All About Cats, Loosdorf, Austria, May 4, 2014

              AM Show                    PM Show      
        Katharina Krenn  AB        Katharina Krenn  SP
        Jane Allen       SP        Jane Allen       SP
        Delsa Rudge      SP        Delsa Rudge      SP
        Irene Van Belzen AB        Irene Van Belzen SP

KITTENS                                   KK JA DRIVB KK JA DRIVB
Hunnybears Uptown Girl               BL    5 3L 3L  1 3L 3L 3L 2L
Spotsandstripes Furia                BG    3 2S 2S  3 1S 1S 1S 2S
Woodpile All That Glitters Of Silver MC    2 2L 2L    2L 1L 1L 3L
Cankcats He Jackolatern              MC      1L 1L  2 4L 2L 2L 1L
Modany Top Notch                     BS    4 3S 1S  4 3S 3S 2S 1S
Cankcats High Noon                   MC    1 5L 4L    1L 5L 4L 5L
Cankcats Honkytonk                   MC      4L 5L  5 5L 4L 5L 4L
Modany Orkan                         BS      1S 3S    2S 2S 3S 3S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       8  5  5  8  5  5  5  5
                     Shorthair Count          3  3     3  3  3  3

CATS                                      KK JA DRIVB KK JA DRIVB
Ladakedi Lancelot Du Lac             TA    1 1L 5L  1 2L 2L 5L 1L
Silverscoon Jane                     MC    5 4L 4L  5 3L 3L 4L 2L
Modany Mumin of Magicmoments         BS    2 3S 2S    1S 1S 2S 3S
Exquisite Matteus                    ES    6 2S 3S    2S 2S 3S   
Spotsandstripes Demeter              BG      5S 1S  6       1S 2S
Marclreek Copper Cooper Of Ragville  RD    3        2 1L       3L
Batifoleurs Ajani                    BG   10 1S       5S 3S      
Isiska Caliana                       EM    8 4S       4S 4S      
Beaubell'S Angelina Of Remu-Martin   PS    4 2L          1L      
Koc-Pol Cat Mell Gibson              RD         1L       4L 1L   
Sweetangel Fame of Hunnybears        BL         2L 10       2L   
Tschas Isabell                       BS             7 3S       5S
Isiska Al-Shama                      EM         4S  9       5S   
Arunaguban Geronimo                  SO               5L 5L    5L
Shelauria Cocaine                    ES         5S       5S 4S   
Hunnybears Supreme Cream             BS             3          4S
Darlin'lil'Dolls Golden Penny        RD             4          4L
Hunnybears Oops I Did It Again       SR             8          1S
Siempreamar Siola Gratia Of Mirumkit RD    7          4L         
Batcave Yasmine                      NF         3L          3L   
Kolin Gattesco Bella, CZ             BL    9 5L                  
Olympodolls Max of Skydolls          RD      3L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      31 18 18 30 17 17 18 16
                     Shorthair Count         13 13    12 12 12 11

ALTERS                                    KK JA DRIVB KK JA DRIVB
Amelie Av Det Helt Vill              NF    2 1L 2L  1 1L 2L 2L 1L
Meskhenet Sekhmet of Isiska          EM    4 4S 5S  2 3S 4S 4S 3S
Windy Meadow Blueoystercult          BS    1 1S 1S    2S 1S 2S 4S
Spotsandstripes Chico Of Skydolls    BG      2S 2S  5 5S 2S 1S 2S
Willy Wilson                         BS      5S 3S  3 4S 3S 3S 1S
Bootcamp Maverick                    MC      2L 1L  4 3L 1L 1L 2L
Dschadi's Ice Touch                  TA    5 3L 3L    2L 4L 4L 3L
Kittykatkids Abrakadabra             BS    3    4S    1S    5S 5S
Bootcamp Major                       MC      4L 4L    4L 3L 3L 4L
Batifoleurs Django                   BG      3S          5S      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      10  4  4 10  4  4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count          6  6     6  6  6  5

HOUSEHOLD PETS                            KK JA DRIVB KK JA DRIVB
Wall-E                                     1 1S 1S  1 1S 1S 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1        1            
                     Shorthair Count          1  1     1  1  1  1
This report was prepared by Catherine Bourreau (