2014-2015 Kitten Standings: 2006-2204

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Wed May 20 14:03:22 2015.

RankKitten Standings: 2006-2204
Int'l Breed Name Breed Score
2006T236Jean BG334
2006T201TIzzadorablerags Babydoll RD334
2006T201TDiamonddolls Dream Come True of MiruRD334
2009T268Tingara Samonji MC333
2009T27Katsnklamms Ima Chocoholic BU333
2009T4Karol Mordecai Lincoln JBL333
2009T16Amaurie Loki EM333
2009T22TCaterablu HeartOfDixie RB333
2009T22TBallyblue Bastet RB333
2015T237Bennvoyagee Impress Me BG332
2015T16Curlybears Leviathan SRL332
2017T238Chalkmtn Lady Izzabo of Bengalmanor BG331
2017T4Curlniques Decurlation Of Freedom AC331
2017T203Razldazldolls Roxy of Rags2dazzle RD331
2017T71J'Kiki de Montparnasse D'Eden Lover ES331
2021T82Baby Joy Toma SX330
2021T204TAriokkierags Totus Tuus RD330
2021T36Vicketales Hershey HI330
2021T204TRTT Nixon Lee Roy RD330
2025T2Mikadosan Cactus Jack AW329
2025T269Deabaete Boy Bobb MC329
2025T148Je Suis Spartacus Neves Du Lagon BlePS329
2028T45Debitkat Tansdale Dakota SI327
2028T67Schastlivchaki Louisa AB327
2028T206Riterags The Sky Is The Limit RD327
2031T207TUsapurrs Rock Me Baby of 5starrags RD326
2031T207THighlanddolls Norman RD326
2033T25Wicca Zola SV325
2033T239Traipse Diamond Flash of Bluelagoon BG325
2033T28Katsnklamms Jumpin Jack Flash BU325
2036T270Mainelyclassic Storm Front MC324
2036T209Newspring Thunders Storm RD324
2038T68Angie Baby One AB323
2038T271Tuxedo MC323
2038T240TMinileo Elton BG323
2038T240TDadaelis Dulcinea of Savoirfaire BG323
2042T210Rivercityrags Callie RD322
2042T242Royal Wild Hearts-Zen Reflections BG322
2042T149Stefilla Ursella PS322
2045T93Riviums Ghosthunter of Henke BS321
2045T243Rainforest Legend of Starglitter BG321
2047211Vavidoll Yuki RD319
2048T212Elian Rags Tim Tam RD318
2048T20Spacewaves MS Walking Dreads SR318
2050T38Pikkupirun American Eagle CR317
2050T213Grease Lightning RD317
2052T94Britisland Future Winner BS316
2052T12Toriland Joseph BO316
2054T214Marlcreek Only Olivia RD315
2054T150Betunes Will Smith PS315
2054T3Lavrik Black Cloud SCL315
2057T272Starark Berchoff MC314
2057T24Caterablu Blu Moon of Caliblu RB314
2057T29Katsnklamms Disco Lady BU314
2057T32Bayouash Suzette AS314
2057T10Jasmine d'Angor House TA314
2062T8Tasurt Desert Dreams of Willowind CU313
2062T244Begalflats Matisse BG313
2062T30Kimura's Charlie Chaplin BU313
2065T215TEchoglen Purrpetual Bliss RD312
2065T69I-Reine Silver D'Alyse Pagerie AB312
2065T215TWillowTreeRags Agoston Amadeo RD312
2065T83Skinsin Edmond of Fantcfur SX312
2069T217Rockcreek Johnny Depp of Londondoll RD311
2069T64Dorrymama Anlucea NF311
2069T39Godspeed Ravishing Rue CR311
2072T12Wicca Sebastion TH310
2072T151Lorien'Cats J'Adore PS310
2072T70Capoeira La Niomana AB310
2072T245JumperTW Leila BG310
2076T11Angelglow Cotton Candy TA309
2076T3Snoopy Wild Thing U Make My Heart SN309
2076T5Milkymymus Yuuri MK309
2076T218Krickelins Tessa RD309
2080T19Tais Cletus of Tko SF308
2080T17Rockinashi Natalie Attired JB308
2080T67Derry Downs Under The Evening Moon OS308
2083T219Betunes Sir Theodore of Wrsemi RD307
2083T13Fiamma Volshebny Zver PD307
2083T25Vert Kahori RB307
2083T4Tzarkhan Trinidad SCL307
2083T95TMercedes vom Kleeland BS307
2083T95TGaribaldis Avrvra BS307
2089T246TPaintedcats Inc BG306
2089T273Gloriasterra Rocky Balboa MC306
2089T84Bagira Kranberi of d'Nile SX306
2089T72TLofoten Oprah ES306
2089T246TJewelspride Double Oh Seven BG306
2089T72TPleskava Domino ES306
2089T65Littlemew Lapis Lazuli NF306
2096T220Echoglen Angelica of Finerpointrags RD305
2096T74TDar-Liz Dolly ES305
2096T74TBefalsetto Passion For Voice ES305
2099152Kratos de von & Von PS304
2100T274Kizzacoons Wild Wolf MC303
2100T21Modany Qurly Adrastea SR303
2100T66Vanir Olof NF303
2100T248Leopardspride Champane of Lunakatz BG303
