Harmony Cat Club, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, October 25-27, 2024

               Friday                    Saturday                  Sunday      
        Debbie Lopeman    AB        Robin Higgins   AB        Barbara Ray    AB
        Chris Unangst     AB        Robbie Whyte    AB        Robby Whyte    AB
        Barbara Kissinger AB        Rene Knapp      AB        Clint Knapp    AB
        Jamie Christian   AB        Kim Chenault    AB        Rene Knapp     AB
                                    Jamie Christian AB        Jackie Rose    AB
                                    Jackie Rose     SP        Angela Sherzer AB

KITTENS                                   DL CU BK JC RH RW RK KC JC JR BR RW CK RK JR AS
Purricurls Gunner of Purrmajestys    ACL   2  1  3  1  4  9  1  8  3     2  9  1        8
Wunderfolds Bennie And The Jets      SFL         5  9 10  3  4  3    7L  1  2  2  6      
Sukhotai Walk This Way               SI    1  8  2  3  2     5  4  2    10        3      
Sal-Shire Golden Ticket of Nudawnz   RD         10  8  8  1  9  9  7 4L  9  1           1
UA*Zolota Hvilya Nautilus            CR    8     6       10  2       6S     8  5  9     3
Whimsicalsky Coupe of Elviskitkat    PS    6     9 10           1  4        5     2     7
Obsidianeen Belenus of Vanniespaws   ES    3        2              1 5S           8  6  6
D'vine Revelation of Starbourne      ES       3  7     3  2        5        3            
Wunderfolds Sass                     SCS      6           4          2S     4    10  3   
Jennypurz Tutti Frutti               TA    4           7     3     8 9L                 2
Katzmeow Good As Hell                BG             6  6             9S  5     6        5
Vibrations Timothy Dalton            AW                         6    8S  4     3  7      
Chemicoons Maeb Im Amazd of Bigmeow  MC       4  4     5  5                              
Nitrokatz Mariatu                    SV                9     6  7                 1      
Pur-Snickity's Smokin*Stetson/CF     PS                              1L  7     4     2   
Wavemakers Grasshopper of Bravura    SR                   6 10  2    1S                  
MTNest Yoshi                         MC          1              5    8L           4      
Tersanctus Gotonineveh of Kingsfold  BA    9                         2L    10        1   
Kliofoldcity I Bumblebee/WC          SF   10        5              6                10   
Kelcobber Blue Power Ranger          BS                        10        3     9     8   
Karissimakat Song Sung Blue          SI                            9 4S              4  9
Dinkidi Salamander of Delamonarquia  SRL                             6L  8     8     5   
Libertykatz Maverick Independence    MC    5                 7                          4
Kelcobber Brookie Dough              BS                1             3S                10
Pufkinz Godric Grawp Grindlwald      PS      10           7          3L                  
Alafiasky Leonidas                   DR    7        4                                    
Wildfx Surira II of KCsJungleBabes   TG                                     6     5      
Savanngrila Aviva Marie              SV                                  6     7         
Karissimakat Kahlua N Cream          SI                   8                 7            
Fanceecats Cinder of Kingsfold       MC                              5L              7   
Purrrealdolls Cosmic Energy          RD       2                                          
Whimsicalsky Ohlala of Elviskitkat   PS       5                                          
Lmcooncat Mijiu of Sarajen           MC             7                                    
Karissimakat Continental Divide      SI       7                                          
Obsidianeen Anu                      ES                      8                           
Highlandkatz Brussels                SR          8                                       
Purr-Star Moon Glow                  HI       9                                          
Dynasty Paws Flashy Indigo           PS                           10                     
Wavemakers Junebug of Dinkidi        SR                                              9   
Purr-Star Resident Alien             HI                                       10         
Wildfx White Knight                  TG                              7S                  
Lakemurrayrags Cece Blu Mar          RD                             10L                  
Theroyalvelvets Best Casanova        DR                             10S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      54 51 53 55 56 57 58 58 57 29 48 46 46 47 45 48
                     Shorthair Count                                 28                  

