Blue Danube Cat Club, Parndorf Burgenlang, Austria, December 31, 2022, January 1, 2023

        Saturday AM             Saturday PM             Sunday AM      
    Francesca Gagern  AB    Kurt Vlach       AB    Steven Corneille  SP
    Jean-Marc Lagarde AB    Francesca Gagern AB    Jean-Marc Lagarde SP
    Steven Corneille  AB    Tomoko Vlach     AB    Kurt Vlach        SP
    Irene Belzen      AB    Irene Belzen     AB    Tomoko Vlach      SP

KITTENS                                   FGJML SCIVB KV FG TVIVB SCJML KV TV
Dark Diamond's Sebastien             PS    1  1  1  1  2  2  2  1 2L 1L 2L 2L
Willy Luludi of Excalibur*PL/FI      BS    6  3  2  4  3  3  8  2 1S 1S 1S 3S
Siempreamar Micah of Dollsparadise   RD    4  5     2  4  4  3  4 4L 4L 1L 1L
Ikati Leeto                          SO    7  2  5  8 10  7  6  8 3L 2L 5L 3L
Amayalynx Jackson                    MC    8  7  3  5  6     5  5 1L 3L 3L 4L
Miodollarbaby Mey                    BG    5  6  8  6  5  5     6 2S 3S 2S 5S
Templebar Eye Candy                  BU   10  8  6 10  8  6  7    3S 2S 3S 1S
Melody's Tennessee                   HI    2  4  4  7  1  1  1               
Wonder Anielska Dolina*PL            BS    3        3  7        3    5S 4S   
Methodius Doubletrouble              RD       9  9  9  9             5L 4L   
Bohemienne Kaori                     ES    9              9  4             4S
Macrory Silvermist Silversky         SCS                 10 10          5S 2S
Mythaidiamond Dana                   TH         10           9    4S         
Aura V.D. Donauinsel                 OS      10                10    4S      
Amayalynx I Walk The Line            MC          7                5L         
Modany Aurora                        BS                         9 5S         
Layla of Asvan                       MC                         7            
Livia Wald4Tler Coons At             MC                   8                  
Sirin Uhlala                         TA                                    5L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      30 30 29 29 29 27 29 28 11 11 11 11
                     Shorthair Count                              17 17 17 17

CATS                                      FGJML SCIVB KV FG TVIVB SCJML KV TV
Signature Di Casa Grande             PS    1  5  8  3  2  1  3  1 3L 1L 3L 1L
Musrafy Mashkin of Nevaangels        SB    2  6  2  7  1  3  6  3 1L 2L 2L 3L
Freeclimber Tornado                  MC    4  7     1  3  6  5  2 2L 4L 1L   
Rexink Björk                         CR       2  5  6     2  1  6 3S 1S 4S 2S
Miracle Berenetto                    AB    6  3  1     4          1S 2S 1S 4S
Mio.Dollar.Baby Sultan               BG    7     6  4     4     7 2S 5S      
vom Kristallberg Le Roi              BG    3  8        5     7          2S 1S
Zevs of Madame Polosukhina           MC    9     7     7     2    4L       2L
Beaverbobcats Bazinga                NF       9  9        8  9       3L    4L
Peanuts of Phoenix                   BS             5     9     5 5S    5S 7S
Dallas Galkin Coon                   MC    5           6     4          4L   
Faithful Soul Aragorn                PD             2       10  4          6S
Brimary Zevs/WC                      BS       1           5          3S      
Darty Mystery Colorpoint             BI   10        9    10    10            
Bengalivo Get Ready For This         BG          3                4S 4S      
Amicelli Ekisia                      OS          4                7S    6S   
Ragville Honolulu I                  RD                   7          5L    5L
Tao Di Casa Grande                   ES         10                6S 6S      
vom Kristallberg Vanni               BG                      8             3S
Tetrua Jordan                        BU      10        8                     
Bengabelle Mona Lisa                 BG                9                3S   
Beaverbobcats Blizzard               NF                         8 5L         
Sirin Remus                          TA       4                              
Tschas Quite A Beauty Mikel          BS    8                                 
Cankcats Chainsmokers                MC             8                        
Katarina Wald4Tler Coons At          MC                         9            
Manderleys Solitaire                 TO            10                        
Sirin Quirina                        TA               10                     
Macrory Khaleesi Silversky           SCS                                   5S
Methodius Mister America             RD                                 5L   
Estee Shevron Ivy Vatanai*PL         DR                              7S      
Uffo Refraction Vatanai* PL          DR                                 7S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      45 45 46 45 44 43 44 44 19 19 19 19
                     Shorthair Count                              22 22 22 22

ALTERS                                    FGJML SCIVB KV FG TVIVB SCJML KV TV
D'Eden Lover Star Wars               ES    5  1  1  2  4  2  2  1 2S 2S 2S 1S
Rexink Barry White                   CR    3  3  2  4  2  6  1  4 1S 3S 1S 2S
Excalibur Finnigan                   BS    6  2  4  1  6  3  7  2 3S 1S 3S 3S
Beaver Bobcats Amadeus               NF    4  6  8  5  5  5  5  5 4L 1L 2L 2L
Aegaeis Aura                         ACL   2 10  5  7  3  9  4  6 3L 3L 1L 1L
Melody's Louna                       HI    1  4  3  3  1  1  3  3            
Newexoticat's N'sweet Love II        PS       5     8  9  4  9 10 5L 2L 3L 5L
Thebigones Bilbo                     MC       7  9  6  7        7 2L 5L 4L 4L
Nina Minted                          BM       9  6    10     6    4S 4S    4S
Ladylike Wald4Tler Coon's At         MC    7     7           8    1L 4L    3L
Rexink Mojo Jojo                     LY       8 10        8     9            
Siamotal Diamond Mr Rossi            PD    9       10           8       4S   
A Starlight's Hold Me Tight          ES    8        9                5S 5S   
Impero Sweet Luck                    ES                8 10       5S       5S
vom Kristallberg Superman            MC   10              7             5L   
vom Kristallberg Robin Hood          MC                     10               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      16 16 16 16 16 16 17 16  7  7  7  7
                     Shorthair Count                               8  8  8  8

Seasedge Seanna                                                   1S 1S 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count                                         
                     Shorthair Count                               1  1  1  1

Lui                                        1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 1S 1S 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1            
                     Shorthair Count                               1  1  1  1

This report was prepared by Manuel Pirondeau (