TICACats, Rangsdorf, Germany, December 2-4, 2022

            Friday                   Saturday                   Sunday       
      Aline Noel       AB      Aline Noel        AB      Harley DeVilbiss  AB
      Harley DeVilbiss AB      Harley DeVilbiss  AB      Jean-Marc Lagarde AB
      Donna Armel      AB      Jean-Marc Lagarde AB      Donna Armel       AB
      Jim Armel        AB      Steven Corneille  AB      Jim Armel         AB
      Debbie Prince    AB      Debbie Prince     AB      Steven Corneille  AB

KITTENS                                  ANG HD DA JA DPANG HDJML SC DP HDJML DA JA SC
Dark Diamond's Sebastien             PS    5  1     3     3  1  1  2  7  1  1     1  1
Melody's Tennessee/LO                HI    2  6  8  8  4  4  7  6  5  3  7  5     6  3
Siempreamar Micah of Dollsparadise   RD       4  1  6  5     4  9  6  6  3  6  2  5  4
Boucles Quarantini of Cooperdolls    SRL   7  9  7 10  8     5  8  4     4  9  9  9  5
Bluedryad Tiger In The Sky           NF    4  7     1     5        8    10     8  2  7
Batifoleurs Oringo                   BG                   2  2  2  1        2  1     2
Batifoleurs Kosey                    BG    1     2  2     1           5  8        3   
Tigervisions Cake                    TG         10  4     7        9        8  3  4   
American Native Jacy Blue            MC    9  8        3  9     4     9     4         
Wonder Anielska Dolina*PL            BS                1     9        2  9     7 10 10
Moulinrouge Topless of Boucles       AB    3              6     3           3         
Amisti Rag n Bone Man                BI      10              8 10        6     6      
Havvanurs Access Point               TA          4                 7           5     8
Puma Kates Akis*LT                   BS       2                 7    10    10         
Tresor de L'Empire Du Geant          MC          6  9    10                    4      
Darlen Fleur Luxor                   AB          5     2              1               
Danakil's Luena                      AB       5              3           5            
Danakil's La Bamba                   AB                            3          10     6
Al Janna's Romeo                     BG       3     5       10                        
Cooperdolls Love Reigns              RD                         5           7        9
Kangchenjunga Bungle In The Jungle   BG    6        7                             8   
Cankcats Encanto of MaisonMagique    MC                                  2        7   
Sapphire & Silk Dusk                 RD          3           6                        
Lionstone's Dottie                   PS                   8           8               
Tanganyika Ocean Dream Cattery       SF               10          10                  
Havvanurs Anti Virus                 TA                               4               
Vom Kristallberg Percy               BG                6                              
Tomato Tang Ocean Dream Cattery      SFL               7                              
SifSaf's Triple Trouble              KT    8                                          
Tictoc des Pebbles Cats              SCL         9                                    
MaisonMagique Tresor of ZimowyLas    MC                9                              
Fryga Ilo                            SO   10                                          
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      39 39 40 38 40 41 42 43 43 42 42 45 44 44 44
                     Shorthair Count                                                  

