Kitten Standings 2009: 2011-2295

This table shows the current TICA standings based on the shows which have been scored by the Executive Office at the time this report was generated.

TICA rules permit a cat or kitten to be shown once without a registration number. The points for those entries are listed as "points pending" in the scores shown below. If the listing for a cat or kitten shows "points pending", the owner needs to contact the Executive Office once a registration number has been obtained to secure those points for titles and for any regional or international awards.

Only the points from the 50 highest awards for each cat (30 highest awards for kittens) are included in the scores for regional or international awards. For that reason, some of the points shown as "pending" may not add to the total.

Official scores are subject to change as exhibitors may submit catalog corrections on their cats. All corrections must be received in the Executive Office by May 7th. See the Standing Rules to the Scoring System for more information.

An owner can obtain a detailed scoring report for his or her cat, showing the points earned in each ring at each show, by requesting a Current Scoring Record from the Executive Office. The fee is $5.00 (US) per report.

This report was generated 28 May 2009.

RankKitten Standings 2009: 2011-2295
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
2011T427T272TMacconner Maverick ENMC11
2011T153T462TBadgers Silly Sally NEBG11
2011T11472TKotyonok Malenky Krasny Lis MASB11
2011T21478Katpenn Alnitek SCNF11
2011T427T272TCherry Hampus ENMC11
2011T179T462TSecretspot Wyld Wynd of Belriver GLBG11
2011T153T244Willowtreerags Vance Hansen NERD11
2011T427T72TRussianirbis Zhavdronok ENSB11
2011T154462TLazydays Art of Savannahriver SEBG11
2011T153T272TKennebec Scouts Progress NEMC11
2011T427T462TWildsidebengals Playgirl ENBG11
2011T427T462TGoldnglitz Mid Summers Dream ENBG11
2011T427T462TPurebliss Quanteeko Star ENBG11
2011T427T462TSolargem Alaska ENBG11
2011T427T88Greenville Day Dream of Bluecourage ENAB11
2011T179T462TVskbengals Chunky Monkey GLBG11
2027T181T470TAnjali Firefox of Amantra SWBG10
2027T181T275TGreenfield Kasuga of 7storm AAMC10
2027T155T470TBoydsbengals Asia of Sundaribengals SEBG10
2027T181T470TUniqueprints Tarzan of Kabukikatz SWBG10
2027T435T10Amazolou Ting Tings ENSL10
2027T195T245TIzzadorablerags Galaxy NWRD10
2027T435T470TPanoramas Dolce Gabbana ENBG10
2027T181T79TCatsai Blues AANF10
2027T181T470TSecretspot Suki11 of Oaklandhills GLBG10
2027T115T470TJungletime Adonis of Anjou MABG10
2027T181T42Boobella Jack Jack GLES10
2027T435T66Bluegenerations Sahara Night ENBS10
2027T155T245TBlossom Out Ofthisworld SERD10
2027T181T245TAngelspunrags Elarias Shining Star GLRD10
2027T156275TFogcity Little Autumn Annie NEMC10
