Malta Feline Knights, Naxxar, Malta, September 29-30, 2018

        Saturday PM             Sunday AM              Sunday PM       
  Monika Dany          SP  Monika Dany      AB  Monika Dany          AB
  Irene Van Belzen     SP  Irene Van Belzen AB  Irene Van Belzen     AB
  Katharina Krenn      AB  Katharina Krenn  SP  Erwin Van Den Bunder SP
  Erwin Van Den Bunder AB                                              

KITTENS                                   MDIVB KK EV MDIVB KK MDIVB EV
Exotiquettes Thalia Rajah            BG   3S 2S  1  2  1  2 1S  2  2 2S
Von Wernerwald Diana's Scarlett      BS   1S 1S     1  2  1 3S  1  1 1S
Lionheartcoon Elvis                  MC   1L 1L  2  3  3  3 1L  3  3 1L
Helda Xkembri Kates Akis*LT          BS   4S 3S  3  4  5  4        4   
Lions Prides Darius                  OS   5S 5S  5  5       4S  5    4S
BY*Bengamur Bright Crystal           BG   2S           4        4    5S
BY*Bengamur Cho-Hee Kim Bum          BG          4          2S     5   
Parisbynight Lyla of Bensigold       BG      4S           5          3S
Dolce Leia El Embrujo                BG                     5S         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  9  9  9  9  1  9  9  1
                     Shorthair Count       8  8              7        8

CATS                                      MDIVB KK EV MDIVB KK MDIVB EV
Ignat Taiga Star*RU                  SB   1L 1L  4  1  1  1 2L  1  1 1L
Harley Laguna Leo                    MC   3L 4L  2        4 1L  5  4 2L
Smeraldas BC Schoene of Laperchaun   LP   2L 3L  6  5  3    3L  2    5L
Ferrero Rocher Chrysolite            SI      1S  1        2 2S     2 5S
Batifoleurs Minou                    BG   3S        3  2    3S  3    3S
Windy Kates Akis*LT                  BS   4S 5S        5        4  5   
Chester Tillen's Pride               BS          5  2       1S       2S
Silverstorm Hercules                 BG      2S           3 4S     3   
*MT Bare-Naked Dita Von Tesse        SX             4  4    5S       1S
Barcelona Kates Akis*LT              BL   4L 2L             4L       3L
*MT Bare-Naked David Bowie Ziggy     SX   2S 3S                        
Akalanka Moonlight Sonata            ES   5S 4S                        
Slavuta's Duke                       HI   5L                5L       4L
*MT Bare-Naked Carla-Lovegood Luna   SX          3                     
*MT Bare-Naked Bagheera-Blake Oreo   SX                   5            
Louis Aragon Anima Allegra           OS   1S                           
Flying Castle Bobby Bear of Honeybli BS                              4S
Slavuta's Rosy Sophie                HI      5L                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       6  6 21 20 18 17  6 18 18  6
                     Shorthair Count      14 15             12       12

ALTERS                                    MDIVB KK EV MDIVB KK MDIVB EV
Olliebenji Rochel                    BG   2S 2S  1  1  1  1 1S  1  1 1S
Emerald Sight Cleopatra Hope of Bare SX   3S 5S  3  7  4  5 2S  4  5 3S
Lionheartcoon Max GB                 MC   1L 4L  2  4  3  2 2L  3  4 4L
Lionheartcoon Sandy                  MC   4L 1L  4  8  8  4 1L  8  3 3L
Voyabliss Daisy                      PS   2L 3L 10  2  5  6 3L  7  7 1L
Tolstoy From Lukoshkino              MC   3L 2L  8  3  6  9 4L  5 10 2L
Katshaven Eva Peron                  SX   1S 1S     9  2  8     2  8   
Emerald Sight Valentino Harry of Bar SX   4S 3S        7  3     6  2 2S
Yalena Valva The Fantasy of Nature   DSK     4S  5  6     7 4S 10  6 5S
Lions Prides Bailey                  SI   5S     7    10    3S  9      
Katshaven Bonnie Willow              SX          6 10    10 5S     9   
Joser Kortney                        SX          9  5                  
*MT Bare-Naked Diana Ross MJ         SX                9             4S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       4  4 13 13 12 12  4 12 12  4
                     Shorthair Count      10 10              8        8

Prince Demi Di Karlo                      1S 1S  2  1  5  1 3S  1  5 2S
Peanut                                    1L 1L  1  2  1  7 1L  3  2 1L
Tilly                                     2S 4S  3  3  8  3 1S  2  4 1S
Shani                                     4L 2L  4  6  2  2 2L  6  3 2L
Chico                                     3S 6S  6  4  9  6 2S  5  9 4S
Panama                                    5L 3L  8  8  7  4 3L  8  6 3L
Miss Twinkle                              2L 5L  5  7  6  8 5L  7  8 4L
Jude                                         2S        3  5 6S  4  1 3S
Pupa                                      3L 4L  9  9 10 10 4L  9    5L
Willow                                    4S 3S  7  5     9 4S    10 6S
Jack                                      5S 5S 10     4    5S 10  7 5S
Tigger                                       7S                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       5  5 10  9 11 10  5 11 10  5
                     Shorthair Count       5  7              6        6
This report was prepared by Catherine Bourreau (