CATS                                     ANG HD DA JA DPANG HDJML SC DP HDJML DA JA SC
Slodkie Misie Atena                  CR    1  5        3  1  4  2  1  1  4  3        2
Rexink Bjork                         CR       1  1  1  2     1        6  1  4  2  1   
Songgwangsa Shibui/LO                JB          6  8  4        5  5  3 10  7  5  7  6
Tigervisions Phantom                 TG    7    10  5  9  9  6  9    10  7     6  6   
Bengalivo Million Reasons            BG    2     3  2     2     6        6  6     3   
Ebonycatz Crazy Harley Quinn         BO   10 10  9    10     9  7     4  9           9
Lolita Korona Atefa                  DSK                  6     1  4  7  8  1        4
Burberry Megapolis of Dicasagrande   ES    4              4     3  2        2        1
Chapeau Van De Nekker                BS                   3  5  8  9     5  5         
Ragmagic CoronaRita                  RD                   8  8  4  3        8        5
Gigantcat Albert                     MC    6  3           7  3           3            
Shangripers Rudi                     PS    3           5  5                       4  8
Ragmagic Tango Argentino             RD       2              2           2     4      
MirumKitty I m Damn Handsome         RD          4     1              2           5   
Pacificats A Girl Called Billie      RD          5  4                          1  2   
Tzari Crunchyroll                    SR    9           8 10                      10   
Lancarrow O-Ren Ishii                OL          2 10                          7      
Vomkristallberg Chloe                BG                6    10        5               
Boucles Monsieur Neige               SRL                           7  9              7
Deescoons Kinglouis PP of Polysrock  MCP            7          10  6                  
Silver Plume Ocean Dream Cattery/LO  SF       4                             9       10
Primprau's Miss Phryne Fisher        KT       9              7                 9      
Bengalivo Get Ready For This         BG                                        3     3
Signature Di Casa Grande/LO          PS          7  3                                 
DK Primprau's Darling Dot/ID         KT    5           7                              
Velsbechmann Jack Skeleton           MC                                        8  8   
Kangchenjunga Diamonds And Rust      BG                            8              9   
Girasol*UA Princess Diana            AB       6                                       
Waterproofs Kenzo                    MC             6                                 
Amisti Edelweiss                     BI       7                                       
Leatherandlace Lady Stardust PP      MCP                              8               
Allweneedis Come On Over             RD       8                                       
Lancarrow Solaris                    OS    8                                          
Tippy Wee's I'm Back                 MC          8                                    
Kelda Gracia von Mullemiez           BS             9                                 
Sicilia Ullo Kokkino*PL              AB                           10                  
Fryga Gaila                          SO                                    10         
Noble Teddy House F*Apollo           BL                                       10      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      51 52 51 52 51 53 54 54 55 55 52 53 53 54 53
                     Shorthair Count                                                  

ALTERS                                   ANG HD DA JA DPANG HDJML SC DP HDJML DA JA SC
D'Eden Lover Star Wars               ES    2  3 10  5     3  7  2  2     7  1  7  1  1
Slodkie Misie Afrodyta               CR    3  7  4     1  2  3  3  5  1  9  3 10     6
Melody's Louna/LO                    HI       1     8  4     2  6  4  3  2  4     8  4
Securitazz Qrizpin                   BU    6  2  2  3     8  1           1  8  5  2 10
Havvanurs Jigglypuff                 TA       4  3  7  2     4     6  2 10     4  7  5
Boucles Madame Pourquoi              SRL   1  6           1  5  4  3  6  4  5        3
DK LihmeRex Orkidea                  SI    5       10  8  4     1  1  5     2  6     2
Maisonmagique Rosalie                MC       9     2 10     9  9  9  7  3  7        8
RexInk Annie Lennox                  CR          5  1  3             10        3  3   
Tzari Cmore                          SR    4     6     5  5                    1 10   
Lindvig's Kappa                      NF   10     1        7                10  2  6   
Rexink Morticia                      LY       8  7           8           6     8  5   
New Exoticat's N'sweet Love II       PS    8             10     7  7        6        7
Primprau's Tia Senna                 KT          9              5 10  9     9        9
Waterproofs Jay Jay                  MC          8              8              9  4   
Rexink Mojo Jojo                     LY    9        6  9  6                           
Tresor Ocean Dream Cattery           SCL            9  6              8           9   
Zanno Hotspot                        BG                7           8  4               
Dewdrop's Fan Chaluay                KT       5              6           8            
Tchiki Boum Ocean Dream Cattery      SCL   7 10             10                        
Lindvig's Levi                       NF             4          10                     
KatahdinPines Ghost Story            MC                                  5            
Primprau's Anne Bonny The Pirate     KT                   9                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      29 30 31 29 30 30 30 31 30 30 28 28 29 28 29
                     Shorthair Count                                                  

Mnburm Lalo Teal of Ebonycatz              2  1  1  1  1  2  2  1  1  1  1  2  1  2  2
Titu                                       1  2  2  2  2  1  1  2  2  2  2  1  2  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                                                  

Otelka                                     1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                                  

This report was prepared by Ivonne van Dreumel (regional.scorer@tica-en.org).