2027T115T470TAluren Orion MABG10
2027T21577Skyshasphynx Sis Sealia SCSX10
2027T435T470TCasvegas Storm ENBG10
2027T181T79TFearyring Zizi AANF10
2027T181T470TPurrbodies Geometry SWBG10
2027T181T470TEnchantedtails Koko of Penasquitos SWBG10
2027T195T24Bellezza Oriana Mariella NWSO10
2027T181T245TFarandoll Ferdinand Pichard AARD10
2050T216T480TPrattmandu Noriko SCBG9
2050T184T480TColliercreek Onyx of Birchbark GLBG9
2050T157277TGglegacy Angel Kola NEMC9
2050T19716Seattlesbest Patsy Cline NWPB9
2050T185T480TZazen Tiny Dreamer SWBG9
2050T185T480TZazen Hunter Boy SWBG9
2050T216T74TVonleibchens Jennifer of Solacefarm SCSB9
2050T184T29Marakats Meeka of Spotsnglitz GLAS9
2050T184T74TWild Taiga Hadrain of Sibano GLSB9
2050T184T249TRockinblues Tucker Beau GLRD9
2050T117T81Norja Julia Glass MANF9
2050T216T480TStonehenge Roccalou of Beauxmondes SCBG9
2050T216T480TSimplysimes Fever Pitch SCBG9
2050T439T480TGlitterglam Europe ENBG9
2050T70277TDolce Vita de Brannay/LO ESMC9
2050T439T480TSpotznstripz Princess of Cacchiones ENBG9
2050T117T74TWindrifter Hadrian Oberon MASB9
2050T439T249TCalaquendi Dolls Nissa ENRD9
2050T123480TLovinspots Cheyenne of Silverstate MPBG9
2050T184T480TCazpurr Bullet of Treasurebengals GLBG9
2050T185T277THerbykatz Aldebaran AAMC9
2050T15774TShalomir Svetlana SESB9
2050T185T277TSappyclasse Millionaire of AesopYY AAMC9
2050T185T480TAsianbambo Thai Silk SWBG9
2050T185T480TLunakatz Windchill SWBG9
2050T117T480TStarangel Winter Snow of Wildpurrs MABG9
2050T185T249TFairymoon Emma Petit of Holybabe AARD9
2050T439T480TBundas Canadian Leo ENBG9
2078T220T494TLileopard Eye Candy SCBG8
2078T189T21Chisholmtrail Cassie SWOC8
2078T124494TBearcrkbengals Luci Luv MPBG8
2078T189T252TRocknrags Foxey Lady SWRD8
2078T189T494TBengalfrenzy Sakura Risa SWBG8
2078T443T494TWilddiamond Make A Wish ENBG8
2078T443T252TRagmagic Black Eyed Susan ENRD8
2078T443T252TSkydolls Chiara ENRD8
2078T158T82Nissekatt Else Nanalee SENF8
2078T443T11Amazolou Scooter Boy ENSL8
2078T188T89Megurogawa Asahi AAAB8
2078T188T252TGentletime Pearl AARD8
2078T189T6Perisan Lily SWKT8
2078T443T67TBluegenerations Undercover Girl ENBS8
2078T443T78Isida v Queen ENSX8
2078T198T88Arrowlakes Thundercloud NWPS8
2078T198T252TRockcreek Kissntail of Mtshadowrags NWRD8
2078T158T494TBluewater Jewels of Bengalsprings SEBG8
2078T158T494TEastfordvalleys Charlie Brown Spots NEBG8
2078T198T252TWhiterockrags Glory NWRD8
2078T443T67TStarryskys Neniel ENBS8
2078T220T10Prairiewyndes Hot Roxanne SCPL8
2078T198T67TSterlingbrits Warrior NWBS8
2078T189T252TPalacedolls Titan of Ragdollangels SWRD8
2078T158T281Dracoonfly Flying Ace Emerger NEMC8
2078T189T78Willowbrook Ketzelena My Comrade SWSB8
2104T190T83TMythvision Suzaku AANF7
2104T195T500TKokopellies Snow Jagger SWBG7
2104T125259TTranquilvalley Starz N Strypes MPRD7
