Clube do Gato do ParanĂ¡, Curitiba, ParanĂ¡, Brazil, June 22-23, 2019

        Saturday AM               Saturday PM               Sunday AM              Sunday PM     
  Aline Noel-Garel      AB  Pascale Portelas      AB  Aline Noel-Garel    AB  Aline Noel-Garel AB
  Luiz Paulo Faccioli   AB  Luiz Paulo Faccioli   AB  Luiz Paulo Faccioli AB  Pascale Portelas AB
  Virginia Lopes Araujo SP  Virginia Lopes Araujo SP  Pascale Portelas    AB                     

KITTENS                                  ANGLPF VA PPLPF VAANGLPF PPANG PP
Weiss Gold Harington                 PS    1  4 3L  3  5 3L  2  7  6  2  4
Blumenkatzen Uyla                    RD    7  1        1 4L  5  1  2  5  1
Dirose's Lady Nessie                 ES    2  3     1  4     1  8     3  8
Deabaete Leda                        PS    5  8 1L     3 2L  9  4  7     6
Dolce Vita Bjorn Ironside            RD    6  5 7L     8 6L  4  6  3  4   
BR* Anges D'argent Tatyana Don       DSK      9 1S     7 2S     5  4  6  3
Dolce Vita Rags Lagertha             RD       2 2L  2  2 1L     2        9
Betunes Ikaro                        AS       6 4S  9  9 1S 10  9 10  9   
Dirose's Lady Renesmee               ES         5S  6        3     1  8  2
Betunes Pollac                       SX    9 10     5        8     8  7  7
Bajacoon Italianinha                 MC    3    5L           6        1   
Bajacoon Olenka                      MC    8  7        6        3         
Betunes Aruba                        MC            10          10  5     5
Von Hamm Blueberry                   SS   10    2S    10             10   
BR* Anges D'argent Jeremija Don      DSK        3S  4    4S               
Dealles Mousse                       HI             8              9    10
BR* Anges D'argent Nadya Don         DSK   4                 7            
Betunes Cinderella                   RD         4L       5L               
Betunes Calipso                      PS             7                     
Betunes Tarantella                   ES                  3S               
Sheroncats Lua                       ES                  5S               
Bajacoon Cookie                      MC         6L                        
Laramiau Potter                      PS                  7L               
Laramiau Harry                       PS         8L                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      35 36 23 36 34 22 27 27 27 27 27
                     Shorthair Count            13       13               

CATS                                     ANGLPF VA PPLPF VAANGLPF PPANG PP
Deitybastet Curacau Blue             PS    2  1 1L  1  2 2L  1  2  2  1  1
Faraon-show Hugo Bossman of Betunes  BG    1  3 1S  4  1 2S  2  3  1  2  2
BR* Aylurus Thunderkeys Magna        PS    5  6 3L  2  6 3L  3  7  5  3  5
Deabaete Marieta                     ES    7  4 2S  3  4 1S     1  3     3
Edward Vorobyoff Family Ru           BS    6  8 4S 10  9 4S 10  9 10 10   
Betunes Conrado                      RD       5 2L     7 1L  9  6     6  7
Betunes Meghan                       MC    4    7L  9    9L  7     6  5  8
Sheroncats Lili                      HI    9  9 4L  5    4L    10  7     9
Aasgard King Elron the Third         ACL                     4  5  4  4  6
Yantar Korona Atefa                  DSK  10    3S     3 3S  8        9   
BG* Ogdoada Shalum Khan              DSK      2     7  5 5S     4         
Betunes Maria Quiteria               SX      10     6        6        8   
Bajacoon Ravena                      MC       7 9L     8        8         
Treveri Banguela of Sanpietro        ES    3                 5        7   
Betunes Rapariga                     AS         5S  8 10           9      
Betunes Ava Dellaria of Sanpietro    PS                  7L              4
Betunes Serena                       RD                  5L        8      
Bajacoon Dody                        MC         5L       6L               
Blumenkatzen Sharon Stone            RD        10L       8L               
Treveri Elizabeth of Sanpietro       PS    8                              
Bajacoon Joaquim                     MC                                 10
Blumenkatzen Nefertite               RD         6L                        
Weiss Graciosa Nikita                PS         8L                        
Weiss Soberana Rowena                PS                 10L               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      46 47 28 47 44 28 44 44 44 43 43
                     Shorthair Count            15       14               

ALTERS                                   ANGLPF VA PPLPF VAANGLPF PPANG PP
BR* Miadore Whiskey in the Jar       NF    1  1 3L  2  2 3L  1  3  1  1  2
D'licats Harry                       PS    2  2 2L  1  3 1L  3  1  4  2  5
Betunes Bono                         RD    6  4 1L  3  5 2L  5  4  3  5  3
Angelicdolls Princess Bella          RD       7 4L  5  7 4L  9  8  7  9  6
BR* Miadore Wishlist                 NF    3  8     4        4  7  5  4  4
Dirose's Lady Cindy                  PS    8    5L  9  8     8  5  8  6  9
Sanpietro Jon Bon Jovi               ES    7    1S  7 10 1S  7 10 10  8 10
BR* Miadore Zorba                    NF    5  5        4 5L  6  6     7   
Legato Elron Junior of Aasgard       ACL                     2  2  2  3  1
Sanpietro Catherine Zeta Jhones      HI   10 10             10     9 10  8
Betunes Mel                          MC    9  3     8  1                  
Sanpietro Bruce Wayne Paz            HI             6              6     7
Sheroncats Leza                      PS       6        6        9         
Bajacoon Ivo Basso Sobania           MC    4  9        9                  
Bajacoon Cesar                       MC            10                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      14 13 13 13 14 13 12 12 12 12 12
                     Shorthair Count             1        1               

Leona                                      1  1 1S  1  2 2S  1  1  2  1  2
Pororoca                                   2  2 1L  2  1 1L  2  2  1  2  3
Tigo                                       3  3 2S  3  3 1S  3  3  3  3  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       3  3  1  3  3  1  3  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count             2        2               

Pedro                                      1  4 2S  1  4 4S  1  1  1  1  2
Pitoca                                     2  1 3S  3  1 1S  3  2  4  2  4
Nutela                                     4  3 1S  2  3 2S  4  3  2  4  1
Gatita                                     3  2 1L  5  2 1L     4  3  3  3
Leitao                                     5  5 4S  4  5 3S  5  5  5  5  5
Candy                                                        2            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       5  5  1  5  5  1  5  5  5  5  5
                     Shorthair Count             4        4               
This report was prepared by Andres Acevedo (