Cool Cats Club, Prague, Czech Republic, April 29-30, 2017 Saturday Sunday Massimo Picardello AB Massimo Picardello SP Monika Dany AB Monika Dany AB Phillipa Holmes AB Phillipa Holmes AB David Nudleman SP David Nudleman AB Delsa Rudge SP Delsa Rudge AB Andreas Kretchmer-Kraiczek AB Andreas Kretchmer-Kraiczek SP Massimo Picardello AB Monika Dany AB Female congress Male Congress David Nudleman AB Phillipa Holmes AB And White congress Tabby congress KITTENS MP MD PH DN DRAKK MP MD PH DN DRAKK Securitazz Qrizpin BU 4 2 4 2S 2S 4 1S 4 3 4 5 1S Moseland Woody NF 2 3L 5 2L 5 5 2 3L Soulmates Blueberry Princess RD 1 1 4L 1L 2 1 3 O'Malley Diamond Dolls Baby Joy RD 3 1L 1 4L 2 1L Danakil's Abajomy AB 6 3 1S 3S 3S 6 1 3S Fryga Bryni SO 5 5L 5L 5L 6 6 5L Alexander Dorofei SB 5 6 3 5 4L Zara Sky Beyrouth*CZ MC 1 2L 1L 1 Gigantcat Angie MC 2 4L 2 4 Artus Dorofei SB 5 2L 1 Sedevr Manchzhury SB 3 3L 4 Monkey Cat Harmony AB 4S 1S 3 2S 2S Cankcats Umbertobonori MC 2 2L Rascoon Zein MC 3L 3 Leatherandlace Paradise City MC 4 Veronique Berenetto AB 3S 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 20 20 16 16 21 18 21 21 20 21 18 Shorthair Count 4 4 3 3 CATS MP MD PH DN DRAKK MP DN MP MD PH DN DRAKK MD PH Barbariska of Barvinok/WC SB 4 2 5 4L 4L 4 6 5L 1 4 9 5 Chamourais Masakata SG 8 6 7 1S 1 1S 5 9 3 1S 6 Adollrags Candyboy RD 7 4 1L 2 1 1L 4 2 1 1L 1 Spice Lemon Grass BG 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 Gigantcat Buzz of Maisonmagique MC 2 2 1L 7L 10 1 6 2 Hovicastle Kygo RD 10 9 3 9L 3L 9L 3 Flodocats Lana Del Ray BL 5 6 7L 2 10 4L 7 8 9L 4 Christen Princess Angel, CZ SX 10 8 1S 2S 2 5 1 3 Steven Od Veze NF 9 8L 9 3L 10 7 4L Jantar William PS 7 10 3L 5L 510L 5 3 Atlantic Acadia's Jimmy White Feet MC 9L 4 6 3 2L 1 Fryga Arati SO 9 7L10L 10 8L 9 7L Cashira von Walant-Cats DR 5 3S 4S 6 4 9 7 Ronan Sky Beyrouth, CZ MC 4 5L 3 6L 8 3L 2 5 Urias Berenetto AB 4S 3S 2S 4 10 5 Joy of Janis Rexink*PL CR 2S 5S 7 10 8 6 8 Kissykat Keko RD 6 2L 2 Ilendri Katoomba BG 3 7 6 Curlycloverleaf Philomene DR 5 5S 2S Sphynxantiquus Iskra SX 4S 6 3S Danakil Happiness AB 6 5 3S 5S Deescoons Honey MC 2L 4 Antonio Bright Friend BS 8 7 7 Bree Neilatan, CZ MC 10L 3 10 Amayalynx Kitai MC 8 5L Skydolls Carlo The Cat RD 8 6L 4 Honeybear Sharons Dream, CZ BG 5S 4S 7 Kasandra Laguna Leo MC 3 Potsdamroyals Shaggy of Hovicastle RD 2L Elonadolls Enzo Ferrari RD 6L Vernon Flam Boya, CZ TA 6L Vademar Mister Spock MC 8L 9 Carisma's Burberry Of Pleskava/CF PS 8L Yukiyo Flamboya TA 10L Methodius Amber of Skydolls RD 8 Xenophonty Royal Elf DR 8 Caitlyn of Night And Eclipse MC 9 Adollrags Jasmine RD 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 48 50 50 31 29 45 21 27 31 45 48 46 47 29 23 26 Shorthair Count 15 19 15 14 ALTERS MP MD PH DN DRAKK MP MD PH DN DRAKK Joy of Jagger Rexink*PL CR 5 3 1S 1S 1 1S 5 3 1 3 1S Griffin Bright Crystall, CZ RD 4 2 3L 4L 2 2L 1 4 1L HU*Alba Regia Houdini BU 2 3 1 4S 3S 2S 2 2 3S Cankcats Remington Steel MC 2L 1L 4 4L 4 2 1 3L Stefilla Violet PS 5 4 5 5L 4 2L Mittelmeijer Taras SB 2 3 1 4 Ginny Kimro, CZ BS 1 1 2S 2S 3 Fryga Anala SO 3 1L 2L 5 5L Leatherandlace Dim All The Lights P MCP 5 5L 5L 5 3 Zippy Flamboya TA 4L 3L 5 2 Zooloo Flamboya TA 4 1L 4L Oliver Sweet Rose BS 3S 4S 3S 4S Ammyodskal Archibald SV 4S 2S Xuan Leo Borealis, CZ NF 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 12 12 13 8 8 13 8 13 13 13 13 8 Shorthair Count 4 4 4 4 HOUSEHOLD PETS MP MD PH DN DRAKK MP MD PH DN DRAKK Jamie 1 1 2 1S 1S 2 1S 1 2 3 2 1S Diabolino of Skydolls 2 2 1 1L 1 1L 2 1 2 1 1L Dima 3 3 3 2S 2S 3 2S 3 3 1 3 2S Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 2 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS MP MD PH DN DRAKK MP MD PH DN DRAKK Maleficenta De La Valee Des Dieux LY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1551 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Catherine Bourreau (