Cool Cats, Prague, Czech Republic, October 1-2, 2016 Saturday Sunday Pamela Barrett AB Pamela Barrett AB Marylise de Landtsheer AB Marylise de Landtsheer SP Irene Van Belzen AB Irene Van Belzen SP Pascal Rémy AB Pascal Rémy AB Jane Allen SP Jane Allen AB Åsa Broing SP Åsa Broing AB Pascal Rémy AB Jane Allen AB Male congress Without White congress Marylise de Landtsheer AB Female congress KITTENS PBMDLIVB PR JA AB PBMDLIVB PR JA AB Allywood Mircela MC 4 5 9 2L 1L 2 4L 3 1 Mainelynx Talisha MC 7 2 4 5L 7 1L 2L 7 9 Curlycloverleaf Minion DR 8 5 1 2S 2S 1 5 5 Amazongold Charisma BG 1 2 2S 5S 1S 1S 1 6 Hovicastle Kygo RD 6 1 3L 3L 2L 1L 4 3 Urias Berenetto AB 1 3 6 5 10 3S 3S 4 Flodocats Lana Del Ray BL 9 8 9 4L 2L 5 3L 3L 9 Terrestre Paradiso Gandvik OS 2 3 1S 1 5S 4S 2 Adollrags Doflamingo RD 4 1L 7L 4L 3 7 Let'S Show It Dexter, CZ SX 10 4S 1S 6 5S 2 Modany Where BS 3S 4S 9 4S 8 4 X-Cat Love Arakan OS 10 10 5S 5 6 Adollrags Candyboy RD 5 3 3 5L Egyptsila Feona EM 3 2S 4 Honor For Adonis Of Amazing Tigers MC 2 9L 2 Modany Xanadu BS 10 4 6 Ragville Forget Me Not RD 6 5L 8 Oliver Malten Bohemia MC 7 4L 8 Diamond Dolls Mokka RD 8 7 5L Mirumkitty Arwen Evenstar RD 6 6L 8 Dodo Shillana *PL SRL 7 8 7L Magic Mirabell Moon Sissi*CZ BL 8L 8L 10 Tigervisions Darkshow TG 3S 7 Modany Qurly Divine SR 9 10 Tammany'S Mon Cherie PP MCP 10L 9 Adesimbo Vom Oberloschwitz AB 10 De Javu Lillicubs*PL MC 6L Wenousek Flam Boya, CZ TA 6L Wendy Flam Boya, CZ TA 9L Methodius Gallina RD 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 42 43 43 43 26 27 38 21 20 38 38 37 Shorthair Count 17 17 16 16 CATS PBMDLIVB PR JA AB PRMDL PBMDLIVB PR JA AB JA Magicmoments Oscar BS 2 2 5S 2S 1 1S 5S 8 6 1 4 Christen Princess Angel CZ SX 7 2 2S 9S 9 3S 1S 4 3 Vermon Flam Boya, CZ TA 1 8 7 6L 2L 1 2 2L 7 Aegaeis Becket ACL 1 7 4L 3 10 4L 3 7 5 Thewildangel Lady The First BU 8 10 1 8S10S 7 2 5 3 Toby Of The Catplanet MC 10 3 5L 2 1L 6L 1 2 5 Kissykat Keko RD 5 9 9 3L 5 4 3L 6 Halil Buichu Ra DSK 9 4 6S 6S 5 5S 3S Luckykot*NL Dzem PD 3 9S 8S 3 4 Pyton von Der Diebeshohle/ID TH 8 3S 5S 6S 6S 10 Danakil'S Merula AB 3 10 1 2S 4S 10 Love Oriental Otello OS 5 7S 4S 2S 9 Jera Taurt BO 9 4S 3S 2 1 Bree Neilatan, CZ MC 6 3 8 2L 9 Ragville Roger RD 3 5L 5L 8 Fryga Arati SO 5 2L 6 1 2 Ariston Milacoon, BY MC 4 3L 3 Gustaf Geri Z Klajdovky, CZ NF 10 1 1L Klementina Eridan Cats SF 5 1S 4 9 Baris Ayishka MC 6 1L 4L Steven Od Veze NF 3L 4L 4 Anys Wana-Vara SB 1L 10 8 6 Tigervisions Amur TG 1S 7S 7 Ariella Mystery Fortuna DR 8 610S 5 Eliot Hamby Cattus SX 2 4 5 Thewildanger Mary Kay BO 4 6 Methodius Charles Xray Tumbev RD 4 7 Zander Akvamarin OS 6 8 Legendabastet Lindsay RD 6 Basilleo Ori Nutorion MC 7 Maxim Cherry Lau SX 4S 10 Potsdamroyals Shaggy Of Hovicastle RD 5L Adelheids Hiro Hito PP MCP 6L Lanacats Snow Simphony SO 6L Rio Insula Cat DR 7S My Ship Came In Mi-Thos SI 2 Modany Taifun BS 9 Allbreed/Longhair Count 51 50 51 51 21 21 29 20 39 21 21 42 42 42 21 Shorthair Count 28 27 22 21 ALTERS PBMDLIVB PR JA AB PBMDLIVB PR JA AB HU*Alba Regia Houdini BU 2 1 2 1 1S 2S 2 1S 1S 1 1 2 Stefilla Violet PS 1 3 3 2 2L 3L 1 2L 3L 2 2 Fryga Anala SO 5 2 1L 2L 1L 4L 4 3 5 Methodius Oliver Twist RD 5 1 4 3L 5L 4 5L 1L 3 Aegaeis Aura ACL 4 4 4L 1L 5 4L 2L 4 3 Adelheids Hattori Hanzo PP MCP 4 5L 4L 3L 5 4 Oscar Von Hunady BS 3 3 5S 1S Baku De Bearis DSK 3 2S 2S 1 Oliver Sweet Rose BS 5 5 3S 5S Skydolls Angelo RD 5L 5 Damian Cremy Lokerie Bohemia, CZ BS 2S 4S Fedor Legacy, CZ SX 4S 3S Ammyodskal Archibald SV 3S 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 12 12 12 12 7 7 10 7 7 10 10 10 Shorthair Count 5 5 3 3 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS PBMDLIVB PR JA AB PBMDLIVB PR JA AB Sweetheart Of Kittykatkids 1 1 1 1 1S 1S 1 1S 1S 1 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS PBMDLIVB PR JA AB Jamie 1 1 1 1 1S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Catherine Bourreau (