me Do Des Gummis En Sucre ESBL163
2528T201112Jentoria Creme D La Femme EWBS163
2528T341T80Hercules van Besselaer ENSB163
2528T341T101Descavalier Regtime Amelie ENAB163
2533191308Leopardbabies William Scott FitzgeraGLBG162
2534T192249TNewspring Ellisande GLRD161
2534T276T249TSelia Elbereth ESRD161
2534T276T82Lectron of Candy Katt's ESNF161
2534T276T9InieMinieCats Darla ESMKL161
2534T228T113Holyfold River Song SEBS161
2534T228T48Hojpoj Hey Jude of Bravura SESI161
2534T276T348Guszti ESMC161
2534T225309Fraser Valley Lacey J NWBG161
2542T230160Riverbin To Die For SEPS160
2542T34381Libra Z Altaju*PL ENSB160
2542T193349Honeydevil Royal Black GLMC160
2542T217105Acirrekatz Kasper The Naked Ghost SCSX160
2546T231114Kelcobber Somthinabout Mary SEBS159
2546T344350Usagi Parent Pride's ENMC159
2546T133310Spotsbydesign Pandora of Sunnysgang NEBG159
2546T10459Lady Di Des Touch Too Much of ChipmuSWOS159
2550T218T311TKindredkatz Polar Ice of Bengaluvrs SCBG158
2550T134311TJungletime Just Cant Get Enough NEBG158
2550T9842Lixiang's Olivia INAS158
2550T218T351TDawntreader Zephyr SCMC158
2550T345351TAtlantic Acadia Moonspell ENMC158
2550T218T12Alpinelegends Abbie SCPB158
2556T221T161Mishkittens Granito de Sal SCPS157
2556T105313TWinsomebg Stir It Up SWBG157
2556T28029Limited Edition Doll De Ballantray ESBI157
2556T221T106D'Nilesphynx Primrose Paddipawz SCSX157
2556T221T313TAsianfire Arya Crowning Glory SCBG157
2561T232251Rags2dazzle Rayne of Ragsbdazzled SERD156
2561T281315TPalazia's Las Vegas ESBG156
2561T346T102TEldeboro Gera ENAB156
2561T224315TUrbanexotics Raiden of Baset GuardiaSCBG156
2561T226118Sagewynd Hush Sweet Charlotte NWES156
2561T346T315TReeveslands Basu ENBG156
2561T346T8Madonna of Glamis ENSCL156
2561T10640Clanrex Good For Business SWCR156
2561T346T13Catsheavens Sundance ENPB156
2561T346T102TAbylife Des Cavalier Lira ENAB156
2571T282353NadyCoon Elian ESMC155
2571T19417Stonearch Sven GLTH155
2571T233T82Solacefarm Glitz of Arcticeclipse SESB155
2571T135252TMarlcreek Vanessa Pearl NERD155
2571T1014Magicbobs Hocus Pocus MAABT155
2571T233T252TClockworkcatz Dreamboat Annie SERD155
2577T235T60TQuincess Tuke Me In SEOS154
2577T225354TMyluckystars Venus of Dawntreader SCMC154
2577T235T318Medoz Optical Illusion SEBG154
2577T19560TLeafdance Mahasamatman of Hashtag GLOS154
2577T227354TDarmorev Be Bop Delux NWMC154
2577T20215Coraski Moontwist EWSRL154
2583T23710Munchkinlane Hairyette SEMKL153
2583T99T254Melodydolls Popcorn INRD153
2583T228T49Stegra Grigory NWSI153
2583T228T107Sphynxcraft Koala Cloudy Skies NWSX153
2583T99T115Simba INBS153
2588T196104Khafre Kitten 2 GLAB152
2588T203319TPantherajedi Shield EWBG152
2588T226319TLagallerie First Stroke SCBG152
2588T28317Glamisway Neapolis ESSCS152
2592T35126Marvel Somarineko ENSO151
2592T284255Ludo Deux Chapt De Laxion ESRD151
2594T204321TPantherajedi Braveheart EWBG150
2594T285T13Maullenium's Zephyr ESEM150
2594T352321TMarsoma's Omrii ENBG150
2594T285T32Lolita The Cats Love ESBU150
2594T9025Henke Red MPBL150
2594T197T321TDivasden Kiya GLBG150
2594T285T321TAmbadalis-Gala Fujeirah of WildbengaESBG150
2594T197T28Antioch Angelica of Chateaumane GLTA150
2602T353T162Mighty Magic Szariwari*PL ENPS149
2602T238T34Tranquility Hot Diggety!/CF SEHI149
2602T353T356TStarArk Teffi-Tiara ENMC149
2602T28810Seleli Terra Kurilia ESKBL149
2602T238T356TMainelyclassic Madison Redux SEMC149
2602T19954Filagrewaves Deja Vu GLDR149
2608T101T4Monkey King INMK148
2608T35524Filand's Rus Nicky Murrius ENSFL148
2608T205256Cwtchycats Busy Being Fabulous EWRD148
2608T101T116Bentley Mur Ummi INBS148
2608T152325Cazpurr 1st Class of Destinybengals SABG148