Korea Cat Club, Ilsan, Korea, June 16, 2024

              AM Show                   PM Show     
         Pamela Barrett AB         Pamela Barrett SP
         Monika Dany    SP         Monika Dany    AB
         Sun Hee Lee    AB         Sun Hee Lee    AB
         Woo-Chan Shin  SP         Woo-Chan Shin  SP

KITTENS                                   PB MDSHLWCS PB MDSHLWCS
Fermata Neeko                        AB    2 2S  2 1S 1S  4  2 1S
Wavelys Tamoo                        DR    3 3S  4 2S 2S  1  4 3S
Lallasweet Born To Be Star           RD    1 1L    5L 1L  2  5 4L
Schneeballen Indigo Mei              SB    4 3L  5 1L 2L     3 1L
Schneeballen Imp                     SB          1 3L        1 5L
Bloomdolls Sinyoo                    RD    5       2L 5L       3L
Shinemore Cloud Pops                 BS      1S    4S 3S  3    2S
Gredel Pablo                         RD          3 4L          2L
Bloomdolls Honey Bee                 RD      2L       4L  5      
Fermata Hugo                         AB      4S    3S 4S       4S
Flowerdolls Pretty                   RD      5L       3L         
Gredel Ravi                          RD      4L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      12  8 12  8  8 12 12  8
                     Shorthair Count          4     4  4        4

CATS                                      PB MDSHLWCS PB MDSHLWCS
Double Take Grand Amore of Elrohi    PS    1 4L  2 2L 1L  3  1 1L
Hybritish Joyful Jolly               BS    4 2S    3S 2S  4  5 3S
Lionwoods Creazione Adamo            MC      1L  1 1L 5L     2 2L
Marondollis Eureka                   RD    3     3 4L 2L     3 4L
Kolinga Confetti of Firered/GC       BS    2 1S    2S 1S  1    1S
Codfish's Logan/CF of Maelyodolls    RD    5 5L    5L 3L  2    5L
Wavelys Dalgom                       DR      3S    1S     5  4 2S
Marondollis Arsene Lupin             RD      2L  5 3L          3L
Felix Black Pearl Brylplantowa E/WC  BS      4S    5S 4S       4S
C.Taddy Bear/WC                      BS          4    3S         
Hybritish Issue Maker                BS            4S 5S         
Flowerdolls Aloha                    RD      3L                  
Elrohi Rocket                        PS               4L         
Shinemore Shinemore Bubble Gum       BS      5S                  
Grandb Goliath                       BS                        5S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      18 10 19 10 10 18 18 10
                     Shorthair Count          9     9  8        8

ALTERS                                    PB MDSHLWCS PB MDSHLWCS
Spring Sphinco                       SX    2 1S  3 2S 2S  1  2 2S
Gredel Selene                        RD    4 1L  1 1L 1L  2  1 1L
Silvercastle Rapidfire               SG    3 2S  4 4S 1S  3  3 4S
Fermata Arie                         AB    1 3S  2 1S          1S
Supermasinga Sinko                   SG    5 4S  5 3S          3S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       5  1  5  1  1  3  3  1
                     Shorthair Count          4     4  2        4

Sol                                        1 1S  1 1S          1S
Kyrie                                                 1S  1  1   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1     1        1  1   
                     Shorthair Count          1     1  1        1

This report was prepared by Noriko Haraguchi (plentylove@po3.across.or.jp).