2104T450T500TGlitterngold Tiara ENBG7
2104T450T282TDragonlord Garam Masala ENMC7
2104T202T89TMystimitts Stripe It Rich NWPS7
2104T450T282TBearcloud King Volcano ENMC7
2104T202T89TZippurrs Dazzling Gem NWPS7
2104T120T83TNorja Paul Galico MANF7
2104T202T259TCupids Kinsee NWRD7
2104T190T89THilltopglow Marie AAPS7
2104T450T282TMajesticoon Bentley Savillepuss ENMC7
2104T450T500TAjooba Cant Touch This ENBG7
2104T450T282TNoracoon Gorgeous George ENMC7
2104T450T282TVelvetangels Daisy ENMC7
2104T160T30Sirpoilu New Hope NEAS7
2104T202T43Stegra Bare Naked Ladies NWOS7
2104T202T259TLongfellow Dyamond of Whiterockrags NWRD7
2104T195T259TCelestrail Eclipse of Echoglen SWRD7
2104T450T500TGlitterglam Arctic Saga ENBG7
2104T120T282TSarajen After Eight MAMC7
2104T16079Shalomir Nikolai SESB7
2104T160T282TAderondak Once In A Blue Moon NEMC7
2104T450T500TPendekar Keris Perak ENBG7
2104T120T500TTrendar Sterling Silver MABG7
2104T30259TMitzi Madonna of Soberano SARD7
2104T195T282TWoodpile Miss Fire of LAPD SWMC7
2104T190T259TFarandoll Momo AARD7
2132T459T506TMercy of Vondobschutz ENBG6
2132T459T33TChurston Tous Chez ENBI6
2132T189T12Designerstripes Pride And Joy GLTG6
2132T459T290TElyskats Missbehavin ENMC6
2132T459T506TWeepingwillows Bailey ENBG6
2132T459T33TPurindoors Tortielini ENBI6
2132T459T506TGlitterglam Sweet Purdeta ENBG6
2132T207T92TZippurrs Prince Zedward NWPS6
2132T193T265TReddoor Liliko AARD6
2132T198T17Cabaret Deja Vu SWCX6
2132T189T26Ajatarah Sugar Smack GLEM6
2132T207T79Nudistcamp Little Diva Lady Godiva NWSX6
2132T161T506TDrinkwater Tiger Lily of Salexander SEBG6
2132T459T265TPacificats Winona ENRD6
2132T189T10Bastra Borya Yushovich GLTA6
2132T193T85Nzurisana Parantica Cita AANF6
2132T126T265TAdorabledolls Radhi MPRD6
2132T22280Yanislav Sibirskoe Ocharovanie SCSB6
2132T126T506TSierragold Razzmatazz MPBG6
2132T193T290TGreenfield Levin AAMC6
2132T459T290TApollocoon Foxglove ENMC6
2132T3133TMashalabizbul Kinda SABI6
2132T71290TCharade de Sulena de Tengri Nor ESMC6
2132T459T506TRehbis Sajuri ENBG6
2132T161T290TDukehaven Baxter SEMC6
2132T459T290TAkira Ilumini Feline Fantasy ENMC6
2132T162290TTacntac Rumi NEMC6
2132T459T506TKorshki Shere Khan of Giradelle ENBG6
2132T198T92TWuv-Paws Mystic Star/CF SWPS6
2132T161T265TBamarags Marshal Dillon SERD6
2132T126T17Santiam Blessing of Oceansprite MPPB6
2163T129269TMtnspring Levi of Rivercityrags MPRD5
2163T164T513TMeridian In The Slipstream SEBG5
2163T20081TCharodey Zlata SWSB5
2163T470T297THypercoons Massimo ENMC5
2163T470T513TBluezapto Ruby Tuesday ENBG5
2163T164T269TSoulmates Darcy of Velvetrags SERD5
2163T209T269TCashmererags Annie Oakley NWRD5
2163T16381TCharoit Businka of Sunbeam NESB5
2163T470T513TSolargem Whisper of Cinnamonpaws ENBG5
2163T470T70TBritishkings Rambo ENBS5
2163T470T513TQueenanne Great Ballsoffire ENBG5
