Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers, St. Francis, Wisconsin, March 6-8, 2015 Friday Saturday Sunday Hisako Yamada AB Hisako Yamada SP Edith Mary Smith SP Debbie Lopeman AB Edith Mary Smith AB Dewane Barnes AB Alex Chisholm AB Fate Mays AB Fate Mays AB Brenda Russo AB Alex Chisholm AB Theresa Kempton AB Nikki Crandall-Seibert SP Canie Brooks AB Laurie Patton AB Debbie Lopeman AB Edith Mary Smith AB Fate Mays AB Canie Brooks AB Laurie Patton AB KITTENS HY DL AC BRNCS HYEMS FM AC CBEMS DB FM TK LP Dreamquete Drunk on You ES 3 4 5 2 4S 3 8 2S 5 5 8 5 Chemicoons Beaker of Savoirfaire MC 2L 2 1 8 3 1L 1 1 2 2 Sahja Blizzard of Chipmunk OS 1 1 4 1S 1S 8 6 7 1 4 Starghatts Lassiter BI 3 1 6 2L 4 2 6 5 1 Murrznpurrs Maestro AS 2 3 4 5 2 4S 10 6 8 Savoirfaire Sir Lancelot BG 2S 1 4 3 1S 3 3 6 Cherishables its a love thing HI 5 10 3 3L 4 3 4 7 Pentaclecats Morgaine of Pierremont AB 2 5S 9 7 4 9 7 10 Rouletii Beautiful Celebration RD 6 1 1L 5 2 2L 3 Vannies Paws Kascade PS 5 2 5L 1L 7 10 1 Lakeshore Tess of Summerwood SV 6 6 10 9 7 10 9 Fencroft Sunshine Superman BS 2S 3S 9 1 5S 6 Savoirfaire Lady Godiva BG 6 2 9 3S 2 Nite Wind Silver Shadow SRL 7 6 4L 8 9 Hugaragdoll Lilydoll of Rosecottage RD 5L 10 5 10 Paintedcats Raindrops on Roses BG 5 9 4 Murrznpurrs Sweetdreams for Alandor AS 5S 8 8 Starghatts Lyra of Purrdocz BI 3L 4L 5L Paintedcats Inc BG 5 4S Rosecottage Blue Pooh Bear RD 3L 7 Rouletii Beautiful Observation RD 4 4L Starkittie Taygeta BG 3 Starkittie Tanjette BG 4 Murrznpurrs Just Call Me Sweetheart AS 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 21 20 21 6 10 29 27 27 27 9 26 26 26 26 Shorthair Count 14 19 16 CATS HY DL AC BRNCS DL HYEMS FM AC CBEMS CBEMS DB FM TK LP FM LP Debut Moy Verooka SB 5 1 1 10 2L 2L 4 2 8 1L 3 8 2 Cherishables Weekend Girl HI 7 4 7 3 1L 2 4L 9 7 5 2 4 3L 10 3 9 4 1 1 Bricoccole Woodstock of Fencroft/ID BS 2 2 1 9S 2 3 4 1S 5 5 6 Elkington's Queen of Diamonds/ID NF 9 3 3 7 5L 5L 3 1 9 7 Higashi Karishma of Albeng OS 5 3S 4 10 6 5 4 5 6 4S 7 3 4 Balihoo Cappuccino OL 6 6 6 3L 6 4L 7 5 9 Designerstripes Amber Topaz TG 1 1 7 9 10 7S 6 1 8 2 9 Rulissa Truaby of Trendsetters AB 10 4 5S 8S 6 10 3 10 8 5 5 Chipmunk Smiley Too OS 1 9 1S 4 4 6 Savoirfaire Wicked Storm BG 1 2 4 1 2 Ginchika One Good Luck Charm JB 5S 7 2 2 2 5S 2 3 10 Boobella Thatsmykindofnight ES 2S 3 2S 1 3 Minghou Midnight Sky SI 7S 8 4 8 3S 9 4 10 8 3 Murrznpurrs Sweet n Sassy AS 3 8 1 2S 9 7 9 Starkittie Mintaka BG 2 5 8 9 5 7 6 7 Bricoccole Willy Wonka of Fencro/ID BS 8 4 3 8S 10 10 8 Rouletii Rare Beauty RD 4 6 4L 1L 8 Starkittie Larissa BG 2 5 4S 4S 6 Karissimakat Believe In Miracles PS 9 10 7 5L 5 Bluriver Trumble-of-Pierremont/CF AB 8 7 9S 6 Summerwood Georgie Girl SV 8 1 2 Rouletii Sweet Patriarch RD 9 10 3L 6 Rouletii Majestic Innocense RD 5 1 2L 4 Balihoo Hugo OS 8 1S