Cattyshack Cat Club, Augusta, Georgia, January 20-21, 2024 Saturday AM Saturday PM Sunday AM Robert Seliskar AB Robin Austin AB Robin Austin AB Kim Chenault AB Marylou Anderson AB Marylou Anderson AB Laurie Patton AB Richard Hoskinson AB Stepanie Smith AB Jackie Rose SP Jackie Rose SP Richard Hoskinson AB KITTENS RS KC LP JR RA MA RH JR RA MA SS RH Cascademtn Tomahawk MC 1 2 1 5 2 2 8 1 2 1 Gememerald A Second to Midnight RB 9 9 4 4S 10 8 1 4S 9 3 8 2 Riterags Thunderdoll RD 6 5 4L 9 6 7 4L 3 4 9 5 Wunderfolds Apple SFL 8 8 7 1 8 4 7 3 7 Sterlingcatz Red Hot Chili Pepper SB 10 6 2L 6 4 1L 5 3 Autumsun Spirit O America SI 2 4 3 4 10 9 6 Chaldee Smokingroads Smores SR 10 7 8 2S 10 2S 2 7 McSmitten Noire BS 3 1 6 1 1 Pkcatilac Boobear of Elviskat PS 4 5 2 6 10 Elysian NR Dark Matter BG 3 8 3 5S 4 Woodspirit Casablanca's Bogart PS 6 1L 5 10 4 Bougiebengals Gawani Ponyboy BG 1 7 3S 3S 10 Da Bruddahs Purple Rain of Sukhotai SI 3 5 5 8 Moss Lane 747 OS 2 5 9 Wunderfolds Love SCS 7 4 6 Mainestcoons Dandy Lion Wishes MC 2 3L 3L Autumsun Stars N Stripes SI 1S 9 1S Seasedge Cordelia of Wizardgate BU 10 5S 7 Chaldee Smokingroads Sir Richard SRL 5 3 Tersanctus Clarion of Kingsfold OL 5L 7 Purrdocz U N Me Babe BI 9 10 Rumblepuff Ursoftasagrape of Jagcat BI 9 5L Mtnest Bolero of Bravura MC 6 Smokingroads Gracie SRL 2L Kingsfold Noble MC 8 Allbreed/Longhair Count 32 32 32 20 32 32 32 19 33 31 33 33 Shorthair Count 11 10 CATS RS KC LP JR RA MA RH JR RA MA SS RH Willowblue General Smedley Butler AS 8 3S 3 1 3 2S 4 1 2 5 Compri's Lionheart of Elviskitkat PS 2 1 2 2 5 5L 3 8 2 Sunnyshores Hang Ten of Compasscatz RD 3 3 4L 5 5 4L 5 4 9 Chaldee Casper SR 7 2 6 6 9 9 2 10 10 Kuki Pumpkin Spice of Compassrose OS 1 8 1 1 6 3 1 Gememerald Olga's Diamond RB 6 5S 2 2 4S 10 2 3 Solomon Warlook BS 1 1 4S 4 7 3S Wunderfolds Cake SFL 8 3 4 3 1 Seasedge Ursula of Wizardgate BO 8 1S 7 1S 6 8 Sukhotai Baileys Irish Cream SI 4 5 5 7 Bigmeow Bobby Dazzler MC 4 4 5L 9 Autumsun Whiskey N Honey BA 4 2L 10 1L Carolinameows Snowie Crystal MCP 5 5 9 Fancyfacedolls Zeus RD 9 7 4 Demaris Molly B Good of Beauchador SF 5 10 6 Masabeli Boss Man's Blues PS 1L 7 2L Sterlingcatz Luna SB 3L 3L 6 Thedarkside Tonowari of Blueyonder BU 7 10 8 Sakura Starlord BG 10 2S 9 Apollo Pride Winner/WC SFL 6 3 Rumblepuff Ulana BI 6 6 Cexotics Fires C Dragon ES 5S 4 Bougiebengals Tiva Soquili BG 8 9 Kingsfold Chance OS 7 10 Pirateslair