Sophisticats Cat Club (MP Regional), Reno, Nevada, August 20-21, 2022

     Saturday AM          Saturday PM                Sunday AM         
   Kitti Ruttan  AB   Linda Jean Grillo AB   Adriana Kajon           AB
   Canie Brooks  AB   Ellen Crockett    AB   Laura Cunningham        AB
   Debbie Prince AB   Laurie Schiff     AB   Alexandra Chisolm       AB
   Susanna Shon  AB   Marion Schiff     AB   Elaine Hawskworth-Weitz AB

KITTENS                                   KR CB DP SSLJG EC LS MS AK LC ACEHW
Grapearbor Sarafina of Fujipaws      AB       3  1  8  2  3  1  1  5  2  8   
Samphire Tetley Teabagger            HB    7  6     3  6  4  5  5  2  6 10  9
Solanaranch Leviosa of Moulinrouge   BG    3  1     1  3  1        1  3  3   
Tajhara Stella By Starlight          SO    8  9  2  2  4     2  7     4    10
Purrcificoons Soffi Ray              MC   10  2     7  5     3     4  5     2
Specialagent Ruger Redhawk           PB    2     4           7  9  6     4  6
Kitti Kat Blu Majic Woman            SR             4 10  6    10     9     1
Milky                                BS       4  6          10        8  5  7
Camelotslb Ivar Legendarybengal      BG    9 10  3           9           6  4
Solanaranch Double Take              BG                1  5        3  1      
Suncoon Enzo                         MC          5        2     2        2   
Kleora Belladonna                    DR    6  8     5     9        7         
Amicus Snickers                      SI             9           3           8
Adorabledolls Melon of Fujipaws      RD       5  7                10         
Petals to the Metal of Waskirex      CR          9  6  8                     
Camelotslb Fraya                     BG                      6     8     9   
Solanaranch Fiat Lux                 BG                7 10           7      
Kangchenjunga Bungle in the Jungle o BG                      4  4            
Rexplus Hot Patootie                 CR    1                 8               
Elvessa Ivy Rose                     TO                9                 1   
Fairytaleragdol Frankie Stein        RD                            9        3
Libertybengals Odin                  BG          8              8            
MouseeCoons Iliana Lucia             MC    4                                 
Furreal Rachel                       RD    5                                 
Finerpointrags Baby Faye Jolene      RD                                     5
MyWish Icebreaker of Pawkavenue      PS                         6            
MyWish Sir William Whiskers Wallace  PS       7                              
Specialagent Desert Eagle            PB                   7                  
Willowmina                           RD                                  7   
Suncoon Wrangler of Whatatrill       MC                   8                  
Kleora Achilles                      DR         10                           
MyWish Quaking Aspen                 PS            10                        
Casacruz Atlantis of The Tiger Paws  TG                              10      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      40 44 43 43 43 44 44 44 40 39 39 39
                     Shorthair Count                                         

CATS                                      KR CB DP SSLJG EC LS MS AK LC ACEHW
Purrcificoon Milo Jack               MC    3  5  8  1  7     6  7  5     2  1
Rexplus Destiny Is All               CR    4  4  7  6  8  1 10  8  7  7  8   
Grapearbor Princessa Sofeia          AB    1     1     2  2  2  3  6  2  9   
Casazruz Gobi                        TG    6 10     5     5  7  2  8     3  3
See The Moon Des Griffes de Feu/LO   BG    7  9  3     1     5     1  1     2
Preciouscurls Gracie                 ACL   8  8  2  3  9        5     9     8
Pocketcharm Kyanite of Kitti Kat     SRL               3  4  8  1     6  4  4
Radiance Wild Bill of Somsinai       OS       6  4     5  6  4        5     9
Kittensmitten Katmanblu              MNL         5    10  7  3    10        7
Kelela Kanaka U'i                    AB       3    10  4           2  3      
5starrags Dylan of Fairytaleragdol   RD    5        2              3        6
Glor-ee Charisma                     SI       7  9  9     8                10
Simplyblessed Fancy Pants            BGL            4           6  9    10   
Horizondolls Blueskies               RD   10           6     9        8      
Kangchenjunga Diamonds And Rust      BG       2                 4        6   
Pawsitively The Thrill O The Hunt    SB                      1  9        5   
Wildernesswell Island Rain           BG             8              4        5
Endelosglede Bjorn                   NF    2     6                           
Myluckyday Suddenstorm               RD       1          10                  
Pragdolls Cedric                     RD                        10        1   
Justwild Golden Moonlight            BG    9                          4      
Camelotslb Lagertha                  BG             7     9                  
Mouseecoons Iliana Lucia             MC                   3                  
Myluckystars Aelia of TTcats         MC                                  7   
Mouseecoons Infinite Possibilities   MC                              10      
Vi-Za-Vi Victor of Nu Moon           DR         10                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      34 34 31 32 31 33 28 30 34 34 34 34
                     Shorthair Count                                         