Trulya Down Under of Albeng OS 5 6S Snowdreams Annie Mittens SN 3S 10 Amaure Dark Archer EM 10 9 5 3 Alandor Mt Everst of Stedam AS 10S 6 Purrfectdreams Maggie BG 7 8 7 Nite Wind Paint By Numbers/CF SRL 9 Rockinashi No Room For Boring JB 10 Spotsnglitz Cygnus of Starkittie BG 7 9 6S Siberkatz Yuleyan Lara Myrrh Bblest SB 6 1 Basilicblessing Beloved Johanna Joy SB 3 Radiance Maverick of Savoirfaire OS 8 Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 27 27 27 8 24 11 38 38 37 38 30 30 11 36 37 37 37 28 27 Shorthair Count 19 27 24 ALTERS HY DL AC BRNCS HYEMS FM AC CBEMS DB FM TK LP Beaconwood Cutting Loose CR 2 1 1 3S 2 8 2 2 1S 2 3 3 2 Elkington's Queen of Diamonds/ID NF 2 2 3 1L 1 3 5 5 4 Chemicoons Firelight of Concordance MC 3L 1 1 4 1L 2 2 1 Pirateslair Kaptain Kangaroo BI 3 5 5L 1L 4 6 4 2L 4 Vindouro Crazy Train BO 3 4S 6 7 7 5 2S 5 1 Ja-Koi Manatsu No Kajitsu/CF JBL 5 1 2 2 3 1 Heavnzsent Im A Lil Husky SB 5 3L 2L 1 4 6 6 VSKbengals Chip Off The Ole Block BG 5S 4S 7 8 3S 6 3 Balihoo Bluebeary BA 4 4 4L 4 6 Vannies Paws Koffi Cocoa Puff HI 4 3 5L 8 5 Murrznpurrs Stinker AS 1 2S 3 6 Trulya Bisforbarelythere of Albeng OS 4 2S 1S 7 4S Amaure Mulan Rouge EM 5S 5 4 5 Summerwood Mystic Monty SV 5 1S 5S 6 Balihoo Frappuccino OS 3S 3 1 Rouletii Dolce Luxury RD 3 3L Waterfjords Skylar Edelman Blue NF 4L 5L Rockinashi Last Mango in Paris JB 5 Rouletii Sweet Ending Star RD 2L VSKbengals The Chase Is On BG 8 Jakoi Yakusoku O Mamoru JBL 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 19 19 19 19 11 11 23 23 23 23 10 21 21 21 21 Shorthair Count 8 11 8 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS HY DL AC BRNCS HYEMS FM AC CBEMS DB FM TK LP Skittles 2 2 2 2 3S 1S 2 4 3 2 3S 4 2 2 2 Baby Outlander Lizzie 3 3 3 3 2S 3S 5 2 2 5 2S 2 4 4 1 Amore 1 1 1 1 1S 2S 1 1 1 1 Myles 4S 3 5 4 3 1S 1 1 1 3 Aleah 5S 4 3 5 4 4S 3 3 3 4 Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 Shorthair Count 3 5 4 HOUSEHOLD PETS HY DL AC BRNCS HYEMS FM AC CBEMS DB FM TK LP Hot Stuff of Chrischat 1 2 1 4S 1 2 1 7 1S 1 2 1 4 Obeonekanovi of Rumblepuff 5 3 3 2 3L 1L 3 1 2 1 1L 6 1 2 Eskimo 2 5 1 5 1L 2L 5 4 3 5 4L 3 5 3 Ursa Corynne of Starkittie 1 4 7 7S 6S 6 5 2 5S 9 Misylittle Dale 7 8 8 3S 7 3 5 4 3 Mercedes 6 7 6S 4 9 4 2S 9 2 Mittens 6 4S 2 5 3 3S 8 Bailey 6 5 410S 7S 8 7 7 Knobby 5S 10 6 6 7S 9 1 Salem 1S 6 8 9S 8 7 7 Bowie 10 2L 3L 9 10 2L 6 6 BBS Apollo 4 9S 8S 8 9 7 7 Splatatoon 4 7 6 8S 10 3 Taco Too of Purrdocz 9 2 9 2S 6S 5 Marlin 10S 4 9 4S 10 5 BBS Mulani 3 8 3 5S 10 Cuddles 8 9 10 8S 3S 10 Phoenixx 9S 8 10 8 8 Junior 10 9 1S 10S Mister Macy 10 10 4 Tula 4 6 Bel-Lee 2 9 Raven 2S Jiffy 5L 3L Rafael 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 16 16 15 16 3 5 22 21 22 21 4 22 22 23 22 Shorthair Count 12 16 18 -- This report was prepared by Randy Rothbauer (randyrothbauer@gmail.com).