2163T470T297TJuniatas Mignonne ENMC5
2163T72T26TKergalic Diam ESHI5
2163T470T513TSilverkatz Platinum Sensation ENBG5
2163T3226TMitzi Lord Arthur SAHI5
2163T196297THerbykatz Hermione of Hareruyah AAMC5
2163T470T70TModany Palladio ENBS5
2163T209T70TSterlingbrits Lonestar NWBS5
2163T470T513TCasvegas Ice Prince ENBG5
2163T223513TTexasstar Heavens Taffy Candie SCBG5
2163T209T513THuntersridge Hot As Ice NWBG5
2163T72T18Daria Du Soum Du Louey ESCX5
2185T123272TBrightstone Casanova of Diamondolz MARD4
2185T479T73TIluna van de Nekker ENBS4
2185T166T300TMysticoon Sabrina SEMC4
2185T224T90Howlingcoyote Aureliano SCAB4
2185T166T521TBoydsbengals Nari of Sundaribengals SEBG4
2185T479T272TStarring Fata Morgana ENRD4
2185T224T300TSnuglcoons Macy Gray SCMC4
2185T74521TBrockenmoor Darjeeling Sunshine ESBG4
2185T479T300TSunnysideup Daiquiri Sunsplash ENMC4
2185T13073TBroadgate Thomas MPBS4
2185T201T7Perisan Lindy SWKT4
2185T479T300TCoontessential Just William ENMC4
2185T212T94Missionhill Soleil Dor NWPS4
2185T479T521TJunglefire Ajooba Miaka ENBG4
2185T224T521TGogees Break The Bank SCBG4
2185T479T272TSkydolls Bianca ENRD4
2185T201T22Pikespeak Moon Spinner SWOC4
2185T197300TShonancats Lovinson AAMC4
2185T201T521TKingsmark Silver Ember SWBG4
2185T19214Kinali Mandalina of Aytasi GLTV4
2185T479T80Alnakeed Euphoria ENSX4
2185T212T45Jtczech Mlada Iona NWSI4
2185T166T521TBengalsbest Sgt Pepper SEBG4
2185T212T11Seattlesbest Pandemonium NWPL4
2185T201T272TOverlandtrl Sheridan SWRD4
2185T166T272TRagdollangels Gwynevere SERD4
2185T212T521THuntersridge Dice On Ice NWBG4
2212T75T95TMonella One In A Million ESPS3
2212T486T305TDktimita Only One ENMC3
2212T486T277TFlufyluf Miracles Happen ENRD3
2212T124T19Columbleu Dijon MACX3
2212T19891Carolcollection Glinda AAAB3
2212T75T95TLevina Lelu ESPS3
2212T486T528TAstarte Bolivarr ENBG3
2212T227T86Katpenn Arekus SCNF3
2212T486T277TStarring Femme Fatale ENRD3
2212T124T43Insta-Purr Jazzman of Chonilee MAES3
2212T193T83TCooncreole Nadia of Glorydolls GLSB3
2212T164305TBroadsway Purrnado of Atlastcats NEMC3
2212T486T75Gbwindjammer Wannabe Lace ENBS3
2212T124T528TVillage Fire Kiss of Anjou MABG3
2212T227T528TLedot Zeus SCBG3
2212T486T305TMcDenzinger Boots ENMC3
2212T205T83TTwocomrades Svetlana Zhivagovich SWSB3
2212T193T277TMysticrds Coeus GLRD3
2212T486T528TGlitterglam Osiris ENBG3
2212T170305TCodycats Isidora of Karmacoons SEMC3
2212T205T528TAsianbambo Exotic Brocade SWBG3
2212T21625Running Fox Rojo Caballero NWSO3
2212T486T528TBurkeben Winter of Wildfireshine ENBG3
2212T131528TFreedompride Karlee of Lovinspots MPBG3
2236T207T535T14karatbengal Promising Kiss SWBG2
2236T127T309TBlazinarrow Kimaya Moment MAMC2
2236T494T8Ciscis Braveheart ENAL2
2236T199T309TWild Jonquil Omega AAMC2
2236T207T26Nightmagic Bailey of Hillstblues SWSO2
