TICA Breed Standings, 2009 - Burmese

Kittens (12)
Rank Name Region Score
1Vindouro Cafedumonde of Katsnklamms SC4896
2Vindouro Atomic of Kingsransom GL4878
3Aurora Lillypilly of Burmara/ID NE3033
4Schokolade Chuck SE2171
5Kitzspa Sable Senorita NW1673
6Thecatslove Duffi ES1467
7Katsnjazz Greta Garbo MP1406
8Catizen Eli Mann of Valor NE1075
9Wild Angel's Leia Organa/ID EN953
10Toriland Harvest MA740
11Schokolade Maalee GL719
12Giradelle Queenofsheba EN140
Championship Cats (40)
Rank Name Region Score
1Marchhare K Ichiro AA4513
2Stagelight Zanella EN3295
3Toriland Harvest MA3171
4Nightsong Tamino of Burmapearl MP3075
5Vindouro Judas Priest MA2983
6Sacredspirit Merlin of Burmara NE2722
7Fairy Dream Camille of Sacredspirit NW2287
8Vindouro Aclawna GL1919
9Kitzspa Sable Senorita NW1848
10Vindouro Albee GL1667
11Fortunaefilius Ilse of Sacredspirit NW1418
12Fairypark Mumu AA1188
13Aurora Lillypilly of Burmara/ID NE1116
14Bear Country Alan Parsons Project MP855
15Stagelight Huggy Bear EN766
16Thecatslove Duffi ES764
17Laki Caitlin of Kitzspa NW589
18Mme Butterfly Dark Java MP574
19Mme Butterfly Sierra of Katsnjazz MP524
20Marchhare U Aloa AA449
21Schokolade Chuck SE448
22Wild Angels Konigin Sonne EN402
23Gemma of Precious Stone/ID EN350
24Marchhare M Coco AA347
25Marchhare M Kirara AA285
26Katsnjazz Satin Doll SW274
27Acrocats Sean Townsend EN264
28Kimlai Nellie Melba of Katsnjazz MP255
29Stagelight Queensryche of Vindouro MA238
30Graymark Heather MP222
31Marchhare K Poyora AA186
32Goldlay Lovingsecret EN173
33Stagelight Yaz EN139
34Whyndgo Widget of Sableze SW138
35Marchhare N Uno AA125
36Fairypark Miu AA8
37TMouse Island Rose of Sharon/CF EN7
37TLaki Caeley MA7
39Reverie The Cats Love AA5
40Mme Butterfly Princess Ausie MP1
Alters (21)
Rank Name Region Score
1Vindouro Martellato II of Ringapurr GL9284
2Thecatslove Vangelina ES8131
3Starstrutter Moon Jinx of QTKTZ NW6862
4Vindouro Lorenzo The Magnificat SC5653
5Vindouro Barefoot Bubbly of Fejuko SC2851
6Vindouro Don Vito MA1945
7Graymark Amethyst MP1772
8Laki Ashlynne of Ringapurr GL1323
9Catizen Eli Mann of Valor NE1030
10Khinkat Ringo SC873
11Starstrutter Midnight Jazz of QTKTZ NW610
12Bellabonny E Lollipop ES577
13Katsnjazz Kenny Burrell MP528
14Graymark Jim Dandy of Nightsong MP470
15Bjelke's Jazzy/ID EN381
16Khinkat Pele SC312
17Bellabonny Mynard Kit ES225
18Deal Mia SC199
19Laki's Angelica of Vindouro MA154
20Qwanyinn Kachin of Kinukatz SC7
21Valentinethecatslove ES1
This report was generated 28 May 2009.