2104221Fuzzjp Sora of Ammycrystal RD302
2105T222Angellcats Cappucino Fire and Ice RD301
2105T6Meg MK301
2105T249TCatreine Grace Ray Of Kirarakan BG301
2105T85The Kittens House Zambo SX301
2105T249TDK Boholdt Frozen BG301
2110T275Thecathut Firestorm MC300
2110T19Marimaki Kohaku TO300
2110T251Abooksigun Storm Surge of Kaloewha BG300
2113T153Candidlook Eros of Betunes PS299
2113T223Rouletii Glorious Reflection RD299
2113T31Vindouro Captain America BU299
2116T252Losandes Princesa BG298
2116T71Aimable Luke AB298
2118T40Barmont Distant Fire of Lahoni CR297
2118T253Sofysticats Jack Sparrow BG297
2118T224Rosecottage Blue Pooh Bear RD297
2121276Bigrivercoon Stardust MC296
2122T67Miagola Hannalicana NF295
2122T68Stegra Johann Strauss of Chipmunk OS295
2122T20Furelyse Sweet Pea SF295
212530Norell'S Jeorgia On My Mind SFL294
2126T254Murenacats Quitschi BG293
2126T37Vicketales Krackel HI293
2126T17Egyptsila Amon EM293
2129T255Paintedcats Rocksteady of Prismatic BG292
2129T225Chamidolls Little Bear RD292
2129T31Holyfold Reeces Pieces SFL292
2129T69TSensay Kellykatz Jo Jo OS292
2129T69TFL*Clamoris Isabella OS292
2134T68Altihappy Daisu NF291
2134T33Murrzenpurrz Dreamsicle Fizz AS291
2134T154Jet Set De La Lisiere D'Or PS291
2134T39Space Waves Not Meek Or Mild DR291
2138T22Alcyone Sir Leirion BT SR290
2138T256TAllaglitter Red Mojo BG290
2138T256TChile Bengals Dior BG290
2138T226Appledolls Ragpride of Mimicats RD290
2138T71Chicago Snow Black Ice OS290
214369Katpenn Starlight NF289
2144T18Karol Salmon P Chase JB288
2144T97Reyesdesilva Tullyherron Aisha BS288
2146T86TLucidsphynx Lucille Bald SX287
2146T3Sylverkat Nitestorm of Milehikatz ABT287
2146T32Dorevalley Quiviva BU287
2146T86TFantcfur Angel Bare SX287
2150T76I Gati D'A Roca Jislaine D'Or ES286
2150T258Simplyblessed Skys The Limit BG286
2150T227Methodius Wiki Wiki RD286
2153T70TFantarja Pixie Water Fall NF285
2153T259Kanesei Forth BG285
2153T70TPrince Princess Naoya NF285
2153T277Windwalker Wampum MC285
2153T70TEluney Lemunarki*ES NF285
2153T155Fortunescats J Lo PS285
2159260Cavscout Johnny James BG284
2160T261Amazongold Evridka BG282
2160T12Coloradopixies Bita Honey PB282
2160T38Micifuz Coco Chanel of Bluestarts HI282
2163278Chemicoons Theos Belgian Pride Jase MC281
2164T39Sasharmey Innisfree HI280
2164T13Maewkaew Bjorn Wirkola TH280
2166T72Abyfelis Icone AB279
2166T156Sherezada Petra PS279
2166T7Korrigan Joystick MK279
2166T77Sheroncats Mister Grafite ES279
2166T32Sladkiy Son Kukla of Nestalex/WC SFL279
2166T5Catcurls BC Misteria LP279
2172T88Undina Elfe Baffi SX278
2172T262TBengallys Achille BG278
2172T262TPurebengalsGB Snowden BG278
2175T6Catcurls BC Katniss of Mikadosan LP277
2175T279DK Aloa's Rolex MC277
2177T15Jocker de Caritates KBL276
2177T26Seacoast Optimus Prime SV276
2179264Coolspots Chantily Lace of Tikiroad BG275
218098Atina BS274
2181T280TJade Du Vison D'Or MC273
2181T73Zumacats Azure Sky NF273
2181T40Lundberg Rofey SB273
2181T99Cheshirelady Oloff BS273
2181T265Al Jana's Jupiter BG273
2181T280TAman Group Baron MC273
2187T228TRainbowragdolls Pepper RD272
2187T228TGentle Time Moon of Aquarose RD272
2187T74Azureblue Pompadour Female NF272
2187T228TChatandolls Jameelah of Siempre AmarRD272
2187T228TFairymoon Emma Watson RD272
2187T41Fini Sniezna Magnolia SB272
2193T232TRiterags Emily's Prince Charming RD271
2193T266Wothorpe Genius BG271
2193T232TBlackberryhill Bonita RD271
2196267Bodcaubayou Boogie of Texasstar BG269
2197T282Colinsgarden Zion MC268
2197T234Rouletii Beautiful Observation RD268
2197T28Arpeggio I Like To Move It SO268
2197T268Arcade Kundun Of Hypnotibengal BG268
2201T27ColumbiaBreeze Wind Driftin SV267
2201T283Pulheri Ya From Jotunheim MC267
2203284Williamina Lemon MC266
2204T26Jefimija Nastja RB265
2204T269Batifoleurs Poni BG265