CATS                                      DL CU BK JC RH RW RK KC JC JR BR RW CK RK JR AS
Compri's Lionheart of Elviskitkat    PS    3  3     8  6  5  5  4  5     2  5  2  3  1  4
Abyslanding Africa Salvaje           AB       5     4  2  1     8  3 1S     1  3  6  2  3
Chemicoons Charlie of Calicoon       MC    1  1  3  1     2        1 2L     2  5  5  8  9
Da Bruddahs Purple Rain of Sukhotai  SI    2  7  2  2  4     6  7  2     6  9     9  5   
Thedarkside Tonowari of Blueyonder   BU    8  4  9  3     8  3  1  4     3  8     4      
Wunderfolds Cherry Bomb              SF       6  4     1  3  7  9           3        6  8
Alafiasky Morning At The Window      DR    6  2     5        8  3  6     1        2      
Got Curls Bao Gu                     CR       8  5        4       10 5S     6  4         
Folie A Deux Nathan Detroit/CF       SB         10 10       10  2        4     7  7      
Kelcobber Henny Penny                BS   10                         2S  8 10  9     3  7
Txelfkatz Yule Go Down N History     DR                5  6          3S     4  1    10   
Hawkeridge Olivia                    CR    7        6        2     8              8     5
Sarajen Middleton Rare               MC    5           3     1  5        7               
Savannahtemple Kasienka              SV                   9     6        5    10  1      
Magicktuffs Pyrolusite               TA    4     6       10  4           9               
Dreamsong Fire Crystal               OC             7              9           8 10     2
Theroyalvelvets Dancin In The Rayne  SX                8  7    10       10  7            
Mainestcoons Dandylion Wishes        MC      10  1                   5L                  
Tersanctus Clarion of Kingsfold      OL             9                3L              9   
Carolinameows Hakuna Matata          MC                                              4  1
Fuzzybunz Levi Luves                 RD          7     7                                 
Markitts Lucy In The Sky of Proud2b  AS                      9                 6         
Cacao Hello Operator of Pufkinz      PS    9                         1L                  
Autumsun Spirit O America            SI       9                      4S                  
Theroyalvelvets Sir Romeo            DR                                                 6
Suncoon Sunora Bacanora of Sarajen   MC                            7                     
Mosslane Fraggle Rock                OS                                              7   
Pkcatilac Boo Bear of Elviskitkat    PS          8                                       
Rainiersavannah Lyria                SV                9                                 
Buddybeautiful Dinkydonut            BL               10                                 
Folieadeux Sister Sarah              SB                                                10
Fancyfacedolls Zeus                  RD                              4L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      38 40 35 37 37 38 36 35 37 17 35 35 31 35 35 34
                     Shorthair Count                                 20                  