ALTERS                                    KR CB DP SSLJG EC LS MS AK LC ACEHW
Grapearbor Gentleman Jack            AB    3  2  3  5  2  3  4  2  1  6  5  6
Beauchador Rantanplan                AS    4  3  4  7 10 10     1     9  3  1
Geishagoll Cloud                     SI       7  1     1  1  5  8  4  1     4
Chipmunk Ibeeza Lil Dragon           OS    6  8  7  6  9  2  2  7  7 10 10   
Prairiebaby Saffron of Lutece        CX    9     6  8  7  7  7  4  2  7      
Lesplushes Nutcracker of Samphire    CX    2  6  2     4  6           4  9  7
Coolspots Castor of Wildgold         BG                5  4  1  3  6  3     2
Geishagoll Sky                       SI          5  1  3    10     3  2  6   
Jewelspride Wyatt                    BG    5     8  2     5  8           1  3
Susens Help Me Rhonda                SR    1  1 10  3     9     9        7   
Vision Rock Starr                    ES       5     9  8        5  8  8  8   
Corn-Bred's Solomon/CF               CR   10 10     4        9     9     2  8
Lamancha Cinnabar of Kitti Kat       SR                6     6  6  5  5     5
Sweetheaven Elis Legacy Hunter       RD    8  9  9 10          10        4  9
Equistice Iris                       BG    7  4              3               
Pattnchat Nutella Coco Cupcake/CF    DR                   8       10       10
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
                     Shorthair Count                                         

Im Hunting Wabbits of Pawsitively          1  1  1  1  2  2  1  1  1  2  2  1
Myschief Managed                                       1  1  2  2  2  1  1  2
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                                         

Cassian of Somsinai                        1  2  1  9  9  1  4  2  1  7  3  3
Cinder                                     3  1  4  1  3 10  2  5  2  3 10  1
Purrcilla                                  4  3  6  7  4  5  8  8  3  4  5  2
Catbury Bunny of QT                           5  8  4  2  2  3  3  7  1  4  6
Herbie The Lovebug                         2  4  2 10  8  8  5  1  6 10  8  7
Patrick                                    6  7  5  8  5  4 10  9  9  5  1  8
Wiki Leeks                                 7  6  3  5     9  6 10  4  9  7  9
Daddy's Bella Notte                                    1  3  1  4  8  2  2  5
Lunaliberty                                8  9  7  3  7     9  6     8  9 10
Gigi                                                   6  7  7  7  5  6  6  4
Toby Toe Beans Frazetti                    5  8 10  6     6       10         
Thorbart Hammerpuss                        9 10  9  2 10                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11
                     Shorthair Count                                         

Dreamfinder Dandy Dolly              TB    1                 1  1           1
Dreamfinder Zelda                    TB       1        1  1        1  1  1   
Dreamfinder Katara of Susens         TB             1                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       4  4     3  4  4  4  4  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count                                         

This report was prepared by Shauntay Burris (