2236T229T46Hojpoj Stormy SCSI2
2236T195T309TBluemania Arleoronaldo GLMC2
2236T132T535TSierragold Magma Motion MPBG2
2236T127T280TMasada Nairobi MARD2
2236T207T97Wuv-Paws Precious Starla/CF SWPS2
2236T207T309TDotcom Rob Roy SWMC2
2236T132T535TPenasquitos Embrace of Simplysimes MPBG2
2236T494T309TAmayalynx Miu ENMC2
2236T127T87TZihuatanejo Nayade Norteno MANF2
2236T165T76TEmpireofglamour Benjamin NEBS2
2236T199T87TAmangroup Yuzu of Olivecrown AANF2
2236T494T76TLelaurier Blueberriesncream ENBS2
2236T494T76TLelaurier Applepie ENBS2
2236T132T87TCastledhill Hikaru MPNF2
2236T217309TLedgewood Alvin of Macallans NWMC2
2236T229T27Thomkatz Echo SCEM2
2236T207T280TRazldazldolls Norma Jean SWRD2
2236T199T92Tinklemew Aomi AAAB2
2236T165T535TCozycountry Crunch of Attractivecat NEBG2
2236T195T535TWitchinghour Halo of Kotykatz GLBG2
2236T132T14Susens Smarvelous MPSR2
2236T199T87TDorrymama Ti Amo AANF2
2236T199T280TReddoor Aurora AARD2
2236T229T87TMycoon Autumn of Ouijaktz SCNF2
2236T494T535THallmark Platinum Lady ENBG2
2236T17131Bayouash Lecile Harris of Careycats SEAS2
2236T494T309TVelvetangels Dusty ENMC2
2268T167T283TWillowtreerags Great Expectations NERD1
2268T500T92TTrappistini Lyneth ENNF1
2268T500T541TSonargaon Hope ENBG1
2268T218T93Abydale Wildfire NWAB1
2268T212T79TCharmin From Sham of Anahata SWBS1
2268T197T32Marakats Marys Christmas Mark GLAS1
2268T204T283TLaladoll Spirit Myca AARD1
2268T167T316TMainlysilver Anisette NEMC1
2268T500T283TAngelrags Scarlet ENRD1
2268T204T316TPopokilani Gabriel AAMC1
2268T204T92TSnufkin Monaco AANF1
2268T167T85TMaineisle Anfisa of Sunbeam NESB1
2268T500T541TCatticartano Marmoria ENBG1
2268T500T541TCatticartano Helmi ENBG1
2268T212T541TKCsJungleBabes Pina Colada SWBG1
2268T136T541TGoldcharm James Dean of Beechwood MPBG1
2268T77316TDallas Des Coons de Baguera/LO ESMC1
2268T212T23Chisholmtrail Smoke N Embers SWOC1
2268T197T541TAnjali van Geaux GLBG1
2268T212T283TRocknrags Cherish SWRD1
2268T167T79TDonnasdollys Violet of Elegance NEBS1
2268T500T541TCinnamonpaws Nutmeg ENBG1
2268T218T92TLostwoods Natane Wynter NWNF1
2268T232T8Kallee Oso Meloso of Buenaventura SCKT1
2268T232T85TPendraig Boudicca Aslanovna Sunfire SCSB1
2268T204T316TFirstderica Dita AAMC1
2268T136T541TBearcrkbengals Shaniko Silverheels MPBG1
2295T234T287Cajunragdolls Lakota Pow Wow SCRD0
2295T234T18Blackcreekbobis Sheza Lulu SCPB0
2295T171T94Charmedabys Bogart NEAB0
2295T216549TStarbengal Leonardo Da Vin SWBG0
2295T234T98Vicketales Gucci of Tailsoftexas SCPS0
2295T171T549TSnowtundra Little Caesar NEBG0
2295T138T47Nwwedgies Saratova The Enchantres MPSI0
2295T20827Brunrouge Mikoshi AASO0
2295T506T3TColdenufforsnow Xanthe ENSN0
2295T506T9Curl Passion Dixie ENAL0
2295T172T549TCheetahsden Oisin SEBG0
2295T172T3TSnowcats Princess SESN0
2295T138T44Shagio Chen Maggie of Shamira MPOS0