ALTERS                                    DL CU BK JC RH RW RK KC JC JR BR RW CK RK JR AS
Woodspirit's Bona Fide of Jotom/CF   PS    1  1  1  1  3  1  1     2 1L  1  1     7  3   
Karissimakat Ice Age                 SI       2  5  6  1  6  9  6  7 2S  5  6  2  3  8  3
Wildfx Commander                     TG    3  3  3  2     8  2  2  3     6  8     1  7  1
Carchet Jeunnet                      CX    4     8  5  4  5  3  7  4 1S     7  1     1  8
Obsidianeen The Dagda of Chrischat   ES                   2  4  1  1 3S  2  2     2  4   
Abytastic The Hidden One             AB    9  6  7     5     7 10    5S        8  5  6  4
Pelaqita's Red Sky of Pur-Snicki/CF  PS       9  6  4  8        3  5     9     3  6     6
Obsidianeen Aengus of Blueyonder     ES    6  4  9  3     9        8     4  3  7       10
Kelcobber Godric Gryffindor          BS                6  4 10  5    4S     9  6  9  2  7
Kitti Kat Noble Maiden Fair          SRL   5 10     7    10  8  8    4L  7    10     5   
Cresmooncats Sir Elton               MC       8 10        3     4        3  4  9  4      
Bigmeow Speed Racer                  MC    8       10  2           9 3L  8  5            
Jennypurz Juno Mars                  TA    2  7       10  7  6                 5         
Heart Stealer Zero Limit/ID          MCP               7     5       2L    10           2
Kaylee's No Tell Lover/CF            CR    7     2  9                            10      
Alafiasky Arwen of Chrischat         DR                         9  6    10        8      
Dreamsong Sasha                      OC       5        9                                5
Karissimakat Chocolate Chip          SI          4  8             10                     
Lakemurrayrags Jost                  RD                              5L             10  9
Dreamsong Willow                     CR                                        4         
Carolinameows Atlas                  MC                                              9   
Spectacularcatz Venus                SX   10                                             
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      20 22 22 21 26 27 27 26 26 10 25 26 26 24 26 26
                     Shorthair Count                                 17                  

Cheese                                     6  2  6  6  2  4  4  7  4 4S  7  4  2     2  2
Just Spectacular of Bestinshow             3  7  9  7  3     3  3    6S  8  6  8  1  8  4
Cheddar                                    5  3  4  9  8  6  8  8  6 8S  5 10  7 10    10
Bleaux Cobwebs                             1     1     7  7  2  1    1L  4  8     2  1  7
Bella's Lullaby                            7  9    10  5  3 10 10  5 2S 10  3  9  9 10   
So Elite of Bestinshow                     9  1  3  2        5     3 4L        1  5  3  1
Cinnamon                                   8  5  5  4  4  8     6 10 5L  2  5     8     9
Summer Love of Chrischat                               6  9  1  2  1 9S  1  7  4  3     6
Fire In The Water                             4     3  9  5  7  5    2L  9     5     9  8
Chekov                                     2  6  8  1  1  1        2 1S                  
Beeblerox Charisma Roux                   10     2  5 10           8 7S           6  7  5
Kitty Kitty Burnt Corn Dog                      10  8           4  9 5S  3        4  6   
Mainestcoons Detective Stabler                            2  9  9    3L  6  2  6         
The Curious Case of Allfoldintoone                                          1  3  7  4  3
Oliva                                         8              6     7 3S              5   
I Wanna Be Like You Hoo Hoo                4     7       10         10S     9 10         
I Love YOu Angel Baby                        10                      6L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      13 15 15 15 16 17 16 16 15  6 16 16 16 16 17 15
                     Shorthair Count                                 10                  

The Onion Ringsosaturn                     2  5  1  2  1  1  4  3  2 3S  2  1  2  3  3  3
Hatamoto of Blueyonder                     1  1  3  1  3  3  3  2  4 2L  7  3  3  4  7  7
Hepcat of Bestinshow                       6  6  2  6  6  8  6  4  7 1L  1  8  9  1  2  2
More Trash                                 5  4  5  3  5  5  1  6  6     3  5  7  7  1  9
To Infnity And Beyond of Wigglebutt        4  2  4  4  8  7  7  8  8 3L  5  4  6  6  4  1
Mariko of Blueyonder                       3  3  6  5  4  4  5  7  5 4S  6  6  5  8  6  8
Just My Sunshine of Chrischat                          2  2  2  1  1 1S  4  2  4  2  9  4
Lady Phantasia of Chrischat                            7  6  8  5  3 2S  9  7  8  5  8  6
Mittenz Eleanor Tofu of Sakura                                           8  9  1     5  5
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       6  6  6  6  8  8  8  8  8  3  9  9  9  8  9  9
                     Shorthair Count                                  4                  

This report was prepared by Becky Smith (beckstr69@hotmail.com).