Canuck Cats, Mississauga, Ontario, November 20-21, 2021

                Saturday                       Sunday       
         Edith Mary Smith     AB         Edith Mary Smith AB
         David Nudleman       AB         David Nudleman   AB
         Laurie Patton        AB         Laurie Patton    AB
         Brenda Russo         AB         Brenda Russo     AB
            (judged by C Baumer)         Christina Baumer SP
         Alex Marinets        SP                            

KITTENS                                  EMS DN LP BR AMEMS DN LP BR CB
Anouchka Schtroumpfette              PS    4  2  4  4 1L  3  6  2  4 2L
Libertybengals Minotaure             BG    9     2  3 1S  7     4  3 2S
Silver Shine Emerald Snow Rosie      RB    8  3     2        4 10  2 1S
Seasedge A Symphony-of-Horror        BO   10  6  8    3S  9  1  5 10   
Hypknox's Joe Beef of Shamal         ES      10  7  9 5S     9  7  8 4S
GGLegacy AngelBouctouche             MC       1  3    5L     2  1      
Gezzllig Grace Franc of SRCoons      MC    6        1     5        1 1L
Catitude Goldie                      ES    1        5     1        5 3S
Amourichat Lilith                    OS    2  8  1    4S  2            
Justoriamese Allegria of Amourichat  SI    3    10    2S  4 10         
Korrigan Shaman Saperlipopette 1e    MKL      7       3L 10  5  6      
Fantasymeow Queen o f Sweden         RD             6 4L     8     6 3L
Romanee                              RD    7  4           8  3         
Marlcreek Aged 2 Purrfection         RD          5    2L        3      
Donna                                RD    5              6          5L
GGLegacy Darlingtonangel             MC             8              7 4L
Bluepeaches Bushy Tail Baci          SF            10              9 5S
Lunalabengals Tessa                  BG       5              7         
Simplyburmese Hell on Wheels         BU          6              8      
Rexkwizit Truffles                   CR       9                 9      
Kingspride Venus                     PS             7                  
Korrigan Sacrebleu Santino           MK          9                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      32 32 32 32 12 29 29 29 29 11
                     Shorthair Count                  20             18

CATS                                     EMS DN LP BR AMEMS DN LP BR CB
Amalurra Kano of Seasedge            BO    1  6    10 3S  1  1  5  1 8S
Beauchador Lucky Luke                AS    2  1     9 1S  2  3     2 6S
Emerald Snow Lorelei                 RB    5  3     7 5S  6  5     5 4S
SRCoons Roman Star                   MC    8  7       5L  8     8  9 4L
Bengalleopard Morphe of Bengallys    BG    4        1     4        4 1S
Horizondolls Destiny Awaits          RD    3  4       3L  3        3   
Forsycat Wizard of Catitudecats      ES    9        310S  5        6 2S
Skinisin Miss Elvira                 LY       9  2    6S     4  1      
Orientopulence Saschas Evie          SI   10        6 7S  9        8 3S
Anouchka Io                          PS    6        5     7        7 3L
Anouchka Miss Personality            PS          7    4L     6  6    6L
Practicalcats Epic Echidna           SI      10              8  7 10 7S
Pleasantdolls Juliet                 RD          4              2    1L
Wasatchragdolls Romeo                RD             2        2       5L
Synergy Tin Pan Alley                OS          1    4S        9      
Savvypaws Ishtarazia                 SV         10          10  3      
Breezebengals Suki Soft Paws         BG          3    2S               
Carlos Ingvar                        BG       5          10            
Leafdance Merit of Synergy           BA          9                   2L
Rexkwizit Smudgeless                 CR             8                5S
Leon Ya Moasi                        EM          5    9S               
Superiorbg Bagheera of KWBengals     BG    7          8S               
Purrrealdolls Written in the Stars   RD       2                        
Nochafalah San Antonio of SRCoons    MC             4                  
Chiefmountain Mufasa                 BG                         4      
Joyofkitties White Lightning         SI          6                     
Korrigan Reine Dys of Chipie         MKL                     7         
Chipie Souve-Reine                   MKL      8                        
Catlantis Bluegolden Viola           BS          8                     
Ohemgee One Fine Day                 RD               1L               
Whispurrlane Lady Godiva             RD               2L               
Catlantis Bluegolden White Unni      BS                      9         
Rexkwizit My Aurora                  CR                        10      
Catitudecats Honey                   ES                              9S
Bengallys Zephir                     BG                             10S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      55 54 54 55 20 49 46 49 46 21
                     Shorthair Count                  31             26

ALTERS                                   EMS DN LP BR AMEMS DN LP BR CB
Practicalcats Epic Copernicus        OS    2  1  5  1 2S  2  1  2  1 1S
Carolinameows CottnEyeJoe of MikaSu  MC    1  2  2  4 1L  1  3  1  3 2L
Marlcreek Reputation                 RD    4  7  3  2 2L  4  8  3  6 1L
Bluepeaches Wired Up Jr              AW    3  5  4  3 3S  3     8 10 2S
Pocketcharm Bluey Vuitton            SR    6  8  1  5     6  4  6  4   
Khaleesys 1947 Roswell UFO Incident  SG   10 10  9  6 4S  9  9  5  9 4S
Epic Thunder                         OL    8  6  7  8 3L  8  7  7  5 3L
Bengallys Wyllow of Ontariobengals   BG    7     8    1S  7  5  4      
Savvypaws King Drax Brimaz           SV       3          10  2     2 5S
Trilliumdrx Whoopsy Fudge Stripes    DR         10 10 5S     6  9      
Catlantis Bluegolden Fianca          BS    5     6        5            
Feliland Lolita-Bonita               BS       9             10 10      
Eyeofthetiger Pixel                  BG       4     7                  
Ontariobengals Hulk                  BG                            7 3S
Eyeofthetiger Royal Ryder Blues      BG    9                       8   
Anita Golden Komplement/FI           BS             9                  
Cherry Silver Ravenna                BML                             4L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      16 16 16 16  3 14 15 14 14  4
                     Shorthair Count                  12             11

Lotsa Denaro of Skiniskin                  2  1  1  1 1L  2  2  1  1 1L
Tigger Beans                               1  2  2  2 1S  1  1  2  2 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  1  2  2  2  2  1
                     Shorthair Count                   1              1

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           EMS DN LP BR AMEMS DN LP BR CB
Reese Whiskerspoon                         4  5  2  3 1S  2  1  3  2 2S
Hepcat                                     3  3  3  2 1L  3  2  1  3 1L
TurboTux                                   1  6  6  6 2S  1  3  5  5 1S
Laylani                                    7  7  4  4 4S  4  5  2  1 3S
Twipsin                                    5  2  7  7 5S  5  4  4  4 4S
Bongo                                      2  4  1  1 6S               
Vipleo Simba                               6  1  5  5 3S               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       7  7  7  7  1  5  5  5  5  1
                     Shorthair Count                   6              4

Eleanorcats Mazikeen of Eyeofthetige SE    1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                   

This report was prepared by Christian Cherau (