U Go Girl BI 10 7 Carolinameows Pugsley Addams MC 7 Gahlee Allison Mackenzie SF 8 Aisen SF 8 Smokingroads Hondo SRL 9 Luchiya of Wizardgate SX 9 Purr-Star Stellar Conquest HI 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 36 35 36 19 36 35 34 19 31 32 33 32 Shorthair Count 17 17 ALTERS RS KC LP JR RA MA RH JR RA MA SS RH Kelcobber Godric Gryffindor BS 2 1 9 1S 1 2 1 1S 3 4 4 Starbourne 3 Ring Circus ES 10 7 2S 5 3 3 3S 1 1 3 3 Riterags Stinken Cute RD 2 2L 4 1 8 3L 6 2 6 Beaubell Special London/CF PS 5L 2 8 10 4L 2 9 1 1 Rumblepuff Tumbleweed of Kattarose BI 3 9 1 4L 5 1L 8 3 9 MTNest Carroll Shelby MC 3 3 6 2 9 2 2 Wavemakers Dragonfly SR 7 3S 3 4 4 2S 7 8 Beauchador Shazam AS 6 4S 8 7 4S 6 7 Sal-Shire Tiger Lily RD 4 8 6 6 5 Pelaqita's Red Sky of Pur-Snicki/CF PS 9 5 2 3L 9 Llanfair Victorious Viking BU 8 7 9 5 8 Bigmeow Speed Racer MC 10 9 5L 4 10 Abscatz Great Expectations MC 1L 10 2L 5 Magicalfolds Merlin SF 10 6 5 10 Carolinameows Atlas MC 1 4 7 Boydsbengals Night Wing of Andredie BG 5 4 5 Elviskitkat Purfect Storm ES 7 10 5 Purr-Star Blue Moon Rising HI 7 8 9 Floorslovelies Lover Boy of Jagcat BS 10 8 Elysian Dark Genesis BG 5S 5S Pip OS 4 Sal-Shire Delilah RD 6 Rivabell Salem SFL 6 Sal-Shire Famous Amos RD 7 Barmont Princess Fiona Rex CR 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 24 24 24 13 23 25 24 13 24 24 24 24 Shorthair Count 11 11 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS RS KC LP JR RA MA RH JR RA MA SS RH Buttercup 1 1 1 1S 1 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS RS KC LP JR RA MA RH JR RA MA SS RH Son ofa Biscuit 9 1 1S 1 2 2 1S 5 3 1 2 Shelby 5 4 10 3S 1 4 2S 6 1 7 Hope 3 5 3 4L 4 10 1L 4 8 6 Mr Bennett 7 6 6S 7 1 9 4 7 1 Mittenz Eleanor Tofu of Sakura 1 2 6 5L 9 4 6L 5 10 9 Reba 2 1 5 7S 7 7S 7 8 3 Thomas Omalley From The Alley 2 1L 6 6 2L 8 9 4 Benthos 4 8 9 3L 2 4L 2 10 Joanie Get Your Gun of Ku-ki 6 7 7 8S 5 8S 2 9 Ziggy Stardust 2S 3 9 9 5S 1 10 To Infinity and Beyond of Wigglebutt 2L 6 7 3L 10 6 3 Hazy Shadeofwinter of Thaityme 3 10S 5 9S 2 5 Smoke Gets In Your Eyes Twisten 9 10 5S 10 3 3S Mister Gargamel The Gargoyle 9S 5 8 6S 3 Spicy Pumpkin 10 8 10 7 Vomiting Rainbows 8 8 10S 5 Koa Kula of Mahina 4 4 8 Speckled Kitty Uniek 4S 3 4S What R The Odds Loki of Bravura 6L 8 5L 6 Allbreed/Longhair Count 20 20 20 6 17 20 19 6 17 17 16 17 Shorthair Count 13 12 -- This report was prepared by Becky Smith (