CPE Cat Club, Mississauga, Ontario, September 17-18, 2022

              Saturday                            Sunday              
  Vicki Jo Harrison              AB  Vicki Jo Harrison              AB
  Barbara Kissinger              AB  Barbara Kissinger              SP
  David Nudleman                 AB  David Nudleman                 AB
  L Patton (judged by L Shelton) SP  L Patton (judged by L Shelton) AB
  Brenda Russo                   AB  Brenda Russo                   AB

KITTENS                                  VJH BK DN LP BRVJH BK DN LP BR
Anouchka Mini Fee                    PS    5  5  4 1L  1  4 3L  1  2  2
Abytastic Harley Quinn               AB    1     8 1S     1 6S  4  1  1
Wildcoonclub Simon                   MC    8  1    2L  8    1L    10  6
Drinkwater Stallion of Exotikcat     SV       3  1 9S  5  8     2      
Practicalcats Itsy Flare             SI    2       5S  7  3        9  5
Darlinlildols Molly                  RD       7  2 4L  2    2L     6   
Emerald Snow Sweet Girl Liya         RB          5 2S 10        3  4  8
Eyeofthetiger Freya                  BG          6 3S  4  9        7  4
Ohemgee Freshly Sizzled              RD    3       5L     2     5     3
Orentopulent Barter of Rexkwizit     CR    6  2           7 1S        7
Practicalcats Itsy Inferno           OS       9   10S    10 3S  9      
Rexkwizit Nutmeg                     CR       4  3              8      
WrighteousBrits Blue Haze            BS            7S       5S  7  8   
Dennima Line Xashey                  SX    4     9        5            
Abytastic Agnes Sunshine             AB    9           3             10
Rexkwizit Sabrina                    CR            4S       4S     3   
Truall I'm a Rocket Girl             DR                   6 2S        9
Dennima Line Xanna                   SX            6S          10  5   
Bananacurlswaffle                    ACL     10        6    5L         
Doll Like Gummy Bear of Shamall      ES       6        9   10S         
Bastet Exotics Dr Doom               BG       8    8S       8S         
Lager Incedie Etoile                 SO   10       3L                  
Eyeofthetiger Thea                   BG                         6      
ApexPride Groot of AkeeraBengal      BG    7                           
Peach Foxy Incendie Etoile           SO          7                     
Bluepeaches Chiquita                 SCS        10                     
Ohemgee Set Fire to the Rain         RD                     4L         
Bastet Exotics My Little Secret      SV                     7S         
Korrigan Typhoon Nescafe             MK                     9S         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      45 45 45 14 43 38  9 36 37 36
                     Shorthair Count               29       26         

CATS                                     VJH BK DN LP BRVJH BK DN LP BR
Sandfold Dressed to Impress          SFL   8  1  1     7  7 1L  2     6
Tonjankev Love On My Side            DR    5     6 4S 10  5 4S  4  8  9
Erebor Win Den TelVosti of Kennebec  MC       2  4 1L  5  9     7  6  5
Doninelives Susu of CCatmistry       MNL   4  3    2L     8 4L  6  5  7
Emerald Snow Lorelei                 RB    6       1S  4  6     8  4  3
Rexkwizit Tempurra                   CR    1       2S     1        1  1
Bastet Exotics Dr Evil               BG          3     2  4     3     8
Marlcreek When Lightening Strikes    RD    7           1  2 2L        2
Mirumkitty Memphis of Ragpurfect     RD          2 4L           1  2   
Practicalcats High Hubris            OS    2           6  3          10
Exotikcat Astride                    SV          5     9        5  9   
Elaina Andikorus of Sandfold         SCL           5L  3    5L        4
Lion Gold*KZ Fanta                   AB   10  4    5S  8               
Stacks Cats Pushik of Dingdong Paw   BS            6S          10  3   
Wildwater Lady Marmalade             MC    9       3L       3L         
Waisienessa Ultra                    SX                     5S  9  7   
Bluepeaches Bali                     AS      10  9                10   
Akeerabengal Betty                   BG    3       3S                  
Zulublues Amaretto                   RB       6             1S         
Rexkwizit Nova Star of Demoulinrouge CR       5             3S         
JustOriamese SuckMyKiss              OS       8             2S         
British Royalty Kodiak of Wrighteous BS          8       10            
Oriflame Million Reasons             RD       7                        
Gloria New Balance                   SX          7                     
Ohemgee Pappy of Creamcake           RD       9                        
Pepsy of Blossomaby                  SO         10                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      39 40 40 18 40 32 14 33 34 31
                     Shorthair Count               21       17         

ALTERS                                   VJH BK DN LP BRVJH BK DN LP BR
Seasedge A Symphony-of-Horror        BO    1  2  3 4S  4  3 1S  1  4  1
Purrrealdolls Rusty                  RD    4  1  1 1L  8  2 1L  3  1  9
Evitas Nerissa of Seasedge           BU    3  4  4 1S     1 4S  2  2  5
Trailhawk Outlaw                     OS    6  7  8     1  4     5     4
Beauchador Shazam                    AS    5  6        3  5 5S  4     3
Emerald Snow Hazel                   RB    2           2  6        5  2
Siberianglory Odessa                 SB       9 10 3L  9    2L  9 10 10
Wildwater Joy-of-Colour              MC      10    2L  7 10 3L  7  8   
Practicalcats Flares Moonknight      SI    8       3S     8        3  7
Khaleesys 1947 Roswell UFO Incident  SG            2S  6       10  6  8
Penobscot Santana of Synergy         BU          6     5        6  7   
Practicalcats Epic Copernicus        OS    7  3           7 3S         
Trilliumdrx WhoopsyFudge Stripes     DR       5           9 2S        6
Ascent Capriz                        MC   10     2 5L                  
Korrigan Spotify                     MK       8  7                     
Eyeofthetiger Royal Ryder Blues      BG    9                    8      
Savvypaws King Drax Brimaz           SV            5S 10               
Shanshan                             RD          9 4L                  
Beauchador Cheers Drink To That      AS          5                     
Beauchador Miss Stella               AS                            9   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      20 19 19  5 19 17  3 17 17 17
                     Shorthair Count               15       14         

Miss Twinkle Toes                          1  1  1 1S  2  1 1S  3  2  3
Nesquik of Korrigan                        3  2  2 1L  1  3 1L  2  1  2
Claire DeLune                              2  3  3 2S  3  2 2S  1  3  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       3  3  3  1  3  3  1  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count                2        2         

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           VJH BK DN LP BRVJH BK DN LP BR
Tigger Beans                               1  1  1 1S  1  1 1S  1  2  2
Simba                                                     3 1L  2  1  1
Scar                                                      2 2L  3  3  3
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1     1  3  2  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count                1        1         

This report was prepared by C Cherau/B Pouliot (christiancherau@cox.net).